in Brussels it was announced joint Polish-Dutch project to create a Russian-language channel. The idea is not something new, and more than a year, under the pretext of the fight against Russian propaganda, unsuccessfully promoted Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. However, the new project aims to solve very different problems, and – unlike the Baltic version – can be supported by Brussels. The audience of “nepolzhivogo” TV channel will have to be mostly non-European Russian, and the people of Russia and the former Soviet Union.
Poland, together with the Baltic states has traditionally been in the role of a Trojan horse, whose task is the final disintegration of the former Soviet Union. At the time, it was Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski presented the idea of the “Eastern Partnership”. The project, declaring the development of integration ties between the EU and six countries of the former Soviet Union, was immediately perverted beyond recognition Warsaw – reformatted into a tool
reducing the influence of Russia in the former Soviet republic and the creation of a cordon sanitaire around Russia.
Now replace the geopolitical Project came “innovation” in the field of soft power: the idea of the “right” to TV “drugged propaganda” Russian last year, as if once the specter of communism, goes to Europe. This media project recently lobbied in vain Baltic republics. After the Crimean unprecedented powers in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania suddenly remembered that the lion’s share of their population is ethnic Russian. In addition, the vast majority of these Russian lives in “foreign” – Russia – information space. Becoming a victim of his own constructed war hysteria, the Baltic elites asked
yourself a simple question: “Who will shoot the local Russian in the case of Russian aggression?”.
Doubting the loyalty of its own population, Baltic politicians urgently looked for ways to draw in Russian in their national information field.
Therefore, it is logical that the first with the idea of creating an anti-Russian TV channel acted Latvia, where the share of foreign and potentially disloyal population is highest in the EU. The initiative of official Riga even endorsed
odious US Senator John McCain. “In the war of ideas, the Latvian government and the people will win Russian channels, so it is set up to broadcast in Russian,” – encouraged Senator Baltic fighters with Russia during his visit to Latvia.
The idea of creating a common Baltic channel to deal with “the Kremlin propaganda” enthusiastically supported by Estonia and Lithuania. But as a result of negotiations Baltic sisters and did not resolve the issue of financing anti-Russian project. The Commission also set aside the idea of Russian TV channel on the back burner.
Now about the “truthfulness” in Russian TV remembered in Poland. July 20 in Brussels, Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna announced the Republic of Poland and the Netherlands initiative. “It is about creating a new project – one that guarantees not to use the language of propaganda and aggression, and to supply truthful, verified information carefully”, – announced
the creation of the Russian-language TV channel Schetyna.
Unlike the small Baltic republics, whose voice is not always heard in long corridors and halls of the European Parliament, the opportunities to lobby their projects in six EU countries in terms of population is much greater. And Pan Tusk took over as chairman of the European Council, can not help to promote another anti-Russian initiative.
Therefore, in early September in Warsaw will host the conference, which will discuss the details of project financing European Russian-speaking channel.
Curiously, however, the question remains about the target audience of the new “Russian TV”. If Latvia or Lithuania “disloyal” ethnic minorities make up a significant portion of the total population, the Russian Poles are not so much. I dotting the i’s dotted Schetyna himself, saying that the new channel will broadcast not only in Eastern Europe but also in Russia.
Apparently, it was Russia that will become the main goal of “nepolzhivyh” issues of the Russian-speaking European TV, and the main interest for Poland in this regard are the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections. With the help of “objective” broadcast the Polish leadership would support opposition political forces in Russia, and now faces the famous “fighters with the Putin regime” for the next two and a half years will be an integral part of this European broadcasts on Russian-language channel broadcasting.
TV can also be used for the rehabilitation of the fading of the “Eastern Partnership
.” Apart from Russia and Eastern European countries, it is logical to expect
expansion of broadcasting of a new channel for Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia and of course
same Belarus. A main form of transmission of “objective” information must be
Internet TV. So, with the help of a blue screen, Poland will try to consolidate their multiple
weakened in recent years, the position of “democratizer»
post-Soviet space.
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