Thursday, April 7, 2016

Handy tube connected to the Internet TV set 1978 – the Russian newspaper

The American user under the pseudonym Dr. Moddnstine posted on YouTube video, proving that the old consumer electronics is fully compatible with modern digital Internet technology

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He turned the tube TV 1978 in the network multi-media centers, capable of displaying video from YouTube, Netflix and other online services, and play music.

in the video, the author tells how he did it. To create an opportunity for viewing online videos, it is connected to a TV set-top box Chromecast, which broadcasts videos from your smartphone, tablet or computer to another screen. To connect the set-top box, he used an adapter, it is possible to connect a digital HDMI port with outdated analog input

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Browse he ran from a smartphone: it has launched a preview, then chose to YouTube right device list TV and turned it physically. We had to wait about 15 seconds (the time it took much TV veteran warm-up), and then on the CRT displays an image broadcast video.

To use the TV as a music player, he connected it through the receiver to your stereo. Start playing all carried out from the same smartphone. Moreover, Dr. Moddnstine stressed that while listening sterozvuk available.

According to the abundance of his home consumer electronics preceding generations (reel tape recorder, turntable, receiver, etc.), craftsman clearly not indifferent to it. By the way, he admitted that he found an old television set in a pile of trash. “As a child I was the same, and I could not get past it,” he admitted

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