Saturday, February 28, 2015

TV and the computer to increase the risk of developing hypertension in children – Devyatka.RU





Friday, February 27, 2015

TV threatens the development of hypertension in children, researchers found – Russian newspaper

If the children are sitting in front of TV or computer for more than two hours per day, the risk of developing high blood pressure have increased by 30 percent. This is shown by the data obtained by the Spanish Fund for the Development of Science and Technology.

During the two-year study, researchers examined data on more than 5,000 children from eight European countries (Spain, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Cyprus, Estonia, Sweden and Belgium ), which at the time of the start of the scientific work was from 2 to 10 years, reports Zee News.

See also

It was found that during the study period, the prevalence of high blood pressure among children was quite high: 110 deaths per 1,000.

The researchers note that the results are alarming, especially considering that a sedentary lifestyle – is common in children years, which then passes into adulthood.

It’s no secret that the development of hypertension in the future may cause the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. For example, it increases the risk of coronary heart disease.

According to the recommendations of experts, children should spend on physical activity per day for at least 60 minutes, while in a sitting position to spend no more than two hours.

Previously, scientists have proven that television can adversely affect a child’s brain. The most dramatic changes have occurred in those who watched television for 4 hours and more.

See also

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In suburban man faces six years in prison for a stolen television – Devyatka.RU


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