Orenburg student in his village created TV – Mustaeva TV, which tells about the life of his native land and sends greetings from people from around the world.
Maripov Rustam – a regular student, a freshman. And at the same time he can get a hedgehog out of a hat magician working on his project Mustaeva TV, and is now learning to play the piano.
– Rustam, now you have a lot of creative projects and plans, and where it all began?
– I was born in the Republic of Uzbekistan Kuvasaj. And in parallel with the usual school I went to school for young naturalists. There we took care of the animals, singing, dancing. We even had a child circus “Chapiteau”. At home I Trained parrots, hamsters, hedgehogs. And then we showed together with friends circus. And I went to the group of “Skillful hands.” And, despite his busy schedule, the ninth grade and graduated with honors.
– But when you move to our area you are also engaged not only in their studies?
– Of course. When my mother and I moved in 2011 in her native village – Mustaeva I went to the 10th grade and began to take an active part in school life and in the life of the village. Joined the RSM in 2012 became chairman of the primary school. Won in various competitions, published in the newspaper “Voice of the provinces.” A March 16, 2013 on the Internet has a new project – Mustaeva TV, lead and directed by me.
– How you got the idea to create their own TV?
– I always like to invent something new. And wanted to talk about how to live our village. I shot videos of our school performances in clubs, sporting events, interviewed teachers and villagers. And many liked my project. TV Mustaeva gathered 250 participants worldwide. I wrote and from Germany, and Israel the people who once lived in Mustaeva and still remembered and loved his native village. I even created a program “hello.” In fact, many worry that we have not had issues. But still continue Mustaeva TV broadcasting, although I now study in Orenburg, this does not mean that my project will cease to exist.
– Before you had plenty of opportunities, why are you going to learn in Orenburg State Institute of Arts named after L. and M. Rostropovich?
– Actually I did on different specialties. Filed papers on ecology, geography, journalist. But eventually went on to study at the Department acting in OGII them. L. and M. Rostropovich. I’m just a childhood dream to become an artist. Especially since no one bothers me to write or work on TV, if I find time for it. I have, incidentally, had the opportunity to study in Moscow, but I decided to stay in Orenburg. I like that in our area and region have been strong supporters of youth. Yes, and just want to be useful to his native land.
– But the first year is usually the most difficult, how do you plan to manage everything?
– Yes, really do not have time. Especially now, when we have to study a lot. For example, I have learned to juggle and learn solfege. As we speak, our teachers – universal artist should be able to all. My motto in life – do not be afraid to dream, and all will come true. I’ve been working on myself and trying not to give sometime to take the bar high.
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