Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How to celebrate New 2015 “Aria”, “TV” and “unbridled will» – KM.RU

 Rock musicians have shared with our publishing plans for the New Year.

Group «Aria» to play New Year’s concerts are not used to. But this time the band will celebrate at home. “We had a period when we celebrated the New Year holidays joint concert – said bass guitarist” Aria “Vitaly Dubinin told KM.RU. – But now we are 100% meet the New Year with your family, and already some “hard” day meet together. Perhaps someone in the country. ” “What we want to do every year” – sarcastically added guitarist Sergey Popov. “However, sometimes we do it”, – concluded with dignity vocalist Michael wheatgrass.

But the leader of the group «Dancing minus» Vyacheslav Petkun celebrate New, 2015 in the ranks – that is, on the stage. “New Year, we will meet at the club” 16 Tons “, – said Petkun our portal. -Be Play a concert. This is, in general, well, because I know that we will be among friends in a clear and proper atmosphere for us, with a good sound for your favorite pastime. By the very same holiday for a long time does not belong. Again, look at it through the lens of children. Before the birth of the children I have and the New Year is not especially noted. And now, once called Santa Claus a few years ago, when the older children have grown up a little bit, and I nearly cried when he stumbled and the Snow Maiden. I just grab! Something about this is … Naturally, I aired the attitude of the children, as well as I am with them at the same time, it also unwittingly imbued ».

Vyacheslav Petkun. Photo courtesy of the press service of the “Dancing minus»

usually labor in the New Year and Nike Borzov . “Last time it is for me a normal working holiday. A new period in my life begins from the date of birth, and the New Year – is an occasion normally hang out “- he admitted.

After the publication of an anthology of the group « TV » Archives 1989 album “Alienation” team leader Mikhail Borzykin intends to take a timeout. In the near future musician intends to take a break from recording albums and touring, because feeling tired “from myself and from Russia.” He expects to relax in Finland or the Netherlands, and New Year’s Eve wants to meet on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

Ilya Knabengof. Photo courtesy of the press service of the “Pilot»

The leader of the group «Pilot» Ilya “Damn” Knabengof refers to the New Year without much enthusiasm. “He told me to clean like atmosphere – a musician confessed our publication. – I like that all people go funny, joyful, it is certainly very captivating (laughs). Like every New Year to watch “Irony of Fate”. Here I am already 42 years old, and I think that the 40 times I just watched this movie. And every time I look it again with pleasure. I like a good Christmas tradition gatherings. And the holiday itself means nothing to me then. This year we plan to sit quietly at home, because with eighteen months daughter especially not walk. We better bring in guests only do we have left my mother and sit with her friends. Take a plastic Russian cactus decorate his trinkets. Basically, I certainly want to make a holiday for children. And it is necessary to return to the family tradition of putting presents under the t ree in the bag. At some point, I completely lost it and I think that it must necessarily return ».

Alex Kolchugin. Stock musician VKontakte page

For the singer of the Moscow group «unbridled will» Alexei Kol’chugina New Year – a very important holiday. “All the same – a milestone, a moment of renewal, some new stage – albeit formal, but still .. The magic is in the air – and will soar as people believe in him – he said in an interview KM.RU . – Meet going quietly … Probably still in the fresh air. Last year was really hard – and you want a holiday, but not unbridled joy and calm, deep joy! »


Young parliamentarians gave the children from the orphanage Makkaveevskogo plasma TV – A new look at Baikal

Members Youth Parliament at the provincial Legislative Assembly gave plasma TV Makkaveevskogo orphanage children

According to the website of the regional Legislative Assembly, the young parliamentarians also presented children sweets and school desks.

According to the deputy chairman of the Youth Parliament Alexander Zaitsev, preparing for a charity event held during the month.

«Our call responded to a number of enterprises and the Legislative Assembly, and for that they thank you very much . As said the director of the orphanage, on this day we were the ones who brought gifts to the children. I would add that we liked a concert, it is a very talented guys, “- quoted as Zaitsev on the site of the regional Legislative Assembly.

Recall that from 1 to 29 December young parliamentarians together with the charity fund “Capital of Solace” collected money to buy Christmas presents for orphans and children left without parental care Makkaveevskogo orphanage.


TV-watchman and talking refrigerator: what will be the technology of the future – RBC Real Estate

Trend 2014-2015. in the world of home appliances – remote control home appliances through the application on your phone

n marketing generation of home appliances become more ” sociable “- modern models of equipment (from refrigerators and washing machines to extracts and multivarok) have access to the Internet and controlled via an application on smartphones and tablets.

Such models have already appeared in the shops, but the most advanced technique has not yet reach Russia.

With the technique can chat

The main things which employs engineers manufacturers household appliances, – the ability to communicate with devices over wireless networks. Different companies – Miele, LG, Samsung and others – called new technologies in different ways, but the essence remains the same – that all works well, you have to buy one brand appliances.

System Works Miele @ home from Miele

Miele offers to integrate all their appliances (refrigerators, ovens, cookers, washing machines and dryers) in a single system Miele @ home for the exchange of current information and data. In fact, it turns out “smart” home life, which is controlled from a central control, and information is displayed on computer screens, tablets or smartphones. To merge technique, it must be equipped with special communication modules, then we will know whether it is time to get the clothes from the washing machine and firmly closed the door of the freezer in the basement.

Samsung Smart Home

Something like that implements the company Samsung, announced the launch of Apps Samsung Smart Home, which controls compatible equipment. According to the manufacturer, the service has a simple user interface and allows you to send commands to the devices at the same time. For example, if the user says “goodnight” to the remote control, which is connected to several devices (TV, air conditioning, smart lamps) are automatically shut off.


