The Artist and the doctor told Andrew Bilzho psychiatry propaganda and gave valuable advice on how to survive in today’s Russia.
Andrew Bilzho – artist, writer, restaurateur, designer, collector, a psychiatrist. He Venice apartment and studio on the roof of an old house in Moscow, to which five floors and three flights of “blue stairs.” Climbing up on it, we talked to a well-deserved mozgovedom on TV propaganda, conscience, Petrovich, as well as the present and the future, how about it at all possible to speak.
«I can draw the whole world »
– How is Petrovich?
– Normal fares. Of course, responds to all events. But we zakavychivaem when talking about Petrovich? I’ve been drawing caricatures, this is not always Petrovich – he’s just one of many characters. Not only change the style of the drawing, in which the artist know. In this manerekonech I can draw and redraw the whole world classic paintings.
If you only talk about Petrovich, here came my book – “Rules of the road of the Russian Federation”: there 100 images, including about Petrovich . In today’s media it places virtually none. But there is an Internet and books, a lot of work. Not everything in life cartoonist rests on the daily publication of the newspaper.
Andrew Bilzho: I’ve draw cartoons, this is not always Petrovich – he’s just one of the many characters Photo: Andrew Bilzho LiveJournal
– The lawyer Reznik, commenting on the story of the magazine Charlie Hebdo, and the reaction of deputies to the call Khodorkovsky publish the cartoons, said that if we live not in an insane asylum, then at least in the waiting room. You, the doctor, as you see?
– Well, all compared to the psychiatric hospital already interested. I did it back in 1997 in the “Total».
– But the psychic background, in which we now live, probably, can not bother you as an expert?
– You are right aktsentiruete. Background alarming. For people who live in it, who are watching TV, it is dangerous. But the ones that create the background, perfectly healthy. They have a strong mentality. However, there is a shortage of mental health problems – I mean emotions. Otherwise, so will not lie, the conscience will hurt, stop to sleep at night.
– Conscience in medical terms – is that?
– Sensitivity. They reflect a person, he brings on himself, can not perform certain actions, because they do not know what to tell my mom then, his wife, son and grandson. What others think about it? Come to his funeral 4 people or 400? Utters whether someone tear? Conscience – is when you evaluate himself.
– That is a mentality at our television personalities are all well, and with a conscience not?
– Absolutely . I have long worked on television, many know personally, and many had a better opinion. If one still has certain elements of conscience, becomes hysterical, hysteria and fills them with alcohol, other … let’s say, to solve their problems. I will not name names, of course.
Andrew Bilzho wife Svetlana – dermatologist Photo: Andrew Strunin
– And what happens with the audience? It is quite normal people sit to the TV, and then broadcast around him frank delirium. I remember the heroes of the Assumption – they apparently were not right, suggesting that occurs only with the flu, and go crazy alone.
– There is such a thing as induced delirium. This is when there is a mentally healthy people and unhealthy one, which, however, they are loved and respected – a relative or colleague. He haunted by Martians, he says this, and believe him, because he is known for a long time and he had never cheated. In this sense, television is the authority for people who are unable to analyze. Not all have this ability, this is normal. It always has been, and in the Soviet Union, too: if it is written in the newspaper – so the way it is.
My wife, when iron clothes, watching “Fashion sentence” that leads Alexander Vasiliev. And even this harmless and completely apolitical program interrupt the announcement of the news, where chilling voice with terrible intonation tells about something terrible. Barely have time to switch.
– The power of propaganda is not exaggerated?
– Unfortunately, no. Our presenters are mostly smart, educated people. Some of them intuitively own psychotherapeutic techniques. It tells you the person who denied it back in the 90s. Now I believe in it.
On what is, for example, hypnosis? You say simple phrases, but times are changing intonation that you were able to prosonochnom. First you go to sleep, “Your eyelids are getting heavy, your arms are heavy … Your hands become very hard.” You pull out of a dream – you will not sleep, but have not yet woken up. This is prosonochnoe state it in person, you can lay a variety of thoughts.
Another thing is that there are people hypnotizability, and there negipnabelnye. When I received a second degree, Professor Roznov (Vladimir Roznov – known psychotherapist, author of the concept of psychological defense. – Ed.) Showed us the imperative hypnosis. He flew to the House, where beds were female and shouting each: “Sleep! Sleep! Sleep! “And they fell. Only one response said: “Professor, why do you yell at me?»
