Monday, May 18, 2015

9:51 bays hot water TV, try to be on the side – MOE recommendations Pskovians – Pskov news

17.05.2015 09:51 ITT, Pskov

 EMERCOM in the Pskov region resembles the rules of conduct during the fires in the home. The recommendations were published Sunday in the online management.

 Fire – it’s always trouble. However, not everyone knows the basic rules of behavior in case of fire. Even the familiar childhood – “01 call” – in a panic forgotten. Here are a few simple tips that can help you in a difficult situation. The main rule – never to panic.

 Most fires occur in homes. The reasons they are almost always the same – dilapidated communications, wiring, smoking in the wrong places and unattended appliances.

 If you or your neighbors had a fire, the main thing – immediately call the fire department. If fired electric appliance, try to disconnect it when the TV – especially pull the plug or unplug the electrical panel through the apartment.

 Burning a TV allocates a lot of toxic substances, so try to immediately withdraw from the room of people. Cover any TV with a thick cloth to stop the access of air. If this fails, through a hole in the rear wall of the water fill the TV. At the same time, try to be on the side: it kinescope can explode. Check whether all windows and vents, or fresh air will add fire power. If you are burning other electrical appliances or wiring, it is necessary to turn off the switch, switch or power plug, and then call the fire department.

 When the fire broke out and spread to a room, be sure to tightly close the door of the burning room – this will prevent the fire from spreading throughout the apartment and the stairwell. Seal the door with wet rags to other rooms in the smoke penetrated. In a strongly smoky space necessary to move by crawling or crouching.

 Contrary to popular belief, put out the fire with plain water – is ineffective. It is best to use a fire extinguisher, and in its absence – a wet cloth, sand or earth of the flowerpot.

 If you see that eliminate fire in the home can not immediately leave. Take the documents, money and leave the apartment through the front door. If the path to the front door cut off by fire and smoke – save yourself the balcony. By the way, the safest place in a burning apartment – on the balcony or by the window. Here you will find a fire faster! Just get dressed warmly when it’s cold outside. Open the door to the balcony with caution, as the flames of a large influx of fresh air may increase. Be sure to tightly close the door of a balcony.

 Try to go to the ground floor (with the help of the balcony of the hatch) or balcony adjacent to the neighbors. But remember, very dangerous to go down the ropes, sheets and gutters. Especially do not jump down!

 Another way of salvation – through the window. Seal the door to the room with rags. Once sure that your call for help heard, go to the floor, where there is less smoke. So you can hold out for half an hour.

 As the fire and smoke spread from the bottom up, should be especially cautious residents of the upper floors.

 If you happen to be in a smoky hallway, move to the door, holding the wall (railing often lead to a dead end). Being in a high-rise building, do not run down through the flames, and use the opportunity to escape to the roof of the building, do not forget to use the fire escape. During the fire is prohibited to use the elevator – it can at any time turn off. In addition, you are dooming themselves in a trap, as you can “freeze” in the elevator between floors and get burning carbon monoxide poisoning. Escaping from the entrance to the street, as long as possible, hold your breath, and even better – protect nose and mouth with a wet handkerchief or scarf.

 In combustion emits toxic gases: hydrogen cyanide, phosgene and others, and the content of oxygen in the air decreases. That’s why dangerous not only and not so much fire, as smoke and fumes from it. It is necessary to take into account the possible reaction of the human body by increasing the concentration of combustion products:

 CO: 0.01% – weak headaches;

 0.05% – dizziness;

 0.1% – fainting;

 0.2% – coma, a quick death;

 0.5% – instant death;

 carbon dioxide: 0.5% – does not act;

 from 0.5 to 7% – more frequent heart rate, onset of paralysis of the respiratory center;

 over 10% – paralysis of the respiratory centers and death.

 A single phone salvation: “01″ (when dialing from a mobile phone – “112″). Call it, if you witness a fire, accident or other incident requiring emergency assistance.

Source: Pskov news


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