Saturday, August 30, 2014

TV prevents children perceive others’ emotions – News America

 TV prevents children perceive others 'emotions


In our time children spend watching television longer than ever. While parents unless they are afraid of the dangers of the screen to view, scientists warn that the TV spoils the children perception of human emotion.

As a new study at the University of California in Los Angeles, after 5 days spent without modern technology, 6th grade students significantly better perceived and recognize human emotions than other children who had regular access to the phone, the TV and the computer.

For the experiment, one group of children were sent to a training camp in the RUNNING Springs, where they are restricted from electronic devices.

Before starting at the end of the study these children and the participants of the second group, who continued to live a normal life, have shown 50 images with different faces and asked to analyze the feelings of the person seen.

The children of the first group have demonstrated great success in recognizing emotions after the rest of the achievements of civilization.

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