Air Conditioning Connected



Air series Jungfrau (model AQV09KBB) made by Samsung added a Wi-Fi-module. Now you can while away from home, turn on and off split-system sets the optimum temperature of the air.


On the way to control individual devices went brand LG, South Korea has submitted a new “smart” appliances with built-in HomeChat. The system uses mobile app LINE, through which users can receive guidance and control equipment settings, even while away from home. The range of “smart” appliances include a fridge with a built-in camera, oven and washing machine, allows you to run and load the washing program. It is enough to send a “start wash” and indicate the approximate time to return home, and a washing machine LG washing ensure completion at this time. If ask her, “What are you doing?”, Then the user will get the status in real time on the current stage of the wash.

HomeChat by LG


Coffee via Bluetooth



Philips has introduced the espresso machine GranBaristo Avanti, controlled by Bluetooth using the tablet. Saeco Avanti intuitive application allows a few touches of the display tablet to pick up and make coffee, completely controlling the cooking process using custom settings. It only remains to choose the ideal temperature, the density of milk skin, the taste, the volume and type of cup beans for any of the 18 variants of coffee drinks and give the command to the coffee machine using a tablet. have a recipe to share with friends on social networks.


Video surveillance at home

cameras are built in a variety of gadgets – computer monitors, tablets, smart phones, baby monitors. However, this was not enough engineers. They have created applications and appliances with video function, which guard the house and monitor products.

Refrigerator, who looks after products. in the refrigerator LG set camera that is accessible via the app on your smartphone or tablet. Wide-angle lens shows not only the contents of the upper shelves, but the food at the bottom. Also built-in camera captures the opening and closing the refrigerator, photographing products, remaining in it since the last action. This enables users to quickly see what they need to buy in the store or supermarket.

The camera image is transmitted, and the built-in LCD panel door and freshness control system allows you to specify a wide range of foods and beverages to keep track of their expiry date. Separate application recommends dishes that can be prepared from products stored in the refrigerator.

TV on guard. Samsung launches watchdog service to the lineup of TVs Smart TV – application for remote signaling of movement in the room Safe Home. After the application is activated when a moving object in front of the built-in (or external) camera TV service makes one or more consecutive shots. Then sends it to the specified e-mail or on Facebook as their “status” in the chronicle of the user, visible only to him. Additionally, you can execute and SMS-subscription to receive updates on your mobile phone.

Sending images when motion is started immediately (the response time of service depends on the speed of your Internet connection), and their number is up to 28 images per minute. In addition, the service will send a notification in case of power supply from the TV or the Internet. Another useful feature is a new application – a mode response “to include siren” that allows you to scare away intruders or attract the attention of the neighbors.


Cooking at a distance



SkyCooker REDMOND M800S – multivarka management technology through the application Ready For Sky on your mobile phone. It can be run on and off remotely, set the time and program, as well as change the settings in the cooking process.


Anton Yelistratov


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New TV: TV that the Russians were prepared at the turn of 2014 and 2015 – Amur truth

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« Amur truth “flipped through the program guide to find out how the Russian television is going to keep the tradition and bring fresh ideas at the turn of 2014 and 2015.

First Channel , which this year has got a significant advantage in the form of the New Year from all the Christmas comedy “Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”, announced an ambitious program for the coming holidays. At night, the main channel show many hours of entertainment, which is quite possible to see if the time to close their eyes when the screen appear in the image of Larissa Guzeeva Maiden and Philip in the usual feathers. The main chips – the performance of Natalia Oreiro and Stromae, reincarnation of young artists in the elderly, as well as New Year game of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?»

Waking evening of January 1, the Russians will once again have some fun over the behavior of drunken Zhenya Lukashin. Further program first drawn mainly from the good and funny film, which will be filled with ethereal grid for the whole week. Among the planned – kinoserialy “Home Alone,” “Night at the Museum” and “The Chronicles of Narnia” and “Avatar.” In between the good and eternal, though not always reasonable – final public issues, “What? Where? When? “,” Hair’s breadth “,” Field of Dreams “and KVN. In general, the main channel of the country did not indulge in any experiments, although traditionally a more responsible attitude to the compilation of the program, rather than commercial channels with their wonderful practice of continuous scroll of one series or cycle entertainment programs on weekends.

«Blue Light” is waiting for the faithful fans of the channel «Russia-1» . Here in general decided not to irritate the audience innovations, so that everything is simple – while some stars are jumping around the stage, others are sitting in the room and smiling with glasses in their hands. Surprise the creators of “Spark-2015″ will be, in their own words, “unusual duets,” although I have no idea what this unusual joint singing Rotaru and Meladze or Leps with Bilan. True Irina Allegrova really surprise performance in the company’s well-known and have not played domestic players. Warm up the audience on December 31 movies about Shurika – heroes Gaidai all night in the arena.

Further broadcast channel make well together programs and films. Nowhere on the screen will come up, “Song of the Year”, repeating the anniversary concert of Igor steep, and in the evening – “Christmas Tree”, remakes of old Soviet comedies and melodramas favorite spectator same production RTR. And, of course, Yevgeny Petrosyan and his numerous pupils reminded that even the most ardent fans of a healthy lifestyle can afford a little alcohol in the New Year.

NTV will welcome 2015 Summing up – the program “Anatomy of the day” became “Anatomy of the Year”, where once again remember all the good and not so over the last 365 days. Russians in the broadcast channel to congratulate not only singing and dancing – scheduled performances of famous politicians like Shoigu and Medina, as well as of this exciting prosecutor Federation – Natalia Poklonsky. Songs and dances, however, also will be enough, and the set of artists will be more or less match the existing trend until the ether does not take chanson star. From January 1 and on channel NTV returns to the familiar – this button remote offers shooting, fights, car chases, intrigue and investigation. Recommended for those who want to come back early in the rhythm of life.

