Monday, April 13, 2015

Consul General of Poland: WFP – is the ability to see reality not through the TV – Kaliningrad.Ru – news and Kaliningrad region

The Consul General of Poland in Kaliningrad Marcin Nosal said that the project, WFP gives people the opportunity to see reality as it really is. He stated this on the air Radio Olsztyn.


If we talk about the positive effects of small cross-border movement, the people have the opportunity to meet directly with each other. See reality as it really is, not the TV. To understand what people think about each other than interest and that offer each other – said Nosal.


As the head of the Polish diplomatic corps, the crisis in Russia, sanctions and tense geopolitical situation have not been for “visa-free” mode quickly. The fall of the ruble and the decrease in purchasing power of population impact on economic and trade cooperation.


But there were contacts between people. Kaliningradians always come to Poland, Poles regularly visit the Kaliningrad region. This is the main value of the project WFP. Soon we will be celebrating his trёhletie. He gave us a good human contact and cross-border cooperation – said Nosal.


The Consul General of Poland in Kaliningrad also has not disregarded the attack on the people of Warmia and Mazury near the border crossing Mamonovo – Grzechotki.

«I will not hide the fact that they were sufficiently serious incidents . Polish Foreign Ministry and Consulate actively encouraged the regional government to stop these crimes. According to the information I got from the leadership of the Kaliningrad region, a group of bandits discovered and arrested. I hope that such incidents will not be repeated in the future “, – said Nosal.

The project is small frontier movement implemented from July 2012. “Visa-free” borders unite part of Warmia and Mazury and Pomerania from the entire territory of the Kaliningrad region.

At the same time the Polish side to actively take advantage of new opportunities to attract customers from Russia. According to the magistrates of Warmia and Mazury, WFP project provided the impetus for the economic development of border areas. In addition, the authorities of the region appealed to the leadership of Poland with a request to increase the area of ​​WFP, but now it’s impossible.

For a project of small frontier movement in 2014 was the not entirely successful. Despite the fact that the total number of border crossings, compared with previous years has increased, the number of tourists from the Kaliningrad region decreased by 41%. According to experts, the reason for this was the low rate of the ruble and the crisis in Ukraine.

Since the early deterioration of the situation in Ukraine “visa-free” mode between Poland and Kaliningrad is not just the victim of rumors. However, the Polish authorities denied them. In addition, journalists neighboring republic said that the only effective measure against Russia would cancel WFP.


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