LG launches its curved screen TV with 105 inches, followed by Samsung. Overseas media have compared the cost of new products with the price of a sports car. TV from LG for $ 3 thousand cheaper than competitors’ offerings.
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LG Electronics announced the start of sales in the Korean market curved LCD TVs with screen 105 inches.
The company said that the model will be priced at 120 million won, equivalent to approximately $ 117 thousand or i 4,1 million worth recalling that television was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show CES in Las Vegas in January 2014, and was originally reported that the cost will be approximately $ 70 thousand
announcement came after selling of curved LCD TV with a diagonal of 105 inches started the company Samsung, LG’s main competitor on the market for display. The device went on sale at a price of $ 120 thousand Western media pointed out that the money can buy a house or a sports car Porsche Carrera 4S Cabriolet 2014.
In any case, the price difference between the models of LG and Samsung is about $ 3 thousand this money you can buy another 65-inch TV in the nursery, writes Engadget.
LG TV has the same resolution as the Samsung – 5120 x 2160 pixels (21:9 aspect ratio). This is 5.3 times more than in the format Full HD and 1.3 times more than the Ultra HD (4K). However, the manufacturer claims that the lack of relevant content – not a problem. TV can be converted into any desired format signal.
curved 105-inch TV LG
cost model $ 3 thousand lower than the analogue Samsung
The special features of the model include a built-in 7.2 surround format from Harman Kardon 150-watt.
In Korea, the novelty will appear in the coming days
In Korea, the new product will be available in the coming days. On its sales in other states is unknown.
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