– And how many people who can not be hypnotized?
– Not really know, but about 20-30 percent. Then here’s the thing: some programs, performances of specific politicians watching people already prepared. So it was with Stalin and Hitler, and “The Beatles” – all had their own audience, ready for what will hear.
Andrew Bilzho: Not all questions have answers psychiatrists. Do not know what happened to the people Photo: Andrew Strunin
Remember Kashpirovsky – with him the same story, it originally were people hypnotizability. Prepared the public can say: “Hands up!” – And it will raise, or “Go and fight!” – She turns and goes. This is still Jung wrote. It’s a shame this: it seemed to me that all that remained in the history and literature. It turned out, not at all.
«Not everything can be explained in terms of psychiatry»
– start of the famous events in Ukraine, and the people as a substitute, and on both sides. That’s kind of been sober, it is the ability to analyze a person, and suddenly – full inadequate. Many are faced with this in recent months. What’s this? Probably the expertise needed to understand this phenomenon?
– Many years ago I was a difficult patient. About him going to the consultation, which came academician Ruben Nadzharov, wise man and a leading psychiatrist country. Everyone was waiting for his verdict because it was not clear what we have to do – beat his wife infinitely patient, always somewhere to get … Ruben A. all listened and then said, “Not everything can be explained in terms of psychiatry. Sometimes there are just scum. ” At this consultation has been completed.
This is me now to the fact that not all questions have answers psychiatrists. I do not know what happened to the people. I banned a few people on Facebook – the most active, which very much talking slogans.
But in general, in my circle of friends, thank God, everything is fine. I have only analogy of the Stalinist period. Two of my grandfather were shot. Pope Pope was a Russian nobleman, the author of the textbook “Printing Machines”, worked on Goznak and then another 7 years spent in the Norilsk camp. Dad mom, my Jewish grandfather, was shot in the Lubyanka. His wife, my grandmother came to Akmola camp of wives of traitors – ALGERIA.
So, my mother, who lost her father and mother that are in exile, being six months pregnant by me, in March 1953 tearfully gathered to go bury Joseph Stalin. I could not be born at all. Mom then locked the house. Many years later, I asked her, “How could you do? What happened to you? “And my mother said,” I was a fool ».
I hope part of living now say about yourself in the future is the same. Maybe I’ll tell you.
Andrew Bilzho: I once repented for the restaurant” Petrovich “, which is made with nostalgia Photo: Andrew Strunin
– But today the fate of collapse and break up families …
– Yes. Just last week I was on the “Echo of Moscow”. After the program to me in the street a woman came up and told me simple but terrible in its essence the story. She has a son 26 years old. He is a physicist working in some academic institutions. Not on the basis of fruits and vegetables, specifically emphasize this. Last name him … Let’s just say, a Ukrainian ending. So, the boy zagnobili at work.
– not for the same name?
– for the position. He went to demonstrations against the war, found out about it, called – and away we go. Now a senior fellow openly said to him, yes you have long had to send to Ukraine. Man became an outcast, he does not want to go to work, do not want to live. A mother, for which he – everything, does not know what to do.
And here is another story, a long time: a guy wrote me in facebook that he was losing his mother. Mom in Moscow with his sister, and he in Kiev. Even when it started Maidan, he wrote her a letter and told me that was really going on. And with each of its response knew she leaves him farther and farther away. It’s scary.
– What happened then?
– I gave him some advice, saying that we should come back more often, it is necessary to write all the time – in general, conducted in absentia psychotherapy. But once he stopped writing. Alexander Zhurbin, who generally lives in two countries – Russia and the United States – said that people in his entourage also relate differently to the same events. So, it is not to lose his dear human contact, stretching back into the past, just to avoid dangerous topics. Because people are more important.
– Is it possible to do that after all that has happened people just said to each other well, were fools? The road back there or already there?
– I think that sooner or later it will happen. It would be better sooner. But at the state level is a very deep wound. In Ukraine, even those who in one way or another doubt and hesitate at throwing intellectuals, today do not have any hesitation. If it is a resident of Ukraine, today he remains a citizen of Ukraine.
«I can understand t-shirt with Che Guevara. He was handsome »
– A year ago you took a marvelous story. For a position on the “case Kosenko” You summoned to a meeting of the commission on psychiatric ethics. Than it was over?
– The fact that four months Kosenko released. And for me than it might end? I’m not a psychiatrist. Deprive me of my diploma? I retired. Select a degree? Certificate PhD in law can not cancel.
