In late 2013 French TV has conducted a campaign to promote the recommendations of scientists, security concerns occurrences of children in the modern world “screens”: television, computers, video game consoles.
French Association of ambulatory pediatrics L’Association française de pédiatrie ambulatoire (AFPA) offers parents follow developed by Professor S. Tisseronom , a psychiatrist and psihonalitikom specializing in relations between children and young people with media and computers, four simple rules relating to ages 3, 6, 9 and 12 years.
Tip number one: no TV until the age of three, then – metered, with mandatory participation of adults.
Young children today grow up in homes where the television is often runs continuously – in the background, while many parents do not realize that disrupt the normal development of the little man.
Time spent watching TV Child, including watching special programs “-3″ is actually a distraction from the really useful for his age activities:
spontaneous interaction with the environment through their five senses. Games, touching, handling objects, the development of three-dimensional space imeyutfundamentalnoe importance for the development of the child.
Children who at this age need to see yourself as an actor, sitting near the TV screen, without communication and interaction become simple passive mirosozertsatelyami. Even use the TV as a soothing rattle no effect. Rapidly alternated kaleidoscope of images, colors, sounds, which in real life are not found or not flash at a rate only increase internal excitation of the child, which often spills out after the TV is turned off.
Children older than three years, parents have the choice to attract viewers for a preset period of time adults.
very important along with the child to critically analyze the behavior of characters scanned television programs.
And most importantly
. Television should not occupy all the family living space. Especially it has no place in the nursery.
Tip number 2: the development of creative abilities to give up computer games until the age of 6.
With increasing child develops the imagination, creating something with your own hands, drawing, modeling, playing with other children.
quite another thing when a child learns too early automatism game console, impairs fine motor skills, not giving it to develop creative abilities.
computer, game console can only be used on occasion in the family game, coeducation. At this age, the game alone napersonalnom computer or gaming console quickly becomes obsessive habit.
Tip number 3: from 9 years online accompanied by an adult who is ready to protect your child.
parent support network in an age when even children’s fragile psyche is not able to distinguish between the end of a private, intimate and public spheres, separate reality from fiction, aims child mastering three fundamental concepts:
– all that you can place in the network it becomes available;
– whatever you put out there is forever;
– everything that we find in the network, be sure to be questioned: some data is true and some false.
Tip number 4: Internet without parents at age 12 with caution.
teenager can start a single trip to the world wide web if you are sure that he understood and firmly grasped all the aforesaid. Nevertheless, it is necessary to establish rules for the use, together determine the time and duration of the “sessions”, set parental controls,
eliminate child unlimited night access to the internet from my room.
By the end of adolescence unhealthy craving for computer and video games usually goes, but the reduction of social relations and the deterioration of performance should alert parents. Talk with your family the content of video games and television programs to determine attitudes towards the child remains a necessity in this age.
Parents, beware! Safe development of children is entirely in your hands!

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