Thursday, June 2, 2016

In honor of Children’s Day Annunciation police gave television orphanage – IA

Annunciation police collected money and bought a TV for the orphanage. In honor of Children’s Day the guards decided to make a gift to the Annunciation orphanage. For several years, the municipal police department patron of this institution. Gift awarded June 2 and had a mini-concert.

TV bought with the money collected in the municipal department. At the general meeting the team announced: but who can. As a result, the personnel of the police to collect the necessary sum.

«To the extent possible, we will, of course, more likely to try to devote time to the organization. You understand that children are more in need of our help. And I think each of our presence here brings only positive emotions for a long time they will remember, “- said the head of the Juvenile Defense Department on affairs of the Russian Interior Ministry” Annunciation “Sergey Vasin

The Annunciation children’s home, which is located in the Garden. – sponsored organizations of city police. So that employees are frequent visitors, and the people in the form of children are not afraid

«Because the employees in the form of -. It is not necessarily a punishment. Because the employees in the form – is, first of all, friends. We are not only engaged in the prevention, we are friends with them. We spend a lot of activities not only preventive but also creative “, – noted expert on ORLS MO MOI of Russia” Annunciation “Elena Solovieva

Police officers arrange children’s concerts, organize sports competitions and more, say staff of the orphanage. , law enforcement officers to help them in difficult times.

«I think it’s very good. Most of the children we have boys, as a team – women. Therefore, the presence of men, especially the presence of men in uniform, it disciplines the children. It allows children to strive to be the same as these courageous people. I think it’s very useful “- shared the deputy on educational and rehabilitation work of the Annunciation orphanage Olga Sorokina

Now the orphanage is 45 children.. Police say none of the students registered in the PDN is not necessary.


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