CTC finally decided to torment the audience “Ural dumplings” – the show carefully twist the whole year, but the evening of December 31, it will displace the air everything else, and New Year’s Eve will also be held under the cries of “Iiiiigor!” and songs Vyacheslav Myasnikov. Especially on this occasion the guys from Yekaterinburg decided to record a new view only the Christmas theme. In addition, the channel plans for the first few days, the demonstration of some of the first Hollywood blockbusters and not very fresh, domestic cartoons, and, oddly enough, the complete absence of the comedy “Taxi».

Betting on pleasant memories in the past year decided to make channel REN-TV . Announcement – repetitions of long-forgotten numbers from the “old songs about the main” curious primarily to the fact that their members have since changed dramatically, so that nostalgia is bound to be accompanied by unrestrained joy. One Malinin in the image of the village Lola is worth. In addition – an endless concert legends 90s, 80s and beyond on the calendar. December 31 Channel show “The Matrix”, lest we forget how the world works, and then all the same Russian cartoons interspersed with Russian as comedies. Cheerful mood here has to end on January 3 when you see the movie Alexei Balabanov us to remember how to construct Russia.

I can not see a special New Year’s eve bustle program channel TNT . Here, even the public premiere sound mundane – “SASHATANYA”, “Univer”, “Interns”, nothing to put an eye. As the main “razvlekuhi” on the night of 31 to 1, will perform all residents of long boring Comedy Club, and the first days of the year will take place in the normal channel mode – that is, the scheme series – series – “Dancing” – TV series – “Dom-2″ because the relationship should be built regardless of whether there is a red letter day or not.

From the foregoing, we conclude that Russian TV channels mostly resort to the established his New Year’s behavior that is consistent with the expectations of the audience. In the end, TV with all its brightness, volume is by no means the highlight of the Christmas program, but only serves as an additional method of distraction from the problems and worries. So feel free to surf the channels – nothing new, you will not see, but for New Year’s mood is there anything so there.



Unlocked door allowed thieves to make television and weapons to 700 thousand rubles –


 Attackers have used the fact that the owners left the front door unlocked. Noticing this, the attackers got inside and made a big TV “Samsung”, models of automata “Mn 40″, “PCA” Mosin rifle, two German Mauser rifle with bayonet and without bayonet knife, as well as an air rifle and Spanish production Two crossbow.


 The amount of damage caused by a thief is estimated at more than 700 thousand rubles. The police are conducting search operations.


Products & TV sahalinets stole a pensioner – SakhalinMedia

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Dec. 30, SakhalinMedia. 27-year old pensioner stole food and television, when a woman came out of the house without locking the front door of his home in Uglegorsk, according to news agency, citing SakhalinMedia at the Ministry of Internal Affairs area.


Last Sunday, 27-year-old resident of Uglegorsk to learn that the 55-year-old woman left home to visit a friend, I decided to exploit it for personal gain.


The young man was known as one feature of this lady – she locked the front door. This point has simplified the task of an attacker. Last freely entered the home of the pensioner, from TV and stole food (flour, sugar).


In the street, a resident of the district center of the stolen products sold for 50 rubles bystanders, and television brought to his house, where he used it for its intended purpose. The proceeds for money products, the suspect trudged alcohol.


When the victim returned to her and saw that the house went stranger, called the police.


Employees of the Interior Ministry of Russia Uglegorskaya area during the investigative measures established the identity and location of the kidnapper. At the time of the last detention in a state of extreme intoxication. Kidnapped TV police seized in the future it will be returned to their rightful owner.


The issue of opening a criminal case on grounds of crime under Art. 158 of the Criminal Code (theft), and measures of restraint with respect to the delayed repeatedly convicted.


Monday, December 29, 2014

Best TV 2014 – Ferra

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And TV, the market can be called conservative. Of course, we all celebrate the popularization of formats such as Ultra HD, as well as an increase in the popularity of solutions with curved screens. But it can be called evolution. But the revolution is not enough. The market is still dominated by the classic LCD -technology. Plasma extinct, and OLED was just gaining momentum. Only next year we will have the opportunity to get acquainted with a new type of matrix on the basis of quantum dots (although there’s all relative). Well, let’s wait. In the meantime, let’s look with the best, in my opinion, TVs, released this calendar year.

 & # x41B; & # x443; & # x447; & # x448; & # x438; & # x435; & # X442; & # x435; & # x43B; & # x435; & # x432; & # x438; & # x437; & # x43E; & # x440; & # x44B; 2014 & # x433; & # x43E; & # x434; & # x430;
Best TV 2014

Table comparative characteristics

So, as I said, almost half of the models included in this final-material, supports the format Ultra HD. However, the cohort of the best decisions were based on a matrix OLED, as well as budget TVs. A total of nine devices. If you have not yet purchased TV, but want to fix this turns out, it is possible that this material will help you. Below is a comparison chart with all the characteristics.

















LG 55EC930V






Panasonic TX-40ASR650



LG 65EC970V






Samsung UE55H7000



Panasonic TX-58AXR800



Samsung UE65HU9000



Philips 55PFS8109






55 “, Full HD



79 “, Ultra HD



40 “, Full HD



65 “, Ultra HD



42 “, Full HD



55 “, Full HD



58 “, Ultra HD



65 “, Ultra HD



55 “, Full HD



refresh rate



N / A



MXR 800 Hz



Scanning backlight 1200Hz



UCI 1300



MXR 200 Hz



CMR 800 Hz



Scanning backlight 2,000 Hz



CMR 1200 Hz



PMR 800 Hz











Direct LED





Edge LED






Edge LED









Support for 3D



Yes, passive



There are active



There are active



Yes, passive






There are active



There are active



There are active



There are active



Built-in sound



2x 20 W



2x 12,5 W + 2x 20W



2x 10 W



4x 10W



2x 8 W



4x 10W



2x + 1x 4 W 10 W



4x 10W + 2x 10 W



2x 7,5 W + 1x 15 W



Digital TV



DVB-C / S / S2 / T / T2



DVB-C / S / S2 / T / T2



DVB-C / T / T2



DVB-C / S / S2 / T / T2



DVB-C / S / S2 / T / T2



DVB-C / S2 / T / T2



DVB-C / S2 / T / T2



DVB-C / S2 / T / T2



DVB-C / S / S2 / T / T2



Smart TV






Sony Entertainment Network



Life + Screen






Sony Entertainment Network



Smart Hub



VIERA Connect, «My home page»



