the 33-year-old resident of Ivanovo called the police for help. Unknown persons broke into his communal apartment on Prospekt Lenina, beat his friend and tried to steal a TV that costs 20,000 rubles.
As found by the investigative team, during the absence of the owner in the apartment was his friend. The door of the unknown called and asked not to make noise. The man opened the door, after which the conflict occurred.
according to the publication “Bestimate” one of the unexpected guests began to beat the man, and the second came into the room and stole the TV. However, the victim managed to stop him. Male took property of another and is locked in the apartment.
the Investigation failed to establish the identity of one of the attackers and detain him. They have been previously convicted 24-year-old housemate. In fact the criminal incident a criminal case. The accused faces a punishment of deprivation of liberty for a term up to 7 years.
Perhaps the court will make a man humane sentence. In the middle of July came into force an amendment to the criminal code and the Code of administrative offences, through which the criminal liability can release those who are not considered dangerous to society.
Amendments to the criminal code initiated by the Supreme court, an active supporter was the President of the Supreme court Vyacheslav Lebedev. Thanks to innovations, it is now possible to release people from criminal punishment, replacing it with a fine, and to revise or cancel the previous sentences. It is reported by “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”.
About half of Russians convicted criminal proceedings were instituted for the small things. However, the existence of a criminal record gives people a lot of problems with employment, a loan, travel abroad. This has caused revisions in the criminal code. Now people that stole little things, still threatened by punishment in the form of a fine, arrest for up to 15 days or compulsory labor, but criminal records in the biography they will not.
So, in the Orenburg has sentenced a local resident for theft of two thousand rubles. Earlier he’d been convicted in connection with the article about the theft and punished by imprisonment. Now, the man received only a fine.
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