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«Leningrad Region worker broke into the home of a pensioner and stole his TV»

Why would a TV? Decided to see what’s going on in the world?

Pedristy, enough to us that evil run. In macaques no brains! Grab something like a banana. And that answer is necessary for everything to ass will not come!
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63 years old, not so old and, Ё.nul would chernozhopomu ax.

Well, the critical mass is typed! Now funny things begin !!!

Igor71, it would have turned. Worker wanted to help pensioner repair the TV, and his intolerant host hacked with an ax. And sent his grandfather to the edge is not as otdalennye.Za what dear guests edrisego offended.

So Yeshe godika 2-3, and this scum will start to break into the apartment and cut If bald nit until the end of dosidev, we claim ,,, pepper !!!!!

When the LEADER and lead against all evil? !

Vranje !!!!!!! Just pensioner did not want to at the insistence of dunaihi, our dear guests with bread and zrelyashami provide ……
The most annoying that the macaques did not twig against the authorities -znayut monsters that destroy them and crank up your dirty filthy things slowly-Pacific glanders-robbing killing rape
It would be better in the trash went migrant scum. There are good TV and VCR and washing machines are lying.

Yes … ..here it is tough! At Forks of the sheep had to be …. And when you do not shut the door ….. And then closed and vybili..Ya x ….. But their cabins burn well. …

That is, at any moment to us each can break inadequate Gaster please him for a household appliance ?!

Autumn – getting ready for the winter .. .

creature has almost devoured lenoblast..ne surprised if announce and establish an Islamic state shariat.pod banners what color will stand still loyal to Islam captivated us all around. Guess … with three raz.dolgo our children will still be present wild fruits slurp Islamization goroda.tem more that are imported to us not ludshe representatives of this culture.

For debts might not otherwise ..

I just see in this episode (and in today’s article) a transition to another level of chutzpah, the penultimate! Guess what will last !!!

Capybara , the last level of impudence is when macaque just simply throw us out of their homes and will cut like sheep. Everything goes to the fact.

It is true ! 5!

Again Zhorin tourist from tours behind.
And in the TV box, he wanted to join to a brighter future.

USSR, macaques “bright future” is the only bright light in the furnace.

electorate thieving authorities, masters of life in Russia

Well, why fire? For example guinea pigs can be freed from the experiments (they really sorry), uranium mine again, the Great Wall with their oslo ,, biys who build?

capybaras, well, except that on their experiences start up ..

While yes Wall build them rukozhopym m … AKAM not trusting what they !!! known builders! then really only in the furnace!

You see, when you second thoughts and came to the same conclusion.

Well, actually to that same conclusion came before me, so that I only modestly walk in the footsteps and eat the nectar of wisdom of already prigublennogo glasses!

All the fact is that looking around, this conclusion suggests itself.

But for someone like! Some very talented grandmother (and not only) regret this trash, and even (a miracle!) think of the people! And I would not say that they are so little!

Here’s an example of the Uzbek can be calculated per person ? (Even gifted!)

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