On the First Channel released a new series “Cinderella” – “Temptation”, aka “Repentance”. Who seduced who repent – it looks very curious onlookers. Directed by Olga Subbotin promised not only melodrama, but also criminal episodes associated with redistribution of property, exciting plot and an unexpected ending.
The show made me keen interest in the first place – the arrangement of the moral emphasis. For example, a goodie-millionaire patron of contemporary art. He has a father-oligarch, the inevitable character of contemporary narratives about the life of young people. Dad in the nineties earned wealth is not very honest way, and children slightly despise him money, but without these denezhek their lives as something not very.
At some point, Dad oligarch breaks into a nightclub, immediately hit the face to some current artists (obviously gay), grabs an armful of his ne’er-do-son and go straight to a distant plant – for re tamoshnem Director, his protégé, who from rags to riches, but to learn and become a best director.
When you see this decisive behavior oligarch, I thought, why would it first channel promotes achievement of advanced capitalist? And here’s how: pretty quickly discovered that the plant is obsolete, equipment breaks down and there is not work safe. Because of these strong fighters profit from contemporary art care, and human life – no. Savage grin of capitalism has been presented to the naive viewer, because as soon as the factory strike broke out with the requirement to upgrade it again – and closed. Which, of course, would not have happened, whether the company public.
At the other end we find the so-called “Common people” and his inherent value system – in the frame breaks dad-proletarian and starts yelling at her friend her own daughter: che, they say, from Moscow priperlas here, my daughter confused shoot down ?! And so forth and screaming the whole movie with or without. Immediately clear that the moral man, with an immutable principle. How else directly to give simple viewer to figure out who is good, who is bad?
I must say, the men in the film knows only two kinds of reactions to the event (and the “event” is always true or imagined infidelity of their wives) – go in the face with his fist or drink. Well, then, of course, is hypocritical “chastity” of our main channel, is also unclear to whom the calculated Behold the characters seem to be having sex (with groans come off from each other) – and then jump out of bed, and both in his underpants. That I do not know much Russian people, whether first channel in an effort to meet the aspirations and hopes viewers behind the curve. Something tells me that the second is closer to the truth.
Because the number of trials that have befallen the main character, also somehow goes beyond all reasonable limits – here you and my husband drove, and child in the hospital selected and into a wealthy family gave (in the framework of this series is completely absurd, because the baby daddy – steel magnate), and in prison for the murder planted. In general, almost any of our series, there is a contemporary storyline – the hero or heroine is sent to prison; he or she will sit there and then released to freedom, as if this thing everyday. Who knows why it is so – whether the bitter experience of the camp of the twentieth century we still halloo to one another, whether we mentally prepared for the possibility of acquiring this experience personally.
Again, the theme of children stolen in the hospital in poor parents in order to resell them rich, became some kind of obsession, and the people we already do not trust anyone, except the TV. Purpose, whether that form this kind of heightened suspicion that threatens to go into psychosis?
According to the pre-interview, a lot of misfortunes provoked by the desire to push the filmmakers in one plot all – from melodrama to crime, plus a family theme, so as not to get bored older generation. And so, apparently, Tatiana Arntgolts explained something about the extraordinary fortress of the human body that can make all that the Lord will send any (even the TV series “Temptation”).
What is the meaning of these Television – except, of course, providing the viewer the opportunity to enjoy how bad actually came after the fairy-tale wedding Cinderella? After these series of endless tape crawling through the screens in prime time. Perhaps they function as a dull gray background on which a few creative successes our directors begin to seem masterpieces.
We discuss these or other directors and actors, admire them, argue about them – but then we just seemed to it was really worthy of attention and discussion? Suddenly, in fact, all these works – slightly above average, and the reason for our aesthetic insensitivity is extremely eye zamylenny low-grade, like “Temptation”, serials?
Tatiana Sholomova
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