Smart Hub



Android 4.2.2



Wireless interfaces







WiFi Direct









Wi-Fi Direct


















WiFi Direct






















Wi-Fi Direct















2x USB 3.0


1x S / PDIF




1x RGB


1x AV


1x YPbPr


3x HDMI 1.4


1x HDMI 2.0


1x CI +


1x RJ-45



3x USB


1x S / PDIF




1x RGB


1x AV


1x YPbPr


4x HDMI 2.0


1x 3,5 mm jack


1x CI +


1x RJ-45



2x USB


1x S / PDIF




1x RGB


1x AV


1x YPbPr




1x 3,5 mm jack


1x CI +


1x RJ-45



3x USB


1x S / PDIF




1x RGB


1x AV


1x YPbPr


3x HDMI 1.4


1x HDMI 2.0


1x CI +


1x RJ-45



2x USB


1x S / PDIF




1x AV


1x YPbPr




1x 3,5 mm jack


1x RJ-45


1x CI +



3x USB


1x S / PDIF




1x AV


1x YPbPr




1x 3,5 mm jack


1x RJ-45


1x CI +



3x USB


1x S / PDIF




1x RGB


1x AV


1x YPbPr




1x DisplayPort


1x 3,5 mm jack


2x CI +


1x RJ-45


1x Card Reader



3x USB


1x S / PDIF




1x AV


1x YPbPr


4x HDMI 2.0


1x 3,5 mm jack


1x RJ-45


1x CI +


1x EX-Link



3x USB


1x S / PDIF




1x RGB


1x AV


1x YPbPr




2x 3,5 mm jack


2x CI +


1x RJ-45


2x SAT



Dimensions (with stand)



1225x753x204 mm



2031x1109x442 mm



918x581x202 mm



1447h879h256,5 mm



958x600x170 mm



1225x747x268 mm



1306h803h294 mm



1451x892x327 mm



1272x754x232 mm



Dimensions without stand



1225x715x80 mm



2029x1054x111 mm



918x537x57 mm



1447h828h56 mm



958x563x64 mm



1225x707x32 mm





1451x848x111 mm



1272x716x13 mm






N / A



60,9 kg



11 kg



24,6 kg



11,7 kg



16,7 kg





31 kg



17,7 kg






137 000 rubles.



450 000 rubles.



39 000 rubles.



500 000 rubles.



42 000 rubles.



60 000 rubles.



250 000 rubles.



190 000 rubles.



92 000 rubles.



Price request: LG 55EC930V 1713 1



Price request: SONY BRAVIA KD-79X9005B 1713 1



Price request: Panasonic TX-40ASR650 1713 1



Price request: LG 65EC970V 1713 1



Price request: SONY KDL-42W705B 1713 1



Price request: Samsung UE55H7000 1713 1



Price request: Panasonic TX-58AXR800 1713 1



Price request: Samsung UE65HU9000 1713 1



Price request: Philips 55PFS8109 1713 1


 & # x421; & # x432; & # x43E; & # x434; & # x43D; & # x430; & # x44F; & # x442; & # x430; & # x431; & # x43B; & # x438; & # x446; & # x430; & # x432; & # x432; & # x438; & # x434; & # x435; & # x43A; & # x430; & # x440; & # x442; & # x438; & # x43D; & # x43A; & # x438;
Summary table in the form of pictures

LG 55EC930V

At the moment, model LG 55EC930V be the most affordable OLED-TV. That gives the user the new matrix? Because of the possibility to give a perfect black device has a contrast, tends to infinity. The picture looks juicy, lively and deeply. All these epithets are suitable for LG 55EC930V. The advantages include a TV and absolutely perfect viewing angles.

The device has a gentle curve of the screen. With a diagonal of 55 inches, he hardly felt. As always, as the basis of selected minimalist design. TV is compact and graceful. This is another of the advantages of technology OLED.

TV receives the award “Editor’s Choice” and “Innovation».

 LG 55EC930V
LG 55EC930V

See also: OLED’nikovy period. Overview of the curved TV LG 55EC930V.


The range UHD-TV SONY BRAVIA X9 from moving away from the classical canons of design. Models are not in a minimalist style. And it’s great! Design X9 series was named Wedge. However, the engineers did not just decide to use such a massive structure in the assembly of this TV (we’ll get to know one another “dystrophy” from SONY). The fact that the devices of this series are equipped with a sufficiently powerful sound system. It consists of four broadband speakers and two tweeters, positioned on the sidewalls. Scheme of work – 12.5 + 12.5 + 20 + 20 watts. The design of the speakers used fiberglass reinforced foamed mica. Compact design gives the use of ferrofluid. The sound from the same BRAVIA KD-79X9005B really high-quality. He is clear and voluminous. Stock volume would be enough to “pumping” living standard size. Perhaps, in a series X9 really the best acoustic performance among all televisions, released this year.

With a picture at the BRAVIA KD-79X9005B also okay. As our tests, the TV perfectly calibrated at the factory. Picture settings is not much, but in this case it is not so important.

Let me remind you that a series of devices X9 also has models with screen sizes 55 inches and 65 inches, respectively.

