LG Electronics has introduced in the Russian market Ultra HD-TV UF950V in sizes 55 and 65 inches. The model is part of the line LG Prime UHD with features Smart TV.
4K-TV LG UF950V ColorPrime support technology and Ultra Luminance, IPS-equipped with TVs and processing system of the input signal. ColorPrime technology from LG uses the entire color spectrum to transmit a wide range of hues and shades, Ultra Luminance constantly analyzes the brightest and darkest areas of the displayed content to improve image quality.
Model UF950V equipped and has a slim design with ultra-thin Cinema Screen frame. TV can be set to stand firm, “Amphitheatre”, which improves the outgoing sound, performing the function of a reflector for the sound of centralization.
When working on the sound LG has teamed up with the company Harman / Kardon, which made it possible to equip the TV audio UF950V c 4,2-channel speaker output of 60 watts and the system Ultra Surround. The speaker is located frontally, creating an even more realistic sound waves feeding forward towards the viewer. Sound Smart-mode from LG automatically selects the best audio settings to improve and detail the individual sound qualities.
TV UF950V user interface is equipped with WebOS 2.0 Smart TV from LG. With the ability to quickly switch and a new quick setup can produce additional search content without interrupting the current video. Moreover, while the connection and downloading has been reduced, and the channels can now be added to the launcher, without interrupting the current action on the screen.
Ultra HD-TV UF950V from LG is already available on the Russian market.
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