Thursday, July 23, 2015

The longer the children were watching television at an early age, the higher their risk over him to be mocked at school | Medical Insider – Medical Insider

TV, kids, bullying

The longer the children were watching television at an early age, the higher their risk of that it will be bullied at school

The researchers found that the more time children spend watching television, the risk that it be mocked at in the future increases. Pediatricians recommend that children under the age of 2 years watch TV no more than 1-2 hours a day. The study, published Journal of Developmental & amp; Behavioral Pediatrics, analyzed the relationship between watching TV at the age of 29 months with bullying at age 12.

«It is likely that the secluded life of the child may eventually lead to a shortage of social skills “- explains study author Professor Linda Pagani (Linda Pagani) from the University of Montreal.

Children spend an average of 7 hours per day, using the entertainment media, including TV, computer and other electronic devices. Doctors say that excessive use of the media can lead to attention problems, obesity and difficulties in school. Some studies have shown that about 40% of children watching a video at the age of 5 months and 90% at the age of 2 years.

Professor Pagani suggests that the deficit associated with the early development watching television, which can make children more vulnerable to harassment when they go to school.

For the study, Professor Pagani watched the girl and 991 boys in 1006. Parents reported the habit of watching TV at the age of 29 months, and the children answered questions about conflicts with their classmates in the 6th grade. After adjusting for potential factors that may increase the likelihood that a child will be hurt – their cognitive ability, behavior and family income, the researchers found that the longer children are watching television at an early age, the higher the risk that will scoff at them later.

The researchers say that children should spend half a day to meet basic needs such as eating and sleeping. The remaining hours should be spent on establishing relations and gaming activities.

The professor explains: “The game is a non-structured activities, that allows children to be creative and gives parents a chance to see how their children perceive and interact with other children. The ability to communicate also gives a chance to correct a certain social behavior ».

Bullying in childhood is known to increase the risk of long-term mental health problems such as depression and low self-esteem. The data indicate that the less time the child spends watching TV, the better it will protect their future mental health.

Read more in the scientific article:

Watt, Emmalyne; Fitzpatrick, Caroline; Derevensky, Jeffrey L; Pagani, Linda S (2015) Too Much Television? Prospective Associations Between Early Childhood Televiewing and Later Self-reports of Victimization by Sixth Grade Classmates. // Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics: JDBP – vol. 36 (6) – p. 426-33


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