Sunday, August 23, 2015

Son Natalie Portman does not watch TV – Armenia today – LraTVAKAN.COM

1 Recently, it became known that the son of the world famous actress Natalie Portman does not watch TV. Natalie now lives in France and oversees the education of children in this country.

It is said that Natalie Portman is very strict mother. His son, she brings tirelessly. She wants him to have a great childhood, where there is no television and computers. While Natalie bought a TV. Her son, according to the actress, all day enjoying childhood. He did not spend all their time watching cartoons or playing on the computer. The boy is very active. He plays with friends in the fresh air, playing outdoor games.

It is said that during the filming of many films used overhead cranes. For more information on this design can be found here This equipment is irreplaceable in many works, including the building. Many sets were built with their help.

Natalie is in no hurry to buy a TV. However, her French friends recommended it for a long time to do it, because in France there are plenty of programs and broadcasts, where people cook incredibly delicious. Nathalie loves to cook and do not mind to learn something new.

According to friends of the actress, it could be even better to learn French with the help of the TV by simply looking at TV. While Natalie Portman is considering such a decision. Perhaps she’s just afraid that her son will get used to the TV and will spend a lot of time watching cartoons, rather than walking in the fresh air.

However, in France, Natalie very much. In this country it is very comfortable. While the actress did not say how much it is going to live in this country. Perhaps in an interview, she would say about this, but for now it’s a secret.

Natalie Portman is trying to be a good mother, but at the same time a son properly. The boy is always under scrutiny famous mother. Most of all, her son, too, will own the French language. Living in France, the situation of the country will affect his linguistic abilities. However, the actress on this occasion did not officially say.


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