Thursday, December 17, 2015

TV and computer dulls the brain equally – Express newspaper

Published December 17, 2015

Fans TV series and fans of intellectual games completely failed the test


The University of California at San Francisco conducted a unique 25-year experiment. It was attended by 3,000 people recruited in age from 18 to 30 years of age and have passed an intellectual test. A quarter-century sociologists them regularly asked about how much time they spent watching TV and doing any physical activity during free time from the “box” and work (study) time.
The content, the name and direction of social scientists were not interested in television. And recently conducted another intelligent testing and summarized the results.
Test determines the volume and speed of assimilation of information, as well as the time that a person can simultaneously hold in mind diverse data – received, for example, when switching channels in commercial breaks, the ability to allocate from the stream, to realize and to structure the information.
The results surprised. But it is not the fact that the intellectual leaders of different age groups of people who spend equal time watching television, were “athletes.” The beneficial effects on brain development charge is proven. The level of intellectual reactions leaders or increased or remained unchanged. But fans sedentary, bedridden display the “box”, do not burden themselves with any meaningful physical activity, all the tests have failed completely. Surprised by sociologists is that both processes do not depend on the content of programs and the impact of the video. That is, sitting at the computer in his spare time to give vivid emotions of the game, comparable to the emotions of fans of baseball and not doing exercise, computers tupeyut fans with the same speed as the television series fans or fighters. This conclusion seemed so obvious to scientists that they have decided not to spend another 25 years on his check.

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