screen adaptation of literary fiction series by Orson Scott Card, launched the film “Ender’s Game”, an unsuccessful hire will move to television screens.
Note that the hero Andrew Wiggin, known as Ender, an American science fiction devoted six books. In addition, card and wrote epic “Ender’s Shadow”, which includes four of the novel, but only sayfay Ender’s universe has 16 pieces and a lot of comic books. Grasp the kinoadaptatsiyu rich literary epic studio Lionsgate is awaiting the results of the rental Gavin Hood to decide in what direction will move their project.
«Ender’s Game” made its debut in late October. Creator of the hit movie about Wolverine tells the story of 12-year-old Ender, a talented young man studying in the Battle School, which trains future pilots fighting the aliens for the honor of Earth. Soloist in the film Asa Butterfield, gleaming in the film “Hugo.” Also kinopolotno were noted Harrison Ford, Haley Staynfeld and Ben Kingsley. At present, “Ender’s Game” has collected just $ 53 million This amount is negligible, given the fact that the large-scale production of tape spent $ 110 million
According to the Lionsgate John Felthaymera if results do not meet the rental studio franchise about the young Ender’s move to the TV, turning into a long-running TV series format.
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