Monday, March 14, 2016

Channel 9 TV – 10 reasons to turn on the TV – – 9 channel Israel

Photo: press service

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Cinema is moving forward by leaps and bounds, but still the most favorite genre is comedy. Reasons for the audience Yes worth seeing on the channel TV1000 Russian cinema premiere of the film directed by Arman Gevorgyan “Horoscope for good luck” can be counted on the fingers of one hand. One hand is not enough, have to use the second. Ready? Go…

1. Horoscopes can not believe it, but resist the temptation to find out what stars promise today or next week, give up a few.

2. Each case is entangled in the life and hope for a miracle, which can help out. And if it will have to consult an astrologer, then why not.

3. Let not to everyone, but to some of us happened to wake up in the morning in a strange apartment, painfully remembering how I got here!

4. It is always interesting to discover a new actor – get acquainted, starring Dmitri Endaltsev. Man with a twist and sea charm.

5. Not just once in a movie there are beauties Anna and Svetlana Chipovskaya Hodchenkova. The heroine Chipovskaya immaculate, charming, lucky. Hodchenkova played its antithesis, capricious glamorous girl, the daughter of the famous sculptor.

6. Chief macho Russian Dmitry Nagiyev screens appeared in the unexpected form of a dwarf-astrologer. If his name is stated in the credits – is sure to be funny.

7. Saint Petersburg – one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Masterfully shot cityscapes “Horoscope for good luck” to confirm this truth. Exquisite interiors, stylish dresses, shoes from the latest collections. Continue?

8. The eccentric comedy is a rare genre, his fans certainly will be satisfied.

9. And if the film has a touch of mysticism – is an added bonus and experiences!

10. “Horoscope for good luck” – a cheerful, modern cinema, which leaves a joyful aftertaste.

Premiere of “Horoscope for good luck” on the channel TV1000 Russian cinema, see March 15, at 19:20.

Additional information about these and other films on the website Yes in Russian.


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