Sunday, September 7, 2014

Toshiba at IFA 2014: European line of Ultra HD and comes with auto-calibration – Mail.Ru




Toshiba has brought at IFA 2014 the current European line of televisions. Some of this we know: Full HD TV series L2-L7 is already on sale in Russia, while the current line of 4K Series L94 surpassed our market side. However, on the show floor, it looked pretty good.




First of all, referred to the high margin of brightness TVs. It is no secret that this is what catches your eye first. Strictly speaking, therefore in stores and buy those TVs that corny brighter. Block LED-backlight TVs Toshiba provides an impressive brightness, which will likely be useful in the sun room.




Interestingly, there is not at the expense of contrast. TVs with side lighting UHD-Toshiba models demonstrate sufficiently deep and sharp image. Visually create a nice “volume».



In order not to leave without a high brightness control, Toshiba TVs equipped with a light sensor that analyzes the surroundings. Basically, it’s an old technology, is again gaining popularity.



You can not say about the function of auto-calibration sensor. Now that’s a rarity. Toshiba says this function for a series of L7 and L9. The process is as follows: sensor Toshiba (OEM-version colorimeter X-Rite) is connected via USB directly to the TV, and the last session starts the measurement and automatically makes the necessary adjustments. Judging by the previous models with a similar function, you can count on a good improvement of color accuracy. And most importantly – the process is much faster than the laborious manual tuning.




The functions of Smart TV from Toshiba L9 pretty standard, no-frills. Instead, collect all the necessary, and among content providers mentioned demanding service Netflix 4K. His support means that your TV is powerful computing platform (own processor CEVO 4K) and a built-in decoder HEVC. So, and with other services should be no problem.




It turned out that these TVs have not yet went on sale in the Russian market. Instead, Toshiba plan to deliver in Russia range 4K-TV 2015 model year, but it will happen, it is necessary to understand, not until next year. Well, then, and see what they will consist of a.



      Mikhail Kuznetsov
All materials website




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