This threatens overweight? Guest – Dr. Alexander Myasnikov .
The leading “Vesti FM” – Anna Shafran.
Safran : Sandwich with doctoral sausage, salami and mayonnaise on top, or, for example, delicious burgers, french fries with cheese sauce … Well, it’s all right , one side. On the other hand, really, if you look at the question of borsch with donuts, bacon, aspic with horseradish, pickled mushrooms, mushrooms, pickled porcini mushrooms. As with all of this you can hold ?! And today we are about being overweight were going to talk.
Myasnikov : Yes. But the postulate that “everything that does not taste good, it is possible, and all that tasty – harmful” I was taken out a long time ago, when I once discovered elevated cholesterol. I think: well, but still, you can eat and what is not, and found that, yes, broccoli, cooked green beans, porridge – it’s all I can be, and all that I want, and what to eat, you can not.
Safran : I have forgotten such herring with onion, unrefined sunflower oil and vinegar.
Myasnikov : Of herring separate question. Herring eat, but try salted. Well, even Mark Twain said that you should not have, what you want and drink what you do not. In general, even then we realized that if you want to fight for your health, you must somehow gluttony, which, incidentally, is a mortal sin …
Safran : Yes.
Myasnikov : I am the way, always amazed … In my youth I was not I agree and why a mortal sin? Indeed, so see that we have much to do with myself … I am even now is not so much about any dietary disorders, although it is impossible to talk about the increased weight and not to mention the diet. Actually, it’s not so simple. Firstly, because of what all the fuss is all about overweight and obesity. Obesity, of course. We see people who cares. They’re not concerned about the issue of health in the first place, they care about what they look bad, that they are fat, they are ugly, they are hanging cheek, chest, arms, priests, and all that it can. It becomes hard to walk, shortness of breath. In fact, the problem is deeper. The problem is she overweight as such, because we really do not understand, when we have this overweight. We look and say, well, nothing, so it’s kind of like …
Safran : The visually normal.
Myasnikov : Visually okay, okay. Well, there are chubby, then I strip off for the beach season and so on. In fact, I have often mentioned this not memorable by any measure body mass index, although it is primitive. That person weighs, say, 100 kilograms of probation, that the figure of 100 delish the square of height. Here you are, say, two meters, two in the box we have that?
Safran : Four.
Myasnikov : Four. Then, you divide 100 by four, you get 25. That’s 25 and above – it is overweight, because the rate ends up 24,9.
Safran : I do not get.
Myasnikov : Do not understand. Again. Weight in kilograms – 100 kilograms divided by the square of height in meters, two meters you two meters squaring, twice two is four, and eventually 100 kilograms divided by four, we get 25. 25 – a BMI.
Safran : What’s with these 25 to do?
Myasnikov : But you must understand that the 18.5-24.9 – is the norm, 25-29 – is already overweight, and above 30 – it is obesity.
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