anniversary: ??60 years turned color television. December 18, 1953 in the U.S. began regular broadcasting on the basis of the American system of NTSC. It was a world revolution in the fullest sense of the word. And, as it happens with revolutions in general, in relation to this system, the international community was split almost evenly. U.S., Canada, Mexico, Japan and Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines and part of South America took NTSC standard as a public broadcasting. Europe, the Soviet Union and many other countries of the Eastern Hemisphere decided to go towards the development of alternative systems of the PAL and SECAM. The reason is quite prosaic: NTSC, for all its positive qualities, was very expensive. Horrendously expensive. Expensive even for state budgets …
1. Electric Cinema. The term “television” invented and first used in his report “Television as electric cinema” at the International Congress in Paris electricians captain Konstantin Dmitrievich Russian army Persky. That was in 1900. Seven years later, the teacher of the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology Boris L. Rosing (pictured right) patented the idea of ??using a cathode ray tube as a CRT, and in 1911 first demonstrated on his screen moving image. His book, “Electric telescopy (remote viewing). Immediate tasks and achievements “was published in St. Petersburg in 1923.
2. The basic idea. The fundamental principle of television – the image on the expansion elements for serial transmission or display them – invented in 1880 by Russian physicist P. Bakhmet’ev (pictured left). Four years later the German Paul Nipkow patented mechanical device – a rotating disk with holes arranged in a spiral that allows you to scan images obtained lens. Ironically, with the principle of mechanical image scanning was used to transfer panoramic pictures of the lunar surface with the lander “Luna-9».
The first global standard for television – 30 lines, 12.5 fps … started regular broadcasting in the U.S., UK, Germany and Russia – 1928-31 years. Until April 1940, Moscow led telecasts for receivers with a Nipkow disk image (pictured below). Incidentally, mechanical separations principle was the basis for experienced and first color television broadcasts. In 1953 in Moscow earned Experimental Station of color TV standard 525 lines and 50 frames per second. Transmitting chamber contained a rotating disc with three color filters. Same wheels were in TV: it was a “Rainbow” Leningrad plant them. Kozitskogo round screen with a diameter of 18 cm
3. Basic principles. NTSC system was not born in a vacuum. Before the war, both in the U.S. and Europe are actively deployed research aimed at the selection of optimal parameters of scanning rate and the principles of color coding. First telecentres Paris and Berlin broadcast image scan line 441, the Americans experimented with “picture” in 525 lines. During the war, work on improving the television stayed almost everywhere except in America. In the United States, in 1941 established the National Television System Committee (National Television Standards Committee); abbreviated version and gave the name of the system NTSC. In 1943, the Committee recommended to the U.S. Congress to adopt the standard interlaced with 525 lines at 30 frames per second.
interesting that after the war the U.S. “Listening to the radio” had lobbied for the establishment of the Second National Committee (NTSC-2), whose task was to develop a national system of color television. The reason is simple: left without military orders huge production capacity electronic companies in desperate need of downloading, which could only provide the consumer market. A market needed a mass product. TV has become such a commodity: the period from 1947 to 1953rd number of black-and-white TV in the population increased from 180 thousand to 28 million (!), The market was almost saturated, in hopes of the recovery in demand now associated with a color TV and color TVs.
Incidentally, after the war, when France enacted a national standard, providing 819 lines expansion, but because of the high cost of hardware implementation (especially in television) he did not get spread.
4. TV or computer? The introduction of the NTSC system required a serious complication of both transmitting and receiving equipment. In fact, required to enter the TV units performing a variety of computing functions and signal processing functions. In this system, to maintain compatibility with the existing standard black-and-white television signals are transmitted not clean brightness of colors, but only one luminance signal in black and white and so-called color difference signals – the result of subtracting from it the brightness of red and blue. Information about the missing green color brightness is calculated at the receiver by subtracting the amounts of luminance color difference signals. Sami color difference signals are shifted in phase by 90 ?; thus changing phase encode numbers, and the module signal – its brightness.
Developers NTSC standard introduced in many additional features extraction and decoding clock, time-frequency filtering and suppression subcarrier frequencies (the frequency at which signals are transmitted chrominance). It is realized from the conversion chrominance signal coordinate system in which they are transmitted over the radio path in the coordinate system of the receiver (which are rotated relative to each other at 33 ?). In the NTSC standard was originally introduced by amplitude compression operation to improve compatibility with black-and-white TV (excluding spurious colorizing black and white).
