Moscow rock press with the eighties trying to support the musicians not only in word but in deed. So over time, replace the illegal appartment came the big festivals, parades. Festival “Indyushata” – the oldest of the still existing enterprises of this kind. The founder of “turkeys”, writer and journalist Alexander Kushnir tells about the main findings of ten festivals.
Ivanov Down (1990)
Somewhere on the border of the eighties and nineties, in the times of magazine” Counterculture », invited me, Guryev, Trinity and Artem Lipatov to Kiev Festival “Chorna Rada”, which was listed in the headliner band Ivanov Down, for which it was either the third concert in their lives, or the second. Passing it all at the start of Downtown, and they played in front of several thousand people of Kiev – it looked all crazy cool. In Kiev I went to a legend that the group leader Alex Layout somehow came to Germany – and then it was difficult – and came to the concert Einstürzende Neubauten. Before that, he played a very different music – they are all there, oddly enough, with higher musical education. And then they have played such a noise rock – I remember it was the first Soviet artist who sang the “fish” in an incomprehensible language. I quickly realized that it is a prime candidate for the first “turkeys”. I must say that the first couple of years, the concept of “turkeys” was quite different: there was no such, as now, to the group for the first time in his life in Moscow has acted – and before that they had not seen or heard, and was rather notorious rock movement when the group jamb roamed from one festival to another. It was a top 10 – I get there my acquaintances “collegiate assessor”, “Rabbota Ho” and “Yelling Vidopliassova”, “The Committee for the heat”, “Eastern Syndrome”, “Mission: anticyclone” – in general, the color and pride Future All-Union rock festival “Turkeys”. The first festival was held under a completely different name, but he did not even remember – but the first attempt was not exactly a success, despite the fact that all went at their own expense, of any fees and the speech was not. That’s all there was then. I will not speak about a half-train, but a couple of cars on ten good people groups from Moscow went. They were able to beat even a hotel for the night. Musicians so broke that night stuck a guitar in the TV “Horizon” became something Laba – ended up in the TV somehow fell down and was Cop raid. They asked who was the chief, and I replied that I was. As otmazatsya, I do not remember.
«Kazma-Kazma” (1991)
It is important for me to vector – Kharkov “New Stage”. We have a “counterculture” because it was a conflict on the editorial board. We have always been on time as the organizing committee at a bunch of different festivals – one of them, the Kiev “Full Goodbye,” I was given a small coil, on which was written “New Stage”. There were three names. “Elsa” (not to be confused with the “Ocean Elzy”), “Alien” and “Kazma-Kazma”. I listened and … [impressed], because the first time I saw that the Russian underground may be of interest at the level of English or Mute label 4AD. And then all three of them could easily imagine it. And when somewhere in the late winter – early spring of 1991, we discussed the structure of a large three-day festival “Turkeys 91″, I said, “Guys, there … [excellent] group” – and set them. All this was taken very cold, because in the log heroes were punks, representatives of the Siberian rock with a tendency to self-destruct if not, then on reflection powerful. And I wound up from this is not a joke – because well as in once, something appeared. And I said, that will be your “Turkeys,” but will my “Indyushata.” At this point I called my friends and girlfriends in Tver, they again contacted the Young Communist League, and found that, in principle, can be repeated, just do not throw the TV out the window. And the second in a row the festival was completely in the concept of “turkeys” – no nomadic groups, all new. I invited all three of the Kharkov group in Tver, in parallel with this group were invited to Kiev and club teams Gakkelevskaya Tamtam, experiencing the most flourishing.
At the festival, by the way, from kakogo- the children’s party was the background – a beautiful castle. And against the background of these children’s decorations, “Kazma-Kazma” played, as they said, the music XVI-XVII centuries, when Europe prevailed plague, and people are still dancing. And so they played against the backdrop of the castle – I ran to svetoviku and say, “turn off the light … do monotonous dark red fill.” And just – ah-ah-ah, very cool! And God forbid it was crawling, but it was very regular crawling. All the musicians – not like now – and were eagerly listened to the others. Equally powerful were “Alien” and “Elsa” and I was not surprised when the following year specially came Germans studied this music in Kharkov and Kiev, and then released on such a typical indie label What’s So Funny About the CD “New Stage” . For that time it was something incredible – the musicians go, boasted that they drive out, and it was commonplace to hear not what.