TV SONY BRAVIA KD-79X9005B receives award “Editor’s Choice” and “Successful design».


Read also: Welcome to the club. Overview 4K TV SONY BRAVIA KD-79X9005B.

Panasonic TX-40ASR650

Back in November TV TX-40ASR650 from Panasonic can be purchased for 30,000 rubles. Now the cost of this model in some stores comes to decent 46,000 rubles. And judging by the price of the device in standard units, it is one of the best deals today.

As always, the Japanese have put at the center of the image quality. Basis TX-40ASR650 – matrix VA. TV has good contrast and sufficient quality is calibrated at the factory. Thus, the average error is Delta-E does not exceed three units. All right at TX-40ASR650 with color reproduction and viewing angles.

The device has enough functional firmware Life + Screen.

TV Panasonic TX-40ASR650 receives the award “Good Buy».

Panasonic TX -40ASR650
Panasonic TX-40ASR650

LG 65EC970V

Model LG 65EC970V – is another OLED-TV, caught in a list the best. But he has a big diagonal, and supports a resolution of Ultra HD. Therefore, LG 65EC970V be the most modern TV.

Well, all the pluses that has a matrix OLED, exacerbated by the ultra-high precision, achieved through a fourfold increase in resolution compared to Full HD.

LG 65EC970V also made in a minimalist style. He is also equipped with a concave screen. However, at 65 inches diagonally smoothly curved surface is felt strongly enough.

TV LG 65EC970V receives award “Editor’s Choice” and “Innovation».

 LG 65EC970V
LG 65EC970V


In fact, model KDL-42W705B very similar to the TX-40ASR650. She also has a good picture quality. Both TVs have a fairly low input lag, so they can safely recommend the use of a pair with a personal computer or game console. However, the KDL-42W705B functionality Smart-component slightly worse than the TX-40ASR650. However, not all this parameter will be paramount. On the other hand, when a similar value from SONY solution has greater diagonal. Two inches, but still.

TV SONY KDL-42W705B receives the award “Good Buy».


Samsung UE55H7000

But Samsung UE55H7000 – the most that neither is the current model. Even more: the famous expert group EISA called this device the best TV FHD-year. And after them hard to disagree. Here is a brief quote: « Samsung UE55H7000 TV offers a better image in the class Full HD for those who are not yet ready to make a move to Ultra HD. Accurate color reproduction, high contrast – thanks to technology Micro Dimming Pro – and smooth, detailed display of dynamic scenes. The picture is sharp and cinematic, and opportunities will allow calibration to adjust the image as you wish. Through remote control Smart Touch Control simply navigate menus and functional Smart TV, while the 4-core processor Quad Core guarantees high-speed operation of the TV. Wireless switching also gives a number of advantages, including the connection to your home network, repeat screen mobile devices and access to the Internet. And all of the above complements the original design Floating Canvas, which holds only look at the picture. »I completely agree with the experts, having become acquainted with this model personally the IFA 2014.

TV Samsung UE55H7000 receives the award” Choice edition ».

 Samsung UE55H7000
Samsung UE55H7000

Panasonic TX-58AXR800

The company Panasonic, in my opinion, quite hard joins the ranks of the elite manufacturers of LCD TVs. Being out of competition in the market of plasma panels, now she has frankly not easy. The difference between the flagship solution from other Korean and Japanese manufacturers become less noticeable. However, the model TX-58AXR800, as well as the entire line UHD-TV Panasonic, definitely a success.

The device has an excellent picture. So great that TX-58AXR800 and younger 50-inch model are certified THX 4K. And this technology as Studio Master Drive (special LED-backlight with a wide color gamut), actually improves the image quality. In addition, Panasonic TVs can always be attributed to the semi-professional solutions. That’s TX-58AXR800 has a huge number of possible settings to change the image.

Design TV – a separate conversation. Seen as a favorite of the Japanese minimalism. The device itself has a very thin frame and stands on the surface by a miniature stand.

TV Panasonic TX-58AXR800 receives the award “Editor’s Choice».

Panasonic TX-58AXR800
Panasonic TX-58AXR800

Samsung UE65HU9000

As I said, concave screen hard to call something revolutionary. However, in certain cases, a good judge of it undoubtedly is. Samsung engineers did not hesitate to bend their “Telecom” Forest of other manufacturers. Those SONY and LG are always talking about smooth forms and soft curves. Here, the opposite is true. But worse than this does not become.

Model Samsung UE65HU9000 clearly failed. In addition to the concavity, the display can boast support for 4K-resolution, as well as a very good factory calibration. As always, at the height is and Smart-component devices.

TV Samsung UE65HU9000 receives the award “Editor’s Choice».

Samsung UE65HU9000
Samsung UE65HU9000

Philips 55PFS8109

TV Philips 55PFS8109 competitors and peers enough stands out. Especially its price. 55-inch panel manufacturer asks more than 90 000 rubles. In many ways, this cost is due to the expense of a very complex assembly, because the LCD screen is placed in the body thickness of only 13 mm! Needless to say, not every laptop can boast of such a parameter. In this case, the manufacturer has managed to “push” Ambilight and two speakers with a subwoofer.

The model is equipped with a full 55PFS8109 operating system Android. For the level of performance meets the quad ARM-based processors. Below is a video that illustrates the operating system.

TV Philips 55PFS8109 receives the award “Best Design” and “Innovation»

Philips 55PFS8109
Philips 55PFS8109


LCD TV Toshiba 47L7453RB –

– I’m watching you, vazovskaya! Constantly and very carefully!
© Monsters, Inc.