5. Issue price. According to published data, the committee NTSC research and testing of existing television systems, as well as to develop a new standard has spent about a thousand man-years and tens of millions of dollars. Unprecedentedly complex receiver TV cost about $ 1000, which in those years was equal to half of the price of an average passenger car. Moreover, maintenance, repairs and frequent need for continuous adjustment blocks “delayed” in the year about the same. TV contains more than a hundred knobs, understand the purpose of which is usually the owner of the unit was not under force, but service companies and repair services have become in demand as never before.
NTSC-TV has become very expensive, not only for ordinary Americans (color TV developed much more slowly in black and white for this reason). Many countries was “not afford” this system. One of the officials from the Canadian television, which in 1964 almost forced to adopt this system, once put it: “We were not lucky with the neighbors!” But Japan entered the pool NTSC quite distinctive: its radio production company managed to establish a relatively inexpensive TV for the U.S. market and enthusiastically promoted the new standard.
6. Competitors. In the Old World bloodless war expensive system NTSC, as they say, do not go … In the course of development of cheaper solutions in 1956 was born the French SECAM, and in another 10 years – PAL, became widespread in Europe. There were other options, but at the finish line were only these two systems of color television. You should know, however, that PAL, developed by Telefunken, was essentially a modified and improved version of NTSC, and she Telefunken – a subsidiary of the group Thomson, which subsequently merged company and RCA – the main developer and lobbyist NTSC. PAL meets the interests of American business, since it is subject to the action of all the key U.S. patents for NTSC.
SECAM system developed by Henri de France, after whom it is named and some time. For its promotion undertaken personally by French President de Gaulle under the flag of a response to the American challenge. Even developed a special program of “peaceful conquest of Europe”, which includes, among other things, the creation of patent pure color picture tube to avoid paying royalties for the use of Americans overseas CRT shadow mask. The choice of television has become a geopolitical problem, to participate in the decision which brought diplomatic resources in all European countries, including the socialist camp, to disseminate ideas SECAM on African and Middle East. De Gaulle personally came to the USSR with the aim of agreeing on support and joining the system SECAM. Final agreement with France on cooperation in the field of television was signed in 1965.
7. Kinescope. By the way, the “tube”. In color television, as well as in normal, black and white, in fact the “tube” located in two places: one (CRT) – the TV, and a few (three or four) – in the transmission chamber. To replace the old types of transmitting tubes – “superorthicon” and “vidicon” – came incredibly effective tube “plyumbikon” (yes, the word “Plumbum” lead, which is made of an oxide photosensitive target this), developed by Philips. Dutch managed to make such a powerful technological breakthrough in photoelectron technology that as much as 20 years, “Phillips” was a monopoly in the world market of transmitting tubes for color television.
Dutch Structurally tube is not very different from vidicons, but the newly developed technology photosensitive target provides essentially the best color quality significantly on b lshuyu sensitivity and reliability. More – more. Enterprising Dutch released their plyumbikon flask of such diameter and size, which precluded the possibility of a simple upgrade replacement of old cameras vidicons on a new device. The very same technology is based on a target of lead oxide is so strictly guarded that numerous attempts to solve it or find out failed.
It was incredible! American firms, unable to withstand competition from Philips, completely ceased the production of transmitting tubes. England and Japan for the big money and make a deal with the company acquired the technology, but without the right to export the finished product. Even ready to sell Philips tube is not all. The Soviet Union, for example, she always refuses. Tube, in addition to all, were expensive ($ 5-10 thousand per set of three or four tubes – one for luminance and color channels), and the lifetime was only 1.5-2 months of work.
Under these conditions, the USSR had decided to deploy in the field of electric-machinery unprecedented scale and volume of financing research and development activities aimed at creating its own technology plyumbikona. Appointed curator works USSR Radio and Television, and from external organizations attracted several of the Research Institute of Leningrad and production plant in Nalchik. The objective was achieved. Domestic analogue plyumbikona gletikon was called (from the German word “glette”: so called technical lead oxide).
See also
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