Friday, June 6, 2014

Distorting TV: who benefits from bending TV? – Computerra-line


TV market today is not just reminiscent of the battlefield, and the battlefield lost (mobile devices, who else!) On which the losing side – still not forgetting past successes do not abandon hope – continues to place a truly inhuman experiments. About “home 3D» seemingly no longer speak, but in turn the new “super technology” from which the buyer will still be a headache. Subject cheap 4K recently been raised, it is time to talk about the distorting screen.

If other innovations have to advertise, because they are hidden inside and without further explanation invisible, the curved screen does not need to be explained. And so you see it as soon as look at the slender scrolls series TV: curves screens tempting sticking out of a total failure! The invention is very young, last year it was just a concept, and why afford such pleasure can not do everything – as vendors and buyers. But to choose from what is already there: Samsung, LG, Sony, some Chinese manufacturers offer or said a lot of “bent” models with diagonals of fifty inches.

They look – with ultra-modern minimalist design, the latest matrices, 4K- Released – of course, awesome. Prices are also impressive – starting around 4 kilodollarov. Vendors, however, and does not hide the fact that the curve has a screen and some time will be a premium product and niche.

 Curved TV

But why all it took to bend the TV screen? Formally – to enhance the pleasure of watching TV (“curve – a new way to enjoy TV” – says advertising). However, the pleasure – ephemeral thing, and manufacturers are trying to bring under the idea kurvatury scientific basis. Some argue that because the human eye is round, curved screen and reduces the distance between the eye and the angles, the viewer gets a natural angle. Others – that creates an immersive concavity, similar to what you experience in the theater. Others – that enhanced sense of depth (in fact, some of the television images are physically closer) creates the illusion of three-dimensionality, but also eliminates the distortions introduced by the large flat screen (on the TV, all the pixels distorting ostensibly seem the same size). Fourth – that to obtain high-quality images no longer need to sit exactly in the center: the arc, they say, expands the zone in which viewing comfort. Fifth – what color LCD screen on bended distorted less, because the line of sight is now almost always perpendicular to the TV.

If any of the above seemed strange to you … you are not alone. But – do not judge strictly, I just literally (almost) quoted the arguments used by representatives of companies – manufacturers of TV with a curved screen. And that’s not all the arguments in favor of curved TV.

Steeper scientists were all neyroestety, as if by accident podgadali with the results of several studies on how the human brain perceives smooth curves. So: if you believe them, observing the waveform excites our brains department, responsible for the pleasure – and this effect is clearly observed using magnetic resonance imaging, extends literally everything, from small gizmos to interiors and landscapes. It spreads and electronics. Of rectangular boxes, tuning a serious mood (according to the same researchers, angles activate department responsible for detection of threats), we turn to the industrial image first and most beautiful we’ve seen from the curves. Yes, the female breast: I do not whether it reminds us that the curve bends TV screens, bent smartphones, not hence the hype?

 Curved TV

And when consumerist frenzy start splashing over the edge (in fact, it seems, you just pick up and Apple confirm this infection!), born resistance. To find those who are subjected to the idea of ​​the TV curve doubt – and quickly came to the conclusion that the curvature of the screen does not give any actual benefits. This is just a ploy to get the layman to fork out for the product from which he had long tired.

Among the skeptics as mere consumers, who are already taste the delights Curve TV and experts who understand the technique much more than the average viewer. And they all agree on one thing: the arguments in favor of the curved screen if not pseudoscientific, then sucked from the finger.

A start to offer proper curvature – which is so low (by the way, called the exact angle manufacturers avoid: a military secret !) that the person is not warned about it and seated in front of such a screen, it may not be noticed! But he certainly feels that the picture on the screen is difficult to concave distorted (especially evident in the horizontal lines like lines of text or layout of the stadium). Seated in front of a TV so few people you put at a disadvantage anyone who (a few simplifying) would not exactly in the center of the screen contrast and color for some parts of the picture (from the edge, which is closer) necessarily suffer.

Curved TV

say (and, unfortunately, confirm or deny this can only vendors themselves, and they are silent again) even manufacture curved matrices requires a special approach to the implementation of the broad fields around the pixels to avoid seepage color when viewed at an angle. This dampens the brightness of the picture, and requires a strong backlight. OLED-matrix in this case is better LCD (and color correct, and contrast, and they are able to bend under the impression about lshim angle), but they will long much more expensive – so that the lion’s share of buyers who decided to buy TV with a curved screen in the next five years, it will buy LCD-model where noticeable distortion, they say, to the naked eye. But every cloud has a silver lining: the faster the public, not wanting to include the brain during shopping, understand that it cheated, the faster will lose interest.

Togo fact that everyman hooked on “kurvaturnuyu needle” and the following three to five years will annually buy from hundreds of thousands to millions of televisions, skeptics do not dispute. The statistics speak for themselves: four out of five Americans surveyed, for example, peering into the next TV, opt for a model with a curved screen. Yad launched, the slope factor is undeniable, lineups are planning to expand and lower prices. Furthermore, even the most stubborn of skeptics agree that the bent screen really weakens the problem of glare. But that all ends and no one believes that the TV will select the curve out of its niche and become the standard. More likely is that the screens on the shelves as quickly straighten as acquired curvature. Achiever! ;-)

See also

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