Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Konstantin Krylov: The main tool of “Kremlin propaganda” – Soviet “TV” – RIA “New Region”

Moscow, September 02 (New Day – New Region, Sophia Metelkina) – “The Kremlin” methods remain virtually unchanged since the days of the USSR, and its main weapon is “TV”. Even RUnet protected censors and pay bloggers. Kiev propaganda similar to the “Kremlin”, but is more efficient: it has other purposes – it 25 years set the stage for Evromaydana. In an interview with NDNews said the philosopher, publicist and public figure Konstantin Krylov under the special project «The Kremlin propaganda: what is it?» .

«Kremlin propaganda” – the Soviet legacy

I would call modern “Kremlin propaganda” post-Soviet. From Soviet propaganda conditional “Kremlin” (conditional, since except for the president’s administration, there are a number of structures involved) inherited several unique tools that are not found in any other country. Chief among them – “TV».

Before we talk about modern propaganda, you need to remember about the era of the Soviet Union. In the Stalinist period there was such a thing as a wired radio. These wires stretched across the country, up to the large villages, installed loudspeakers on poles. The meaning of this radio is that there is a lot of radio stations; but at that time it was necessary to record the radio. And everyone had a wired radio, which is fully controlled from the center.

This has not happened in other countries – in addition to Italy, where, as you might guess, the system introduced under Mussolini. I still remember how in the morning included this outlet, and from there came the sound of upbeat songs, and then a terrible Soviet humor.

When there was Soviet television, it was from the very beginning centralized. That is, the needle of the Ostankino Tower was the main source of information. Of course, there were satellites and transponders, but the “Ostankino” was the only center from which came the TV signal. Americans for a time threatened to be using satellites to pursue their television, and were afraid; but Soviet televisions were still tuned to specific frequencies. And, in fact, the TV was the same cable radio – the main feature remained monopolization, and other sources of information was not.

What happens now? Inherited the Soviet system and the new government willing to use it. “First Channel” remain as they were then. Contributed only a small correction: TV should thus somehow earn. But in fact it is not a problem, as the main channel is still seriously sponsored by the state. And with the rest of the population of channels or unfamiliar, or perceives as a makeweight to the “first” five.

The main channels, including NTV (the former once the private channel Gusinsky, now semi-official) shall state propaganda. The important thing is that it has no alternative – 60-70% of the population of Russia is their looks. For most it is the main source of information, a window to the world. In this case, every effort is made to make the people were not looking for other sources.

In the West, there is no “Tv»

In the West, the situation is fundamentally different. There’s no “TV,” because there is no conventional “Channel One.” Every western TV broadcasts something of their own – of course, trying not to quarrel with the federal government in Washington. Technically, the West could monopolize the TV, but this is a huge expense. Therefore, they use sophisticated, indirect methods to influence the audience.

It is also important that in the West the news hierarchy arranged back the Russian example, local news are considered more important than the federal. People interested in the channels that broadcast his hometown, for it is important. Only such exceptional cases, such as national disaster, make it look federal channels – that is, at the moment of unity of the nation.

In Russia, on the contrary: the farther people live from Moscow, the less interested in their own lives. They believe that they live in a bleak reality and do not want to think about it. And that is why they are interested in news from Moscow, to see how things in the “real life».

In Zaire, the African dictator Mobutu Sese Seko installed a similar system – there was a major program, almost entirely devoted to the head of state. There are other examples – Islamic censorship on television Arab countries. But still only in Russia “TV” exists in its pure form. With this tool, the power can do with a population of just about anything.

If the 90s were still possible phenomena such as NTV (ubivshee the idea of ​​Independent Television), now it is solid fist, the same loudspeaker on the pole.

Censored and the army of paid bloggers swallowed RUnet

A separate issue – the Internet. Times when RUnet was relatively free space, are long gone. I say this as someone who for many years edited site apn.ru. Virtually all the major sources of information must be licensed Roskomnadzora, Chief Censor.

In Russia does have censorship, and it is extremely tough. This mechanism operates on the basis of the unique Russian legislation – for example, by a monstrous article 282, through which people can be planted just words. Nowhere in the world there is nothing like.

For example, the famous American political correctness – the mechanism of hard, but not formal. If in the United States people express something inappropriate, it can be fired from their jobs or ostracized, but not put behind bars. We have the same for any statement with a hint of opposition to man can give a real jail time and spoil all my life long process to punish by a fine or community service, or even to put on the federal list of terrorists. I myself am in this list, and I know the system.

As for the media on the Internet, licensed Roskomnadzora, after two warnings from the organization, they can be closed. Warning can be obtained even for the fact that to your article on the site (for example, the quality of police work) a reader writes radical comment, for example, calling for violence against “the cops.” Under the laws of this phrase qualify as incendiary and send a letter to the owner of the resource with the requirement to remove the comment during the day. But the fact that the owner will read it – it needs to sit intently on the Internet. And if he does not have time to delete the comment is booked.

This mechanism is specially made superrigid so many editors just in case, disable the function of commenting on the site. But that’s not all. Old stuff on sites may also qualify as an extremist. For example, something printed in 2003, and then suddenly find material and the situation repeats itself.

