Friday, April 10, 2015

TV “Alienation” (2 CD) – KM.RU

 Artist: TV, Title: “Alienation” Genre: Rock Year: 2014

A fragment of the album cover. Provided by publisher

Last year, it was exactly a quarter century since recording their third album, “TV” “alienation.” Celebrate anniversaries impressive and unusual. The fact is that once the record did not come out because of disagreements with the payment record media mogul Alexander Shulgin. For a long time the album went on the shelf, because the group could not agree with his producer failed to compensation. Finally, the label “Geometry”, dealing with the issue of back catalog, “TV’s” thorny issue settled and implemented long-awaited release.

«Alienation” seems to echo the most famous album “TV” “Fatherland illusions.” The group was on a wave of popularity politicized songs, but, having gone to overseas tour, the band realized that the same thing can be rewritten in a new way. As a result, five songs from the “Fatherland illyuzits” have been resolved to “alienation” in the new sound – “Three or four reptile”, “Fatherland illusions”, “Children go”, “The fish rots from the head” and “Your dad – a fascist.” They played faster and energechnee and “Fatherland illusions” enriched to the same entry with the quote “the ice is broken!” From a speech by Mikhail Gorbachev. Probably, this course explains why the lyrics of “aphorisms” and “insanity” are in the same semantic number.

Other songs from the “alienation” reveal the meaning of the name of the album. Hero feels like a stranger, both in relation to any of the party groupings (“Politpesnya”), and to the benefits of this world (“Potebitel”, “Plastics”). Itself a philosophical term “alienation” Borzykin treats rather Hegelian than Marxist way. Dissociating himself from any material assets, the creator of approaching the Absolute Spirit and finds true freedom (“Faith”, “cold”, “alienation”). Hence the image of a sculpture of Lermontov’s Demon Gurgen Kuregyana on the album cover. The monument was installed in the grotto of Kislovodsk the restaurant, but it got into the habit to walk to the local alcoholics and defile a fallen angel. Then Kuregyan enclosed a fence their offspring. Noticing innovation, one pyaneky peasant turned to the demon: “Well, doprygat?” Excellent metaphor rebel artist working in turbulent times!

Desperate to get a master of Shulgin’s third album, Borzykin rewrote in 2005 “Alienation “anew. The current edition includes this version of the plate. Compared with the original, Borzykin straightened and simplified many moves arranger, and also replaced the track “Fatherland illusions” to “It’s all right.” Because of the “cold” disappeared Symphony loss, but in the “Do not cry” appeared totalitarian vocals “elektrozhelch, elektrobol” in the spirit of Till Lindemann. By and large, both versions of the album are equal and to opt for any of them is problematic.


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