On World Sight Day, which is celebrated annually since 2000, focuses not so much eye diseases as education and prevention efforts aimed at the prevention of disease. At present, there are approximately 100 million people suffer from various eye diseases. And this is not to be worried about, because the number of patients is increasing.
Why spoil vision and how to fight it, in his interview with IA «24.kg» tells the doctor- ophthalmologist Aisalkyn Dzhanaldinova.
– How many Kyrgyz suffer diseases of the eye, and what are the most common?
– Exact figures can not name, but in recent years the number of our patients has increased significantly.
One of the first places among the diseases that lead to blindness, low vision, and primary disability, still holds glaucoma. This disease is accompanied by increased intraocular pressure. Disturbed blood flow to the optic nerve atrophy occurs it and the person goes blind.
In children, pupils, students often found myopia. Its reveal during a medical examination. Also very common cataracts – clouding of the lens. Normally it must be transparent, such as glass. Causes of the disease a few, this is hypertension, and diabetes, and eye injuries, and high myopia.
In most cases, people are turning to the deterioration of inflammatory diseases. Many ophthalmic pathology inherited. If parents wear glasses, it is likely that the child will then be going to the glasses. The state of the eye in newborns affected and how pregnancy occurs mother, as were generations.
– According to the World Health Organization (WHO), blindness is present in much larger scale developing countries than in developed countries. What is the reason?
– On the social and living conditions. There is also a financial component: people can not afford expensive operations, such as retinal detachment, which makes the blindness. And some simply rarely visited an ophthalmologist, so that trigger the disease.
– Do eye disease that local doctors to treat yet can not afford?
– We perform all kinds of operations, since the CD is very good microsurgery, in particular at the National Hospital. However, if a person has an extensive retinal detachment, we usually send the patient to Moscow since his treatment there used laser therapy and surgery. In our hospitals do not have such equipment, as everything depends on the finances.
– What factors can cause blurred vision?
– a lot of them. This, of course, adverse environmental conditions, hereditary diseases – such as glaucoma, high myopia, retinal degeneration.
It should be remembered that the eye is interconnected with all the bodies. Therefore, one of them the disease can lead to impaired vision.
For example, one of the most serious problems – diabetes. Almost one in five persons with a diagnosis of developing diabetic retinopathy – a serious vascular disease of the retina, which leads to loss of vision.
– What do you advise to pay attention to do not miss the first signs of possible illness? How often should you visit an ophthalmologist?
– At least 2-3 times a year. This applies to both children and adults. Because if you just surveyed, it is possible to detect the disease at an early stage, which promotes rapid and effective treatment. However, in our country to the optometrist come only as a last resort, and it is wrong.
If parents see that the child squints or very close leans toward notebooks, when he writes, unnatural bends his head when reading or writing, sitting behind a desk in an unusual posture can all talk about visual impairment. Need to show it to a specialist.
In addition, in recent years, patients often complain of eye fatigue, burning sensation, tearing strong. All this is a sign of dry eye syndrome. This disease occurs due to the constant voltage of the visual organs. At risk are people who spend most of the day at the computer.
– According to ophthalmologists, the number of short-sighted students increased from 3 per cent in the first grade to 23 to the end of the school. And if you take into account the various congenital diseases of the eye, it is already up to 40 percent of children in need of assistance ophthalmologist. This is due to an increase in eye strain?
– Yes. Pupils read a lot, especially texts in electronic media, and the workplace in a child is often incorrectly lit.
In order to prevent deterioration of vision, it is necessary to comply with hygiene standards are well-known: the lamp should be left at eye level. If a child does his homework in the evening, in addition to local lighting have to be total, the light should be spared. Distance from notebook to eye – 40 centimeters. Duration of work without a break – no more than 30-40 minutes. Parents should monitor their child. Once again, if he strongly leans over a notebook, if squinting when watching TV, so he is deteriorating eyesight, and have to go to a specialist.
– There is a lot of controversy surrounding the modern gadgets including electronic textbooks. Whether there is objective evidence that these devices do lead to vision loss?
– Of course, because if long work on the computer or play on the tablet, it leads to a serious deterioration of vision. However, these devices do not harmful, and adversely affects the amount of time spent on them. If you work, looking at the monitor 8 hours without a break, of course, the eyes and overall health will be harmed, and if metered load, everything will be fine. Continuous operation should not take more than two hours is the norm for the human eye. Next there is fatigue, hence the problems. Those gadgets can not be used in the truck when the device is constantly shaking, can not focus vision. Consequently, the tired eyes of the accommodation apparatus that provides focus images on the retina, as well as the adaptability of the eye to the light intensity. If this happens regularly, it can lead to various eye diseases.
It is also necessary to distribute the load to computer work alternated with reading the printed page.
– Vision problems first-hand knowledge of office staff. How to be the one whole working day at the computer?
– Make a 5-10 minute breaks during operation of the monitor every 2 hours. Come to the window, look into the distance, do exercises for the eyes. You can and should use special glasses, multiple drops and gels from dry eyes.
– How to maintain good eyesight into old age?
– It is necessary to regularly visit an ophthalmologist, in order not to miss a moment of onset of the disease and prevent the development of disease. Perform a specific set of exercises for the eyes to remove the load from the muscles. This gymnastics should not be neglected.
In addition, follow the diet. It should be balanced, so that the body receives the vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Should eat as much fruit, vegetables and berries, fish, herbs.
Many eye diseases are successfully treated, but it is better not to allow their development.
– A few years ago Taiwan resident died after watching 3D-blockbuster “Avatar.” The medical examiner determined that the cause of death was a brain hemorrhage. Earlier, and other spectators complained of dizziness, nausea and blackouts during the session. 3D-films are harmful to human vision?
– Most viewers tolerate them without any discomfort. There is a small category of people who may have problems. For example, those who have broken binocular vision, that is, one eye sees worse than the other. There is also a category of people with so-called asthenopic complaints. They develop discomfort while viewing because of some eye abnormalities, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness.
Of course, affects the health and duration of the film. And well, that most of these tapes is not more than two hours. Viewing 3D-film can be compared to the work on the computer, only with greater sharpness than on the monitor.
On the other hand, in 3D, you can find some positive points. If a person feels while watching the discomfort, it is possible that it will be a signal for him to go to the doctor.
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