Artist: TV Title: “Megamizantrop” Genre: Rock Year Reprints 2014
Detail of the cover of the disc. Courtesy of the publisher
strange and contradictory turned out to 2004 minutes. Sometimes it seemed the time has finally arrived stability, and sometimes – a year of great upheaval. On the one hand, yesterday’s losers get a good job and got a chance to live happily ever after without worrying about tomorrow. On the other – the Beslan tragedy no longer leave the illusion that everything will be fine.
Musically, too, everything was vague and ambiguous. Kinchev, BG and Shevchuk were silent, preparing for a new breakthrough. Butusov released surprisingly transparent plate “of biography” that allowed many to list him to pop camp. “Mummy Troll”, “Pilot” and “Zemfira” released experimental albums. New masters of doom became commercial projects such as “Animals” and “UmaTurman».
In this welter of “TV” produced a surprisingly coherent, concise and trenchant work “Megamizantrop.” Behind was the album “Path to Success”, where Michael Borzykin famously understood with the darker side of the female essence. Part of this theme is continued in “Megamizantrope” – in “cockroaches” and “baboons”. To refer to the treacherous ladies Borzykin even coined a new term – “emansipanty.” Then his slovotvorchesky fuse is not exhausted enough to pay attention to the very title of the album “Megamizantrop.” Not disdain Borzykin and national folklore, borrowing in the “cockroaches” in everyday use a synonym for “Plasticine end” is usually applied to the iconic work of Tolkien.
It has long been observed that in the crucial moments of the most uncompromising works Borzykina begin to seem prophetic. In this regard, “Hallelujah” just perfect projected on the realities of the current political crisis in Ukraine. We recall that in the song Americans compared with monkeys (rhyme the word “Yankees”), which again did not have enough food, and so they are ready to start a war over new oil wells. Matches simply phenomenal!
But this is only one side of the coin. And on the other – a surprisingly poignant “Gone out of the house” and postnovogodny card from childhood “Tangerine snow.” It will take quite a bit of time and the same ideas will be used and developed in the “missing” DDT and “sparks”, “Liapis Trubetskoy».
The current reissue “Megamizantropa” came as part of the anthology “Telly”, started publishing “Geometry”. Release dates of previous albums “smoke-fog” and “Two” was delayed due to lack of historical information for concert bonuses. With “Megamizantropom” apparently was no such problem. After all, by 2004 at the “Television” was already a well-established part of the concert and regular club performances. Bonus CD includes recorded two live performances Borzykina and Co. on our radio that remarkable German speech and the phrase “he can fire” in the song “Your father – a fascist».
DVD-application includes recording of the concert in Kiev club “44″ 22 October 2004. Borzykin willingly says his songs, making a compliment Kiev weather and devoting “Path to Success” then governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko. Also on the DVD, you can find a recording of the program Ukrainian TV “Persha ekspeditsiya” where live performance punctuated with informative interview about loneliness, religion, family life, faceless crowd confrontation and the need for constant self-development.
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