Despite the fact that on the night of December 3, began working energy bridge from the Kuban on the Crimean peninsula, the head of the republic Sergey Aksenov asks Crimean residents to save energy in all possible ways.
According to Aksenov, authorities still have to supply electricity only on schedule, organizing blackouts. However, with this method the power supply problems may occur if Crimeans will massively turn on electrical appliances.
The head of the Crimean residents asked to save electricity supplied, in order to supply its graphics turned out how to comply.
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“If there are simultaneously included all the appliances, from TV and ending with a microwave, we can not maintain the schedule of power cuts,” – wrote Aksenov on his page on Facebook.
As previously reported “Russian Conversation”, Aksyonov has promised to start a second thread of energy bridge ahead of schedule.
According to him, another thread will be launched before December 20 as originally planned. After its launch will be finally formed the first stage of the Crimean energy bridge.
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