Passport specifications, delivery and price

Screen Type LCD panel with LED backlight
Diagonal 47 inches / 119 cm (1 040 × 585 mm)
Resolution 1920 × 1080 pixels (16: 9)
Brightness 700 cd / m
Contrast 1600: 1 Dynamic Mega 7,000,000: 1
Viewing angles 178 °
Response Time 5 ms (gray to gray – GTG)
USB 1/2 USB-interface 2.0 connection of external devices (socket type A), 2 pcs.
Digital Audio Digital audio output S / PDIF (Toslink)
DVB Common Interface card slot access CI / CI + Card (PC Card) v1.3
Antenna Input Analog (with NICAM) and digital (DVB-T / -T2, DVB-C) TV tuners (DIN 75 ohms)
HDMI 1/2/3/4 HDMI-input, video and audio , up to 1920 × 1080p / 60 Hz (Report MonInfo), HDCP, CEC, Audio Return Channel (only HDMI 1 ), MHL (only HDMI 3 )
RGB/PC VGA-видеовход (Report MonInfo, mini D-sub 15 pin)
SCART RGB and composite video, stereo audio, composite video output, stereoaudiovyhod
Component/Video input composite video, component video, stereo audio (5 × RCA)
Output headphones 3,5 mm minijack
LAN Проводная Network Ethernet (RJ-45)
Wireless interfaces Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11a / b / g / n 2,4 / 5 GHz
Other features
Speaker System Loudspeakers (2 × 15 W to 10% THD)
  • The output stereoscopic images using interlaced polarization
  • Insert intermediate frames
  • Smart TV Cloud / My Contents (web browsing, network services, download and run applications Toshiba Apps, play audio, video and image files)
  • Support for DLNA, WiDi, Wireless Display
  • Recording of digital channels to an external USB HDD, automatic recording function MediaGuide Replay, shift TV broadcast time (Timeshift)
  • View the schedule, sleep timer / on, automatically enter standby mode and auto power off
  • Energy Saver mode and brightness adjustment to the level of light
  • Game Mode
  • Teletext
  • Mounting holes M6 VESA 400 × 200 mm
  • and so on. d.
Dimensions (W × H × D) 1071 × 662 × 190 mm with stand
Weight 13,5 kg Stand
Power consumption 182 watts maximum, 67.4 W IEC 62087-BD, 0,5 watts, 2.2 watts in standby mode with active network interface
voltage 220 -240 V, 50 Hz
  • TV
  • Set the base (base rack screws)
  • 3D-glasses FPT-P100, 4 pcs.
  • Remote control and two AAA batteries for it
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Warranty card
Link manufacturer’s website
average current according to price of Yandex.Market T-10954668
Suggestions for data of Yandex.Market L-10954668-10


For his diagonally through the narrow confines of the TV is small in size in width and height. Also, the body is relatively thin, though not extreme, and with a significant thickening in the lower part.

When you operate the TV, it should be noted and light weight, which accounts for a significant portion of the stand. In this case, the stand is an important design element (actually block the screen – this is a black rectangle and nothing else). Holder is formed as a rectangular frame with rounded corners, on the short sides of which are secured small chamfered forward pedestals. When the TV rack bolted to them, which is pushed on the screen unit. Frame base is a monolithic steel part with silver finish. As a result, construction of the stand has good stiffness and apparently high reliability. Bottom around the base glued rubber pads, perform the safety with respect to the surface under the TV and anti-slip function.

An alternative way to set up the TV – it’s use VESA-holder on the rear panel of the screw holes with a pitch of 400 to 200 mm . The outer surface of the matrix relatively rigid and mirror-smooth with a barely pronounced haze. The effective anti-glare filter reduces the brightness of the reflected objects to such an extent that the reflectivity of the screen view does not interfere, unless directly in front of the screen there is a very bright point light sources. Narrow (about 11 mm) mirror-smooth front frame, framing the screen from the top and sides, made of plastic with unstable scratch the surface. Note that the distance from the image to the edge of the body is about 16 mm, which is larger than the width of the frame. The lower part of the front frame is also made of plastic, but with a matte finish. At the right edge of the frame is annular diffuser status indicator (softly glows green when working and red in standby mode), and the left – the darke ned window, hiding the IR receiver and light sensor. On the bottom of the screen unit placed well spaced speakers with cones oval. The back panel is made of black plastic with a matte surface.

The interface connectors are located in the two groups – in the shallow part of the recess on the back and focused back part – in an alcove near the left end face and are oriented sideways. The following connectors from the second group there are four buttons. The power cord is just coming out of the housing. TV is completely passive cooling – air circulates through multiple ventilation grills – and not much heat during operation.

It is packed TV and everything to him in a relatively small box – its dimensions are not much greater than the width, length and thickness of the block screen . Carrying a box Realized side welt pens, which means transportation alone, but by making a pen, for example, adhesive tape, for some distance the TV without any problems and can carry one person.


The body panel is made mostly of black matte plastic, but on the top panel there are two plates of plastic with silver finish. Slightly surprising eclectic expressed in material selection buttons – some of them are made of a rubber-like translucent white plastic part – of the same material, but colored or black, three buttons – a rigid transparent plastic substrate with the bottom-picture, and navigation button ring OK in the center – from the hard black plastic with mirror-smooth surface. Designers have come off in full. A feature is the use of two remote IR emitters – traditionally a front end directed forward and the second – in the lower surface of the recess and is directed forward and downward. This dual focus allows you to keep control buttons to the user. Conveniently, however, the decision is not ori ginal.

Menu and localization

Navigating through menus comfortable. The menu itself is large enough, the inscription read. However, it should be noted some blur screen interface. The impression is that he is drawn to a lower resolution and output to the screen is scaled to the native resolution of the matrix. If you change some of the settings of the screen remains only with the slider setting, or a list of options, which is useful in assessing the adjustments made to the image.

