Activists Petersburg movement “Liberal Union” formed inside the “Solidarity” movement, issued a statement calling on the people to resist the militaristic hysteria. The reason for the statement released on the Internet, has become a quote from a speech in the State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky, has recently appeared in several media.
“Speaking on Russian television, Zhirinovsky said that decision on a third world war can only accept Russian President Vladimir Putin. And it has already been taken. following day the group of Communist deputies demanded urgently check the status of shelters in the country. Russian humanitarian aid has not yet crossed the Ukrainian border, and we have already begun to report acts of sabotage and attacks on him in the territory of Ukraine. These and similar reports many hours fall on the minds of citizens of our country. Even if we assume that the militaristic rhetoric intended to intimidate Western opponents, its true victim is the population of Russia “.
The statement authors also refer to the opinion of psychologists:
“The Russian population is in a state of prolonged stress caused by information-psychological violence, carried out under the guise of information. As a result, people find themselves in a state of impaired emotional balance: they are afraid to go on vacation, afraid of contact with foreigners are afraid of any change “.
Activist” Liberal Union “ Andrew Dergunov sure that the atmosphere of a besieged fortress blown especially for the fact that people hide from the real economic problems, which in Russia is multiplied, and raise a new wave of “patriotism”:
So the population consistently show scarecrow external enemy: Ukraine is bad, all our failures – due to the machinations of the United States. This is very advantageous: thus can never say on Internal Affairs
– This technology was developed in the USSR: a shield to raise the idea of the enemy, a hostile environment, and to unite the people around the government. Such a state of permanent pre-war benefit only the government, which with it is strengthening its position. This is great – shout: “There are enemies! “because under these cries, you can hide the real economic problems that could bring down those same vaunted interest, ratings for which everything is kept. Therefore, the public has consistently shown scarecrow external enemy: Ukraine is bad, all our failures – due to the machinations of the United States. This is very advantageous: thus you can never talk about internal affairs. If you look at any of the official channels, there has long been the first line are news in Ukraine, and in general 90% of the news – of the Donbass, and our own affairs and no time left, they seem to have become secondary.
Member of the board St. Petersburg branch of the “Solidarity” Joseph Skakovskii believes that even not very important, as the lies contained in the ideology imposed on the society besieged fortress:
– Much more important, how destructive it affects the health and behavior. We must understand that in human hearts the nightmare will respond for a long time. So now, in the midst of this hysteria is especially important to encourage people to ensure that they have included rational impulses, the ability to analyze, compare, compare the facts to emotions, which is under tremendous pressure to control the mind, common sense.
Most activists “Liberal Union” concerned about the status of older persons in whose health stress is having a tremendous negative impact, as well as children, who from childhood get vaccinated hatred: “What will happen to the three-year child living in the border area, which, according to “Novaya Gazeta”, hearing the sounds of gunfire, quietly remarked: “That Ukrainians beat?” – an example given by the authors statements.
Activist “Solidarity” Vsevolod Nelaev believes that Now in Russia there is attempt to restore the Soviet system:
– I think that the willingness of the people and the government to the political and economic isolation, and such facts as the wholesale destruction of travel agencies – all the links of one chain. After all, it started with the prohibition of certain categories of citizens to travel abroad, it is something like trying to return the Iron Curtain.
Activist “Liberal Union” Lyudmila Oak also believes that the atmosphere which is now established in Russia – it’s just a repetition of:
– Russia was already behind the Iron Curtain. Such opposition to the rest of the world comes to an end very bad for the country. Here there is no plus sign, it is quite a dangerous thing – and for the state as a whole, and for the health of individuals, so we found it necessary to focus public attention on this.
The statement authors appeal to reason their destinations, trying to convince them that the modern Russian “nobody attacked, do not attack and do not intend to attack”:
“It is hoped that the Russian leadership does not allow himself to actions that could provoke a global slaughter. Therefore our appeal: do not be militaristic hysteria, get away from the TV, the main source of it, and remove the children from him. Protect yourself from military burn and thereby protect their country and the world “.
Due to the fact that the promotion of artificially created war hysteria devastating effect on the psyche of people agree and sociologist Maria Mackiewicz , however, she believes that any statements of opposition, any action taken to uncover people eyes, are doomed to failure:
They do the same thing as the official media, but with a different character – refer to the population as a kind of manipulated mass
– People who make such statements, apparently believe that they have something to say that they can not remain silent. I think they themselves understand that the result will be zero: those who are in solidarity with them, and so do not watch TV, and those who think otherwise, do not listen to such statements, and their authors are not their authority. Yes, that’s right, indeed the official media comes aggression, only trouble is that this position implies that people, it outlines apply to everyone else a few down. That is, they are doing the same thing as the official media, but with a different sign – belong to the public as a kind of manipulated mass. It turns out that they both do not respect the people, because no one thinks, why the majority of the population supports the policy of the state, and even such an overwhelming majority. And why so many of those who have recently thought otherwise, today share the official view. All this is swept aside, refers only to manipulation, that is the main idea is that if the media will be in the hands of the right people will come here and relative prosperity. Meanwhile, as we are reminded by the opponents of liberal ideas in the 90s many media have just been in the hands of the Liberals, but this has not led to the triumph of the liberal point of view. Hence, it is not only in the media, and the citizens themselves, but if we consider them only as objects of manipulation, you will be able to awaken in them exclusively baser instincts. It is very well done today, but to awaken in them the other instincts, we need other methods.
Do not try to promote their point of view, working on the same senses that your opponent is not trying to incite hatred
Maria Mackiewicz believes that those liberals who today are turning to people with the slogan: “Take the children away from the TV”, are the same methods, as well as the state, because their words can be heard the same aggression, the same hate, only directed against other people. According to the sociologist, they often say the right things, but that these things were heard, it was necessary in previous years, gain credibility, and this is what has not been done:
– It is necessary to criticize not only the people and not only themselves for what we were previously unaware, how to act, the most important thing – it is necessary to act by other methods, in particular – to respect people, even if they have a different opinion. Do not try to promote their point of view, working on the same senses that your opponent is not trying to incite hatred. Remember that all around us – people, sometimes – close friends, that tomorrow is their point of view may change, as well as our own, cherish human dignity more than political views.
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