Andrew Bilzho: I’m not going to go anywhere Photo: Andrew Strunin
I could send all and nowhere to go, but I was wondering. The meeting was held in the office of the chief doctor of the hospital named after Alekseev (formerly Kashchenko). Read out what I’m guilty. Gave me a call and do not believe the views of scientists dispersed. Some managed to convince that the indications for inpatient involuntary treatment was not that there is a compulsory outpatient, the terms of which Mikhail Kosenko strictly complied with.
Then I was asked to wait outside the door, but I quit drinking brandy other. Colleagues, consultation, wrote two conclusions. In one, the official, I was scolded type – not all signed it. The second was the dissenting opinion unsigned: Kosenko not require hospitalization and doctor Bilzho in many respects. For what it thank you very much.
– Do not you hurt it? You do so many years promoted psychiatry with a human face.
– Of course, it is insulting. I told them and said, Give me a second person who on the radio, on TV, in the notes funny, fun, and a human being talked about psychiatry. There is no second. And now you’re calling me on the carpet! I was scared it’s not – I do not work in any establishments where I could dismiss or deny the award.
But then I wrote a lot of acting psychiatrists – please understand that they can not speak openly, they a family to feed. People hold on to their place, it is natural and understandable, and I do not blame them.
– Listen, how do you explain the fact that we came back so quickly – at first it seemed that only 90 e, but in reality, it seems, even further, to the Soviet past. From somewhere came from signatories, study, party committees, the local committee and the like. Particularly strange that all this involved 30-year-old, plainly Union and never made it.
– Well, the signatories are different – one way or the other. I, too, on some occasions signatory. I once repented of a restaurant “Petrovich”, which is made with a hint of nostalgia. But there is no ideology, no way, it is only about things, warmth, childhood, adolescence.
As for the young, then I’ll wonder where that comes from. Genetic memory, or what? One can understand the 18-year-old girl who wears a T-shirt, for example, with Che Guevara. He was good-looking, and the rest is forgotten. Fidel Castro in his youth was also a sex symbol of American women. But when Lenin, Stalin …
«Doubt – useful»
– You recently facebook unexpectedly and rather abruptly spoke about emigration. Send to Venice?
– I was sent in 1997 do not like it – go away to Israel.
– Why Israel?
– Well, as long as I’m half Jewish, apparently, my place in Israel. Who is interested in what I’m doing here, and why not in Venice. It is necessary, they say, go, you also have the opportunity. So I responded immediately to all that’m not going anywhere.
Andrew Bilzho: Doubt – useful. If you doubt yourself, if you treat yourself with irony – it’s good Photo: Andrew Strunin
– By the way, is it true that you are the first Russian who has bought an apartment in Venice?
– The truth.
– How do you know?
– I about it in the local fiscal authorities said. There, by the way, were not eager to sell me a house – not denied, but in every way this question is delayed. In Venice, a very small population, it is a closed society. Things have gone faster, but when a friend professor wrote the recommendation, saying that an artist, a respected man.
– In general, to drop everything and escape from the circumstances – to go into the village to grow geese and cabbage, to write about nature – is a good option, or by itself does not go?
– This is quite a choice. So did many, including great. But then again psychiatry. Everyone has their own type of response to conflict situations. A cry in response to the insult, the other will give in the face, and the third shot the fourth run for help, the fifth turn away to the wall and pretend that nothing happened. A sixth will begin to talk with the offender, find out the cause and will be ready to make sure that he is actually human.
– The sixth, apparently, a psychiatrist? You do as I have done?
– I am a person with active position. To go and hide sometimes I really want to, but this state lasts for a short time – a maximum of day. Most likely I just sixth – begin to talk, and if dialogue does not work, waving your arms and step aside.
– What advise others, Dr. Bilzho?
– Do not get hung up on the policy – it is now and I say to myself. Life does not consist only of political events, although they are a vile way into it and climb. Less watching TV, think more, compare, try on.
Remember as a child said: “And if it was you, Andryushenka?” And question what you offer as truth. Look for it yourself. Doubt – it is useful. If you doubt yourself, if you treat yourself with irony – it’s good. Cheers!
/ Key dates from the biography Bilzho
1953 – born in Moscow
1976 – graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute. Pirogov
1996 – came to work on the TV
1997 – together with partners opened a restaurant, “Petrovich»
2013 – became an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts


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