Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The tragedy of the submarine was to be a turning point in the modern history and has become a point of reference agitprop – Novaya Gazeta

Yesterday, fought with cheese, Today – with Dutch roses. Preparing for Battle with private chickens, cows, pigs. Hatching devious plans for the Icelandic herring. Parallel and tirelessly fighting the Americans, the Europeans, Ukrainians. I do not get tired of repeating: the best writer of the – Yuri Koval. His “fight the fight with the struggle” – a sign and symbol of the Motherland, today and always. Tossing sticks into the furnace of public outrage – not a whim to toss out a special operation to cover up the truth in the country.

70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has excited domestic whistleblowers to immediately establish historical justice. In the hot air resounded with all sorts of battles actual word “tribunal”. Numerous promising teleplots inspired slogan: “From Hiroshima to the Donbas.” 15th anniversary of the death of the submarine “Kursk” are not excited anyone. Carefully researched and teleanonsy TV program, I have not found any transfer that would indicate otherwise. I write a column on the eve of the sorrowful date, but I think not much wrong in the projections. News block, of course, will record the presence of mourning. Sluggishly, if they do not take part, Putin or, at worst, Medvedev (it happened five years ago). Lively, with a patriotic flame – if will.

Sensitive sociologists capture people’s preferences change. Today 40% of respondents are sure that the authorities have done everything possible to rescue the sailors. By the next round of such date will be 100%. Because TV is doing everything to save the government from the people’s wrath. Therefore hurry to forget, erase one of the most terrible dramas of modern times. For 15 years, I was born just two television essay entitled “The truth about the” Kursk ».

The first surfaced on the channel” Russia “five years later, and the pen of Vladimir Ustinov. The then Attorney General, who is also an aspiring writer (the film is put on his book), offered hope to the audience the exact designation of priorities: “Everyone wants to know the reason why the State of the art boat fell into the conditions under which her crew died heroically.” Tongues author is more than redeemed by the nobility of ideas. But as you move from the “Abyss” to “bang” (the name of the first and second parts) finally cleared the most important task: it is the story of the heroic deeds of employees of the Prosecutor General for the establishment and did not establish the truth.

The second essay surfaced on the channel “Russia” for the 10th anniversary of the tragedy. Its author, Arkady Mamontov, showed unprecedented delicacy. He carefully edited the sad evidence of the victims’ relatives; not a pedal (unlike prosecutors) their heroic deeds as the only journalist authorized by the coverage of the rescue operation on board the nuclear-powered cruiser “Peter the Great”, and even the power of love less than usual. Only the meaning of the movie was drowned in a meaningful reticence. Both works turned hack almost primordial sense of the word: in the old days “hack” Kursk called free meal at the funeral.

The final verdict Ustinov in 2005 – is not guilty (and this is the conclusion of the investigation, dismissed the case for lack of of the offense). In 2010, Mamontov confirms – the perpetrators are still there. In 2015 the anonymous respondents are sure that the perpetrators and never will be.

The tragedy of the “Kursk” was to be a turning point in modern Russian history, but instead it became a turning point in Russian propaganda. Paul I for reform in ideology had to make up for the edification of the censors Dictionary harmful words. Instead of “the fatherland” in the press should write “state.” Instead of “citizen” – “resident”. The word “society” without any replacement brought into disuse. The power after the “Kursk” was removed from the items not words, but the phenomenon. And she acted much more gracefully Paul I – clean up the air, has built up televertikal, trust enlightened masters creating his miraculous image. Lord did not disappoint – the power of really wonderful: it literally floats in the water and fire does not burn.

To create the world’s most powerful propaganda machine took 15 years. Launched a new type of man whose picture of the world is not in his own head, and on television. In the stifling August 2000, the whole country was sitting watching TV. 118 people died, we can say in front of the audience, almost live. Then, as it may seem strange, it was still live. And it is not about the Trojan War, and about recent events in historical terms. All those favoring and supporting the know, could not know how he shamelessly lied to the terrible August. They knew but have forgotten. No, not so: do not want to know.

The main truth of the “Kursk” Putin said. Asked by Larry King: “What submarine?” Followed by a full response: “It sank.” Submarine to sink today. And from them will only muddy the Russian chased formula being left in the edification of posterity Yury Koval and Vladimir Putin.


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