«Monument fear”, “Yugendshtil” (1991/1992)
«Yugendshtil” 64 th minute
The trio of Peter “Monument fear” amazed spectators, sawn electric saw on stage doroguschy Gibson. If “Kazma-Kazma” deliberately administered to the past, those labeled in the future, it was a deliberately noyzovy punk from Tamtam. Well guitar – they found somewhere in DC iron barrel and began to cut it by connecting two vocal microphones. Pioneers ran away, my grandmother, who only yesterday was a children’s party, too shocked – if night was replaced by the era, it was the music putsch. As a result, the second “Indyushata” over the fact that my friends in Tver became no longer my friends. After two years of patience Tver bridges were set on fire and destroyed – and I realized that all. But, by the way, this St. Petersburg vector came from Tamtam, we still try to keep: always on the selection of applications two main questions – “What about Ukraine?” And “What’s in St. Petersburg?».
«Comrade” (1993)
And the next two years we spent in Orekhovo-partisanship ours was minimal – to play some favorite team guys who provided us with a platform, but these groups are, as a rule, were normal. And said, “Alien”, “Kazma-Kazma” and “Elza” were fragments of the “comrades.” We was friends with them, they also had a Syd Barrett, Alexander Panchenko, a geek with glasses, slightly balding, around which a group of cool. And he was going to emigrate to the United States – it was in 1993, in Ukraine, a difficult time. I thought it was the last opportunity to somehow assemble – and as a result they are not completely gold composition together, but close to the ideal.
Now with the Young Communist League was over and money gave young friends “counterculture” – I come to them and say, “Guys, here there is a festival.” They are: “What do you want? Just not the money. ” But some equivalent could agree. Well, I tell them: “That’s before there on the trains …” And they rolled out a couple of buses – from 9-10 am “Bauman” two buses with all the Moscow underground drove away. Drivers, of course, were drunks and … [slovens], so that the fuel could easily end up halfway.
I am very pleased that we managed to make a speech “comrades”. All Kharkov “New Stage” – these were the fragments of the group. And, as was typical of Moscow journalism that period – although it is still in the “Mirror” and “Ear” began – there were mythical group. One of these was invented just before “Not ssy, Vovik Sinichkin” – and yet the band played, gathered journalists from those who can. And these same “poults” first made the prototype of the legendary “Straw raccoons.”
«Chufella Marzufella” and “The Stolen Sun” (1994)
Video of the same year, only Tamtam
Then there was Saratov, which was similar in terms of money story: Local new Russian loved group” Auction “, which at that time had just recorded” Bird “, and we are familiar with journalists for the local said we brought it . Well, let them warm up a little more – of the 12 groups. Many groups then acted obvious, a lot of good – were Rigans Pasaki Onkuliem Ata, «Laos” from Perm, the people of Kiev “Thomas”. Strangely, most of the audience at the end of “Auction” is not very much and it was needed. An important role was played by St. Petersburg, even very young children “Chufella Marzufella” that went into my story as follows – they crossed the road Tequilajazzz. I understood that more than two teams from one city to carry indecent. I then met with Eugene Fedorov in the subway, he gave me his album, I listened and called back, told him that “turkeys” This is too cool, they will break without me. And he took a group of “Chufella Marzufella”, which gave the Saratov sheer The Rolling Stones.
come of age a couple of years of the “Stolen Sun” performed at the festival “fill the sky with kindness” in 1996.
A second group of Peter was performing sparkling ska “Stolen Sun”. They were 17-18 years old. By the beginning of the festival the guys were vdrabadan buhie their whole dressing room was in the vomit, and their sixteen companion wept because it was clear that these bodies can not be raised. But we had the experience of many festivals. I told them: “So, now six, you will go to 11 before the” Auction “- and leave sober. Yonder drifts – it was December – do whatever you want, but you understand me. How unreal they sobered up and been a miracle as good as their first line was “We are the kings of ska».
White Roses (2006)
Until 2006, there was a long pause. Began to appear clubs and club culture – and what’s been underground? Heroes became less and less, the opposition and the music – all poorer. In 1994 he published a book “Golden Underground”, which detractors called “tombstone Russian samizdat.” Then, every time it was like a holiday – that’s going to 10-12 groups … [great]. And then this … [excellent] had disappeared. Why are all back in 2006? Apparently, it’s time to go back to the underground – clearly remember how many tapes and CD-R on the table piled up over the years. And found Club FM, which were familiar to the owners, Robert appeared sound, since our permanent zvukorezh. Slightly trembling at the knees to revive it, because we have become more mature, children’s excitement was out, it became clear that it is necessary for some rules to act. When the city in one hall sings Zemfira, in another “Mummy Troll”, the third “B-2″, in the fourth game of “Civil Defense” and then some childlike garden – and it is unclear whether or not it is needed at all. Pretty nervous. I, on the recommendation Tropillo included in the list of such a project-by-night – White Roses. All this was in the heyday of The White Stripes, and they also had a band, made according to the “drum and guitar.” They had a gunman three chords with the refrain “It pipets, pipets full.” I said, “Well, what do you ssysh, sing … [end].” It turned out that “Indyushata” resuscitate here for a song. Recently revised video creeps.
