Sunday, December 29, 2013

Established a new Industrial television award - Independent Newspaper

Newspaper Television Print Version

30.12.2013 00:01:00


On the death of premium professional and new turn

Tags: TV, Taffy, premium

Uchrezhdena Industrial new TV premiya signing a Memorandum of television leaders. Photo ITAR-TASS

Earlier this year RTR announced its withdrawal from the Television Academy Taffy, followed by the first channel and said that he refused to present their work at the annual national competition Taffy 2013 (statements of Channel One: “With regret that 18-year history of the award Taffy in the form in which it existed, is over “). However, the president of the Academy of Russian Television Mikhail Shvydkoi said that ART will continue to pursue a national competition Taffy. “The final decision on the timing of national Taffy we take 20-21 March”, – he told reporters. And Shvydkoj then said: “If someone wants to establish a new competition may establish. Just TV – not pictures, can not have no “Golden Eagle” or “Nicky” … can eventually organize RTR Prize Award, First Channel television district near Moscow. ”

Suddenly the whole community television on November 15 was signed and announced a memorandum in which it was said that the Russian Television Academy, unable to overcome their differences, has decided not to hold a ceremony this year Taffy (and when to spend, when to end of the year – and a half months!). And due to the inability to resolve the differences that existed in the previous, a new prize. (And it creates those these differences, in fact, and introduces). Guide leading television holdings in Russia, together representing 13 major television channels (Channel “Russia 1″, “Russia 2″, “Russia 24″, “Carousel”, “Culture”, “NTV”, “TNT”, “STS” , “Home”, “pepper”, “REN-TV,” “Channel Five – Petersburg”), and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAT) decided to establish a new non-profit partnership “Committee industrial television awards».

main objective of the partnership will conduct business and television awards to encourage the brightest and most talented members of the television industry (just as in Taffy). The partnership will determine the list of nominations and the amount of cash prizes awarded to the winners (and Taffy dispensed only fame and professional recognition). The name and design of the new Industrial Television Award will be determined through an open competition announced partnership. Post of Director General of the Committee of industrial television awards offered producer Paul Korchagin, who works in television for more than thirty years, served as general producer RTR, Deputy Director General of SPC, CEO of TNT, and is currently the CEO of the production company “Studio 2B.” Ceremony industrial television awards in the categories of “Night Live” and “Evening prime” will be held annually for the period from May 1 last year on May 1 this year. In 2014, the award ceremony will be held June 27 and 28.

Taffy was created as a creative award, which is not assessed by the rating of the product, and its quality and professionalism. There is concern that the industrial award cornerstone supply rating.

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