Localization performed at a high level – Russian language is, the translation is good, smooth and Cyrillic script readable.

untranslated were only “brand” terms, that is just right. Cyrillic in the names of folders and files is displayed correctly maintained and tags in Russian in the files MP3, but they must be in Unicode. Unfortunately, the correct display of Russian subtitles to a video you’d better not.

On the manufacturer’s web site has a link to a complete guide in Russian in a PDF-file, but as of this writing attempts to load it without success ( later we sent on request – good quality translation). While, on the European site without any problems, you can download the manual in English. Quality management is high enough, a lot of information, but it is too dilute repeated detailed description of what you need to press a button to navigate menus and make selections. Also, sometimes the manufacturer uses its own terminology that differs from the well-established. For example, a mysterious Media Renderer refers to the ability of TV to act as a client DLNA. Recall that in the printed version of the guide manufacturer saved – co mplete only a short installation guide and warranty card.

Built-in TV can be updated directly on the web and from the digital ether. At the time of testing the TV software already installed later was not.


The table with the characteristics in the beginning of the article gives an idea of ​​the communication capabilities of the TV. All connectors are standard and full-size. We note a couple of things, according to the manual, SCART divorced in traditional RGB-input and input-output A / V, HDMI port supports the MHL (But MHL cable is not supplied), another – Audio Return Channel (ARC), has basic support for controlling external devices connected via HDMI, using the technology of HDMI-CEC. From wireless interfaces present only adapter Wi-Fi, which is used for communication with the Network, in addition, declared support for wireless transfer of images to a TV technology Intel WiDi / wireless display .


The volume of the built-in speaker system is sufficient (but not the stock) for a medium-sized room, the presence of high and medium-sized with a small capture of low frequencies, the stereo effect is, but not very pronounced, distortion and spurious resonances are not excessive even at maximum volume.

When you connect headphones, the internal speakers are disabled. The sound of the headphones clean, well played all frequencies, the stock volume is available, the background noise below the audible .

Working with video sources

theatrical modes were tested when connected to a Blu-ray-player Sony BDP-S300. We used the HDMI-connection. TV mode supports 480i / p, 576i / p, 720p, 1080i and 1080p at 24/50/60 Hz. The colors are correct, in the standard range of video displays all the gradations of shades, Overscan is turned off. In the case of mode 1080p at 24 frames / sec frames are displayed with a ratio of length 2 to 3, which TV a bit strange. On the type of video brightness clarity is always very high, but the color is slightly lower as possible.

The interlaced video signals into progressive image TV converts most straightforward way – only for static sites bonding is performed from neighboring fields, while changing – are displayed on fields, with trembling and reduced vertical sharpness. When scaling from low resolutions and even in the case of interlaced signals and dynamic pictures done some smoothing of boundaries of objects – the teeth on the diagonals, but they are slightly blurred. Noise Reduction functions work very well without causing artifacts in the case of the moving image. Is a function of the insert intermediate frames. Its quality is also very high – between frames are calculated correctly and with high detail even with fast moving and complex background and foreground objects. Very few artifacts, in most cases limited to unobtrusive ripples on the edges of objects in motion. There is a function inserts a dark frame if it included, the picture is slightly obscured and flash es, but the clarity of the dynamics increases. This feature can be turned on and in the case of stereoscopic mode.

For VGA-connect to your computer supports a resolution of up to 1920 x 1080 at 60 frames / sec. On the TV, you can get a picture without cropping the edges exactly on the Limits of the screen in the original resolution and excellent clarity, without any reduction, including color and clarity that TV rarity. The only thing you may need to manually adjust the small-phase signal from the TV menu. In the light has a fatal blockage on a pair of shades, but in the shadows next to the black shades differ from it in brightness.

In the case of DVI-connection to a computer (using a simple cable adapter with an HDMI to DVI) Supports resolutions up to 1920 x 1080 at 60 frames / sec. Similarly, you can get a picture in the original resolution in brightness and color. All hardware tests performed for this connection method, so it is described in detail below.

TV Tuner

This model is equipped with a tuner, receives analogue and digital terrestrial and cable broadcasting and having one antenna entrance. By default, when the regions of Russia in the settings of the TV analogue terrestrial TV stations are not searched any automatic or manual mode. Oh well, it is still considered the days of analog broadcasting. In adverse conditions (Moscow, Ostankino Tower and not far from the line of sight) admission to the indoor antenna in the form of traditional television flyer found 20 TV stations and three radio stations. Apparently, that’s all that was in the air at the time of testing. If successful, the orientation of the antenna reception quality was high and stable. Can not be said about the quality (image name) broadcast material – it is only in standard definition, and often the picture is terrible even for such a permit, then only three channels broadcast in 16: 9 format, and the rest – 4: 3, which for digital Broadcast loo ks anachronistic.

From the ether adopted program guide. There is a function on / switch the TV at a specified time on a specified program (whether tracked changes in the schedule – unknown), and when you connect an external hard drive becomes available functions record TV programs (only with digital broadcasting), and the shift in time.

Of particular note is the function MediaGuide Replay (requires internet connection), which is based on the user views the programs tries to select programs that meet user preferences and to record them for deferred viewing. Formally, from a technical point of view MediaGuide Replay works, but its practical application is limited to the quality of the information provided – in the program for transmission prescribed tags irrelevant and untrue start and end transmission. We hope that these problems will be quickly eliminated as potentially MediaGuide Replay function is of great interest.

We mention that to test the recording functions, time-shift and MediaGuide Replay we have been given a set of corporate STOR.E Alu TV Kit.

The set consists of formatted FAT32 hard drive 1 TB 2.5-inch aluminum housing with interface USB 3.0, a set of universal mounting and cable USB.

