Thursday, July 31, 2014

Secrets to happiness from the Pope: turn off the TV and chill out – BBC News

Pope Francis gave a pretty candid interview Argentine edition Viva, in which, in particular, shared his secrets of happiness. They turned ten. Pontiff advised everyone who seeks happiness, “turn off the TV to calm down and stop imposing other’s way of thinking”.

One of the tips from the Pope sounds like Italian popular expression which can be translated as “move forward and let others doing the same thing. ” Or “live and let live.” It begins with the wishes of the top 10 secrets to a happy life according to the Primate of the Catholic Church.

Then, according to Francis, should be generous and open in their dealings with others. “If you immerse yourself in, you risk becoming self-centered. A standing water starts to rot,” – said the pontiff. His words led Catholic News Service.

Pope advises always act calmly. Here Francis, who once worked as a teacher of literature, cited the example of the protagonist of the novel Argentine writer Ricardo Guiraldesa “Don Segundo Sombra”.

Moreover, the Pope wished his contemporaries “healthy recreation.” “Consumerism has brought us only anxiety,” – he explained. He suggested parents find more time to play with their children, and turn off the TV when the family sits down to dinner. He also recalled that Sunday is a day off, and warned the workers from work that day. “Sunday – this is for the family,” – said the pontiff.

A Pope urged employers not to deny the decent work for young employees. “With young people need to be more creative. If young people will not be able to work, they will use drugs,” – he said.

Francis also urged residents to take care of the planet wildlife. Threats that today exposed environment, he called “one of the greatest challenges for us.” “The fact that we did not even ask ourselves: Are we not lead to suicide is erratic and tyrannical attitude towards nature?” – Said the pontiff.

Pope urged people to think positively. “Need to talk bad about someone only shows your low self-esteem. This means:” I feel insignificant and instead grow myself, trying to belittle others. “A healthier approach – it’s quick to forget the negative things,” – he explained .

Pontiff warned believers from turning everybody in their faith. He called for respect for other people’s worldview. “We can inspire others. But the worst thing you can do is try to spread their faith to others,” – he said. According to Francis, similar attempts to paralyze any communication. “There should not be such:” I speak to you, only to convince you. “Church grows, attracting people and not imposing their beliefs” – he says.

And, finally, the Pope said that the man who wishes to be happy must work for peace. “We live in a time of many wars. We must shout a call for peace. Sometimes it seems that the world is inactive, but it is not. Always dynamic world”, – concluded the pope.

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 (Photo EPA)

Pope Francis gave a pretty candid interview in which, in particular, shared his secrets of happiness. They turned ten. Pontiff advised everyone who seeks happiness, “turn off the TV to calm down and stop imposing other’s way of thinking”.


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