«Kurara” (2008)
“Kurara” appears in 2008 in Ekaterinburg
I met at that time with a young lady from Ekaterinburg, radio stars, and, of course, it drove me to Moscow on Ural get-togethers. And they are all as agreed, listened to “curare”. While I was blowing parallel to the ears of Sasha Gagarin “Samsara” about them. Some other girls began to talk about an intellectual Kolyada Theater, where the singer is involved, that of the theater – I do not know, but phonetically like the combination. We invited them to the end, they were already wonder how good, how Oleg Yagodyn showman – I have never seen: the glory of God that is somehow to record movie.
At the festival, we had some incredibly professional light, and all because of the fact that some Superbrand the day before filming a promotional video – and pulled out onto the stage, “Spawn” sea of light, which in the morning to pick up It was broke. Of course, nobody could then suspect that in the end “Kurara” a few years later will warm up Triki. All the same, yes, there is a real pride when you look at the group and said: “I brought them first to Moscow.” Conclusion: The more common with girls from Ekaterinburg.
«Lemondey” (2009)
In 2008, we had a war with the powerful “Bill” and Time Out, anyone can read about it in the appropriate post Shurika Gorbachev. But the next year, all very peacefully resolved, when I think of the next move: Journalists get in a couple of weeks before the festival record with songs of all teams from the upcoming festival, selected groups that they really like, and then go to declare it. Actually, “Lemondey” Denis Boyarinov announced – it was the first Internet sensation in history “turkeys”, they appeared at the last moment because their home-made videos began to gain views. We then “poults” has done in the “B2″ festival in memory of Ilya Kormil’tsev, very tragic concert was. I Saprykin said, “Something our thick rockers do not want to play, but I Kormiltsev 12 spoke – he would” Lemondey “like?” And Yura says, they say, without any market, it is precisely there – and they really subscribe . So with “Lemondey” were not disposable kisses, then it all went. I was amazed at their intransigence, which to this day can be traced. After moving to St. Petersburg from Krasnoyarsk they changed a huge amount of communal – at the time of “turkeys” they lived in an apartment with a goat, and in the truest sense. And the second thing that impressed me – then they went to a concert in the “Children’s World” and a half thousand rubles bought keys. Well, the song “New Wave, by … [the person] on,” they at first very stremayutsya sing, and then the chorus charged.
Kira Lao, «Both the two” Zhenya Lubich (2010 )
The most successful “Indyushata” in history. It was impossible to cool the crop groups, in addition to these three pillars was still burlakovsky project “Pilar”, which later evolved into “Okudzhav” (they won the award for best song of the festival), there was a group that friends of Time Out almost the last night asked supply, called “Bonch Bruevich” I put them in a 7 pm at the half-empty room – and it was the only group that has performed twice, because it was very cool.
«Both the two” through a few days after his speech at the “turkeys” in his native Yekaterinburg
«Both two “played a very powerful set. For a long time coming hung in question, because there were no sponsors, groups come by yourself. They themselves refused to go. I did not agree, knowing that a group of cool, but it was impossible, so that all of their money and pay it. In general, as something beautiful happened that I have included in Burlakov negotiators – and the first and last time in all the festivals compromise was reached when they are paid half-way, half-way – we. They played very cool, almost too late in the heat of a plane – it is not surprising that after six months they have already collected thousanders were heroes all media.
About Kira Lao, I can only say that it was pure shamanism – and the Grand Prix.
Now Kira Lao sounds absolutely anyway – but that’s how it was five years ago
And Zhenya Lubich us Bortnyuk introduced We became friends, and once Jack asks: “What day of the two to” turkeys “play?” I said to her: “Jack, you’re a beautiful girl, … [what] you to” Indyushata “what you talking about? “She was very offended at that time. Well, because in fact it is in the Nouvelle Vague sang and showed a video with a notebook as she Parisian “Olympia” sings – in the “turkeys” these people have not yet acted. But then somehow it became clear that its musicians can not physically get to Moscow: someone lost passport, someone smashed something, someone stole a guitar, in general, as is usually the case in St. Petersburg. But I do not care for it and came up with a cunning seized combination, ask a friend for a week vocalist group that they Lubich practiced. She liked some adult tutor, and they invited her to play in Israel for a couple of parties. And it happened to be that in the same dates in the city was Igor Shulinsky, editor in chief of Time Out. And I know that he loves Nouvelle Vague.

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