I repeat that such terrorism is not even in China, in which the system of censorship FireWall. This system is still penetration (using a particular program, you can use Facebook). We previously have not yet reached, but lack of other instruments.

In Russia, there is a whole army of paid bloggers who get tiny money for their publications. We can compare it with demonstrations of workers, when not released on their own, but because they have received distribution list from the factory or the promise to get something. In Soviet times, were the so-called “Demonstrations”. Americans have done something bad, and our students MEPI brought to the American Embassy. The demonstration was a large and lush, accompanied by the fact that the embassy threw specially harvested eggs and inkwells. It seemed like a holiday disobedience in the USSR is impossible, but it was. Once I tried to make the head of the group chants, ie shouting loud slogans, while others pick them. Now the principle of group chants and throwing eggs with inkwells practiced all over the Internet. For example, most real “team” are going on the unwanted resource and arrange the Sabbath. It’s still soft measure sometimes resources are «DDos-attack.” Ostensibly, this is done by unknown hackers – but because everyone knows who they work for.

I think once we have such an army of paid bloggers. Otherwise, at least one disgruntled western blogger would write scathing article, because they are paid very little. In the West, the other methods – no need to suppress alternative views so because the government to them yet heard. A marginal opinions jammed in that they set against each other, ie, create a mirror image of the phenomenon. For example, against the fascists create anti-fascists. Fascists are sometimes useful to the state – in which case, they can be set on migrants. Western states are cynical in this sense. But let the fascists can not grow, so they create a mirror image.

In the Russian system mirroring does not work. Of course, there are fascists, which sincerely touches the issue of migration. But in the case of anti-fascists can see that they live bait Kremlin (except, of course, truly crazy). As a result, the Kremlin prefers to operate a proven method – pressure from the state.

It turns out that if the West has successfully manipulated social groups, in Russia the subject of propaganda – the state. Notice I have not talked about the content of the “Kremlin propaganda” – it seems to me, is much more interesting to consider its form and methods.

Kiev propaganda in something even more successful than the “Kremlin”

Modern Ukrainian propaganda similar to the Russian. But we must not forget that about 1988 in the Ukraine is a rabid anti-Russian propaganda (which is not anti-Russian, and anti-Russian). Sometimes it varied in detail, but the essence remains the same. 25 years the population has argued that Russian – filth and animals, and they need not just to kill, and to destroy sadistically.

From about 1988 to 1995, the main theme was that “vile Muscovites” captured Ukraine and devour her and as soon as they cease to do so – Ukraine flourish. Ukrainians were deeply convinced that they are all fed: a friend of mine a PhD in the 90 th year was sure that without Ukraine, in Russia there would be hunger, and the Ukrainians will feed the whole of Europe and to bathe in gold. Ostensibly European consumers will prefer the cheapness and quality of Ukrainian products. It inspired all Ukrainians.

But came the 90th, and the collapse of Ukraine was almost worse than in Russia (despite the fact that Ukraine has entered the Union with as good results). And there is a new theme – Russian historical guilt. Achieved much success Viktor Yushchenko, who copied the Polish propaganda. In Poland, there are so-called “Katyn cult”, which was created with the support of the state, there are organizations (such as the Commission for the maintenance of the monuments of struggle and martyrdom). In every village in Poland is “Katyn Cross” to residents remember the crimes of Russian and hated them. One of the crosses placed even in the tomb of the Polish kings. There is a whole system of commemorative days, such as “The Day of Katyn” and so on. As a result – shot in 1940 is considered martyrs, and Russian – criminals, especially on this topic “obsessed” Polish elite.

Yushchenko created own cult – famine, in which Muscovites starved millions of Ukrainians in the 1930s. In schools, lessons devoted to this topic, in the churches became a symbol of famine – a sheaf and the hands of the dead, his entwined.

In the Ukrainian textbooks can count as many as six wars with Russia, but because of the Muscovites Gogol became a great Russian writer, not Ukrainian. People literally brought to hysterical hatred. Demonstratively wear embroidery and speak Ukrainian (initially, in formal situations).

Ukrainian language – a separate issue. Not only is the normal language requires at least 300 years to develop, a problem also in the fact that you can create in Ukrainian legal and medical terminology is practically impossible. This would require 50 years of hard work, or 30, if there is a special institute. Technical literature, they are still read in Russian, in the best case, in English, although officially disparage Russian language and literature.

As a result – event Evromaydana just went on a well-prepared soil. A whole generation has been brought up on hatred for Russian, and now nothing can be done. They will not be others. Kiev propaganda was similar to the “Kremlin”, but only in its totality. That is, the system is similar, but directed to different things. It should be noted that, until recently, in Ukraine there was a real political competition, but only Ukrainian. There were no pro-Russian political forces – even Yanukovych himself as a Ukrainian patriot. Even deposed, he goes on to say that the Crimea Ukrainian …

You could even say that, despite the great tools, “Kremlin propaganda” is still less successful than Kiev. Because it is one thing to suggest that you are a great nation, and the other – it is better not even utter the word “Russian” and replace it with “Russian”.

The full interview with Konstantin Krylov about the situation in Ukraine and its implications for Russia see in the near future on the site NDNews .

© 2014 RIA “New Region»


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