Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sergey Volchkov Patriarch evenings watching television, too - Interlocutor

winner of the second season of “Golos” Sergey Volchkov, surprised many performance of opera arias, during Lent surprised again when he sang at the service Patriarch Kirill. We asked Sergei, why he chose the stage singing in the church.

«wife met in the temple»

– You now have the singing of the patriarch?

– I was lucky enough to sing with him, but on a regular basis I do not work. This is not my first experience of singing in the choir, I served two years in the temple of the Holy Face of Our Saviour on Setun, when he moved to Moscow from Belarus. And under the Annunciation called me out and said that the liturgy in the celebration there will serve as the patriarch himself, and was asked to sing during the service in the choir, as well as to meet the holy bread and salt at the entrance. Of course, I agreed. When the patriarch out of the car and saw me, he said: “Sergei, I was sick for you and glad to see you.” After the service, I was invited to talk for refectory table. We talked very warmly, the patriarch said that immediately realized that I was an Orthodox man.

– He watched the whole “Voice” or just your speeches?

– He accidentally turned on the TV, and there was just going to the finals. Patriarch largely the same people as we are with you, he, too, sometimes in the evenings watching TV. His Holiness said he was pleasantly surprised to see me on the screen. And then there was such a fertile meeting here in the temple, which I, as an Orthodox person, very strengthened in the faith.

– Not everyone who welcomed Patriarch then invited to dine with him in the dining room .. .

– Yes, it’s a great honor for me. Fortunately, we were able to even talk. I told him that he rose from the winner of the party’s “Voices” with prayer. Each step of your life I’m going through with God, and is probably why he makes me happy. His Holiness talked with the spiritual music. I first education choral, graduated from college Mogilev Rimsky-Korsakov choral conducting. Incidentally, April 27 again will sing with the church choir.

– This presentation will also be the patriarch?

– Hardly, it is a secular place – Crocus City Hall. Although … anything can happen.

– You only spiritual His Holiness talked about earthly or too?

– Of course, I told him about his wife .

– We tell?

– I met her in the temple. She stood in the service and prayed, and I was on the side of the choir. Suddenly there was the laughter of children at the temple, she looked through the eyes of this child and smiled. I turned over everything inside at this point. I saw her in that long sought – the inner content of motherhood, but in the eyes – the love and sincerity.

«Remaining answer thousands of letters»

– You’re married quite early, at age 24?

– Yes, probably sooner. When I got to meet Natasha, she said she always wanted to meet her man in the temple. It is closer to faith than I do. In January we had a daughter Xenia. Unfortunately, I am not able to sing every Liturgy and Vespers. While recently on the weekend I went to my father in Suzdal, who crowned us and baptized our baby, and there was singing again.

– I think you’re the only singer with such experience …

– I have a dream to break down stereotypes about artists – for example, that can only sing on the stage. Of course, the public is never enough. I want to have a huge audience of listeners, that I did not sing in the four walls for four people.

– Is it true that you came about 5000 letters from fans and you plan to answer everything?

– No, in fact there are a lot more – about 10 thousand. And I almost already answered most. There are still a thousand unread. This is not a real paper letters are messages in the net. I have a page in the “Contact” in the “Classmates” and on Facebook, and everyone can write.

– And what they write?

– congratulations, pride, give advice on repertoire.

– Anything ask?

– No, not asking for anything.

– Why do you respond to all ? Want to prove that you are good?

– I do not want anything to prove. Sometimes write such bold letters, and I, to my shame, I write “thank you” and put a smile due to time constraints. Although he could answer in more detail.

– «Thank you” every time typing or copy?

– dialed, and try not to repeat – “thank you very much “” thank you with all my heart “and the like. Template for such responses never cer. And the newsletter also will not do.

– Belarusian Bychaŭ city where you grew up, is located in the Chernobyl zone. It affected you?

– I have a crust affected by the Chernobyl accident. I was born after the accident, but the family did not have the ability to go to a safer place.

– Besides, you always in my life like all went well?

– This is not so. Just the bad things that I have experienced – my, I do not tell him. We and so full of dirt. I corrected my mistakes and made some lessons.

«I want, like Depardieu»

– Your brother in an interview said that you do not want to bore the audience, so doziruete himself on screen. Do not think that will be forgotten as long as you sing in churches?

– I think that those who truly love me, do not forget. I want to love me as an artist, not as a television character.

– Patriarch monitors your progress and Lukashenko? You dream to meet him, it was possible?

– Back in January. Dad also rooting for me, said I was done.

– In Sochi, it is very emotionally rooting for biathlete Dasha Domracheva. Came to her with advice in the locker room, rocking her in his arms, drank vodka with her – he loves their winners. And you have been?

– he hugged me. We met him at a reception where I sang. There awarded honored artists, athletes. I was presented with a certificate of gratitude. No financial assistance is not offered. And why?

– You’re still a citizen of Belarus?

– Yes, and his wife and child – the citizens of Russia. There are some problems due to the lack of Russian citizenship, I think the double. I hope I will meet as Depardieu, and allowed to leave Belarus. I would be very happy.

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