Monday, March 21, 2016

Irkutsk police found through Periscope hooligans vykinuvshih TV out of the window –

Irkutsk police detained teenagers that night, jumped out the window of the fourth floor and the TV broadcast it live in the Periscope, followed by a resident of the Krasnodar Territory, and then complained to the police, found on March 21 a correspondent of Posts Ministry of Interior in the Irkutsk region.

March 21 at 3:00 in the duty unit received a call from the Krasnodar Territory. The man told police that monitors the online broadcast at Periscope, which is conducted from Irkutsk.

It turned out that the broadcast were two teenagers and an adult friend. They were drunk and offered subscribers video blog to see how they are thrown out of windows of the apartment television, if that happens will score a certain number of likes.

«In addition, the broadcast recorded other illegal actions, including attempts to actively counter immediately came along police statements against them words of foul language “, – stated in the

As a result, all three young men disturb citizens, were detained and taken to the police station.. With them was an inspector of the juvenile. After this 16-year-olds put on the preventive account, and their parents held accountable.

18-year-old Irkutsk resident will pay a penalty of up to three thousand rubles for an offense under Article 6.10 of the Administrative Code, “Involving a minor in consumption of alcohol and alcohol products, potentially dangerous new psychoactive substances or intoxicants ».

also investigating committee of the Irkutsk region finds that there are no violations in the actions of teenagers under article 319 of the Criminal Code” insulting a public official. ” Punishment includes compulsory work for a period of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or correctional labor for up to one year.

Social networks are periodically for services authorized way to find violators. So, in June 2015 the Tomsk police officer found a bodybuilder-debtor in America thanks to the “VKontakte».


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