Option mount the disk shown in the photograph below. As a point of attachment to use one of the screw holes for the bracket VESA.

specifications on the hard drive: the maximum transfer rate 5.0 Gbit / s, the maximum power consumption via USB 900mA, dimensions 14,5 × 77 × 120,3 mm (H × W × D). Testing the program CrystalDiskMark 3.0.3 showed sequential read speed 117 MB / s sequential write 103 MB / s. title=”Наименование”>Scene+). title=”Наименование”>Актив.управл.подсветкой title=”Наименование”>Актив.управл.подсветкой. title=”Наименование”>Сенсор title=”Наименование”>Игры title=”НаC 8;менование”>Стандартный. title=”Наименование”>Контрастность title=”Наименование”>Динамичный title=”Наименование”>Режим title=”Наименование”>Стандартный title=”Наименование”>Hollywood title=”Наименование”>Hollywood title=”Наименование”>Hollywood


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Young St. Petersburg caught when trying to buy a TV half the price – Fontanka

Two young St. Petersburg suspected of trying to buy a TV with a 50 percent “discount”, which knew nothing sellers.

According to the press service of the State Ministry of Interior in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, December 17, hypermarket “Carousel” on the street Kollontai two 18-year-old residents of the Vyborg district decided to buy a TV that sold for 15 thousand rubles. Young people perekleit barcode and went to buy a TV at the new price 7500.

The youths were arrested by 70 police department. A criminal case under article “Fraud”. The suspects are under house arrest.

Recall that on December 16, after a record collapse of the ruble, St. Petersburg flocked to the stores for shopping. First of all citizens to understand the hardware store.


Monday, December 22, 2014

Two young St. Petersburg caught when trying to buy a TV half the price – Fontanka

Two young St. Petersburg suspected of trying to buy a TV with a 50 percent “discount”, which knew nothing sellers.

According to the press service of the State Ministry of Interior in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, December 17, hypermarket “Carousel” on the street Kollontai two 18-year-old residents of the Vyborg district decided to buy a TV that sold for 15 thousand rubles. Young people perekleit barcode and went to buy a TV at the new price 7500.

The youths were arrested by 70 police department. A criminal case under article “Fraud”. The suspects are under house arrest.

Recall that on December 16, after a record collapse of the ruble, St. Petersburg flocked to the stores for shopping. First of all citizens to understand the hardware store.


Best TV 2014 version Hi-Tech.Mail.Ru – Mail.Ru




The TV in 2014, the truth came out boring. Competing technologies is virtually absent: not counting the innovative OLED-TVs LG, all other models are based on old technology and a thorough study of liquid crystals. This significantly limits the possibilities as TVs themselves, so the consumer’s choice. In fact, it came down to a confrontation between the two types of LCD panels: IPS and VA, and the brand of TV and model class does not play a decisive role. Finally, the market is increasingly penetrating devices that support Ultra HD / 4K, but even then not without incid ents. Let’s see what TVs in 2014 became the brightest.


TV Sony KDL-55X9005B immediately fell in love with us their contrasting picture with the correct colors. Perhaps, of all 4K-TV is Sony’s X9005B – ​​the most universal. They are equally suitable for HD-TV, movies and games. In this case, the price went for a top competitive segment, and the load is really high-quality sound. (Read Review)

TV LG 55EC930V – continuation of the world’s only series Welcome OLED-TVs. The company was able to reduce the price of incredible this unique product (almost three times), and now the next generation technology is gradually ceasing to be exotic. This model we recommend to all who are bored with LCD TVs of different formats, and want something really new and impressive. (Read Review)

TV Sony KDL-50W817B – like a younger brother X9005B, only in the format Full HD. He just combines decent image quality and versatility. The price for this is quite adequate, which secured him a recommendation for everyone. (Read Review)

TV Panasonic TX-40ASR650 recently joined the list of our recommendations. Model extremely well equipped: there are functional system Smart TV with personalization, and image quality will not disappoint. At the same time it plays in the popular segments. What else you want? (Read Review)

TV Samsung UE55HU9000 powerfully supported by the trend in the curved model. In this case, Samsung even slightly overdone: bending is the most powerful on the background of other manufacturers. If you do not pay attention to it, the bottom line, we have a very worthy flagship Ultra HD TV that is not a sin to mention in the list of the best models of the year. (Read Review)

TV Panasonic TX-58AXR800 also remembered as one of the best Ultra HD on the market. Traditionally, for themselves, Panasonic was certified THX 4K curious and applied technology to improve the quality of the image, which, however, does not fully justify the high price of the TV. But if you look whatever the cost – model came out really high class. (Read Review)

TV Samsung UE55H7000 – spectacular model Full HD, which replaced our favorite UE55F8500. In principle, there are close to the characteristics of the flagship series, but you do not overpay for curved screen and Ultra HD. That is, the TV completely fulfills its value and is one of the most interesting models of class Full HD, along with the aforementioned Sony KDL-50W817B.

TV Sony KDL-42W705B – ​​continuation of the popular model W653A, one of the best choices, the “price / quality” in 2014. This model is probably the closest to the Panasonic TX-40ASR650: equipment and high image quality at a reasonable price. In combination – excellent, even better choice for games.

TV Samsung UE40H6400 – a variation on the theme of functional, yet affordable model from Samsung. In fact, this is the closest analogue of Sony KDL-42W705B and Panasonic TX-40ASR650, so that it resembles a wide range of users.

TV Philips 55PFS8209 curious in that it uses as a platform modified version of OS Android and has access to the services of Google Play. “Cloud” gaming service OnLive in directly from your TV – a very real thing, although much still depends on the speed of the Internet. Model 2014 with Android experimented only Philips, but the following year, these TVs should be more.

All about news and promotions in the” Specials “on the Hi -Tech.Mail.Ru. The first to know!

      Mikhail Kuznetsov,
All materials author

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