“in Russian is called” battle of the TV with a fridge “: patriotic euphoria that feed propaganda confronts dimming the realities of the economy. What would be more important to the people of Russia? What will affect the opinion of Russians about the government?” – Wrote in Foreign Policy Peter Pomerantsev and Nathan Geymster experts of British analytical center The Legatum Institute.
“objective data generally suggest: the case for Russia are bad, – says the article. – On the other hand, if you look at how people in Russia perceive their country, everything looks quite reassuring … Living in a decadent country, Russians, however, respond to the questions of the sociologists more positive than a year ago, “- stated the authors.
“So how do you explain the difference between objective reality in Russia and the optimism of its people? What is this true? In many ways, both, – experts say. – How people feel their standard of living, often no less important than objectively existing conditions. If a person is afraid to go out at night into the street, his quality of life may deteriorate as well as in the conditions of life in the criminal area, even if the reality of the crime rate is low. The feeling, what the problem is (no matter how unreasonable it may be), can be just as destructive as the real problem. ” The authors cite the example of America: “The population is in a depressed mood, although objectively things are going quite well.” In Russia, they said, “the situation is the reverse: the increasingly tough approach to Putin’s foreign policy, as well as its efficient, modern propaganda machine distract Russians from the declining standard of living.”
“However, a large gap between perception and reality is possible to maintain only a limited time – say Pomerantsev and Geymster. – In the same year, when Russia annexed the Crimea, the Ukraine government was overthrown, which most despised citizens, but a feeling of euphoria did not last long … Now Ukraine is the wealth index in 70 th place, down compared with last year at seven positions. ”
“But there is another factor to keep in mind: different are not the reality with perception, but the perception of the behavior. With all public support, which, according to official figures, enjoys the Kremlin, the Bank showed that in 2013-2014 the outflow of capital from Russia has doubled, rising from 61 to 151.5 billion dollars. Not very patriotic, to be sure, – note the authors. – The problem with public opinion surveys in authoritarian regimes is sometimes difficult to determine how honestly answer the respondents. In countries such as Russia, the propaganda does not only suggestion of ideas – it can also send a public signal from the requirement to observe a certain code that defines what should and should not say in public, if you want to remain intact – especially when you talk to a sociologist. ”
“TV, it seems, is more powerful than the refrigerator – sums Pomerantsev and Geymster subtotal. – Turning to another metaphor, Putin – a bullfighter, and advocacy – the cloak by which He bull escapes a reality. While it is successfully managed, however, Putin’s strategy makes one wonder what other patriotic and military victories he will need to keep a bull at a respectful distance. ”
“In many countries, the objective and subjective data go hand in hand, when conditions are good, then in the perception of the citizens they are good (and vice versa). But sometimes the most interesting is the gap between perception and reality. Often, you can find a simple explanation. For example, the feeling of corruption can be increased in countries where being successful struggle with this problem, and the media coverage of trials and draw attention to corrupt officials, “- the article says.
“In the case of Russia the difference between perception and reality, most likely due to the sophistication of the Kremlin’s propaganda operations – the authors suggest. – Data from the United States, by contrast, reflects the fact that in countries with developed democracy, citizens are generally more demanding of their government. That’s why the perception is important. Economists teach that demand determines supply. If people do not need (or can not require) a more competent government, they did not get. ”
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