Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Refrigerator vs TV, act 2 – Snob.ru

Over a period of time, which in Russia is called the stage of sustainable “Putin consensus”, it was believed that with a full refrigerator – or, in other words, in terms of relative prosperity – the population (people of no one and did not think to consider) readily provide authorities carte blanche to any political action, allowing it to restrict civil liberties, to expand the space of corruption and reduce the economic and personal scores with their opponents. Indeed, in such a situation, the majority of the population practically does not react to the evident change the situation in the country, even the crisis of 2008-2009 the authorities ‘flooded’ money, and protests have disappeared, failing to appear

The next step was forming. the new reality, the deteriorating economic situation (growth rate slowed down just as many months and years, as Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin is in his third term as president) and the need to react to it. In fact, from that time, and we can talk about that, “the TV anti-fridge”, about which we hear so much about.

The most important task of the government in this situation was to find the enemy and constantly shifting the focus of the propaganda machine. We are, as I recall, heard about the need to deal with foreign agents in the environment of public organizations; about the threat to our morality emanating from the people “non-traditional” sexual orientations; about growing Western aggression, does not understand, why would it suddenly Russia has begun “reunite” with not belonging to it territories, and so on.

We are still living in this period, where the propaganda task is the formation of citizens of the conviction that a deterioration in their financial situation (due to inflation, it is impossible to raise salaries and pensions, the effect becoming cheaper ruble, self-restraint in the supply of imported food, and others.) – quite acceptable fee “getting up off its knees” and increasing (illusory or not to decide each person) the international prestige of Russia. The war is, in fact, between the real and imaginary world, between everyday reality and perception. So far, judging by the ratings of the support and all the public opinion polls, imagination wins a reality.

The vast majority of liberal-minded experts are convinced that this situation can not last long, and enthusiastically waiting (many already seven or eight s) the imminent collapse of the regime. However, year after year, their hopes horizon moves away – and, as it should be horizontal, is able to move, in my opinion, almost indefinitely. Why is the result of an epic battle and did not seem certain, and whether the authorities ensure the “TV” win over “fridge” (a victory I understand in this case, the ability to retain the existing status quo indefinitely)?

The optimists (those who expects to change to the “political front” because of the difficulties in the “economic”) are based on the standards they understand the concept. In any Western country economic contraction of 5-6% in a two-fold depreciation of the national currency can cause a public outcry, which will carry any government. However, assessing the situation in Russia, it is necessary to take into account two features.

On the one hand, Russian society bessubekten. In most developed countries between the authorities and the population is mass public organizations, broadcasting signals coming from both the top down and the bottom up. Signals sent by the authorities, is reduced according to the degree of influence of these institutions. If the government “promotes” reform of labor legislation, which is not supported by the majority of trade unions, it will not be accepted by the workers with enthusiasm, whatever the efforts of propagandists. If certain groups of citizens are dissatisfied with this or that trend in politics, this discontent is unlikely to materialize in the modification of policy, if not supported by any of the influential parties (or if you do not trigger the creation of a new one). In Russia, the “killing power” (in any meaning of the first word), the pro-government propaganda immeasurably higher than in most democratic countries, and the reverse effect of population on power – immeasurably below. Therefore, influence is “cooler” (bottom of pulses) is less significant than the “TV” (pressure from above). That is why, even if the value of “refrigerator” for most people begin to outweigh the role and influence of the “TV” (which is partly already happening), the public simply would be difficult to learn about it.

On the other hand, there is much more important point, which I want to stay for more.

When most people consider their financial situation good, it seems that if it changes people can take to the streets. If the standard of living is reduced to a certain limit, what happens: disgruntled becomes larger protest is all the more noticeable. At some point there comes the danger of “bifurcation point”: people stop en masse to believe the propaganda, but their lives are still looks normal, ie, disposing a normal response (to protests, criticism, organized action, electoral activity)… This is the most dangerous moment for the authorities: the country looks essentially normal, although the authorities apparently “derailed.” It is in such moments are possible, in my view, a serious social upheaval, ending ultimately productive reforms

However, if any changes or reform does not happen, it is likely the “failure” of society below this point of instability -. In, oddly enough, the “new stability.” If propaganda manage to hold society in a state of tension; if a significant part of the critically minded population comes from the struggle (eg, emigrated); if the supposed threat continues to look real for the majority – in this situation, “the fridge”, which would have led to its triumph over the “TV”, simply does not exist. For a complete propaganda victory of common sense is only necessary that the survival of the process began to occupy all the time and thoughts of the majority of citizens

In Russia, many have become accustomed to the fact that the main issue of the day -. What restaurant to go to dinner, and, No matter how the choice will ultimately be resolved, for dinner you can gossip about power and its follies. But if we assume that after the work had to stand in line for the most necessary, contact the “Uncle Petya,” who promised to postpone the scarce “import substitution” for car tires, because the free sale of spare parts for a long time forgotten, and yet it is desirable to earn a little money in addition to the basic salary, which does not survive – where is the place of a discussion of the authorities and the time to participate in pickets

in fact, so were living not only in the Soviet Union, which, in some respects, we are rapidly coming back – such was the reality of existence in many countries, where governments have managed to convince their people that they are in a hostile environment, and able to create a minimally effective system of forced suppression of dissatisfied. In this case I’m not talking about North Korea – just remember it is a European Yugoslavia the second half of the 1990s, Zimbabwe 2000s and, at worst, today’s Venezuela, where the people on the whole democratic elections two years ago, rather uneducated demagogue in the presidential Palace products and toilet paper on the shelves.

Today, in Russia, in my opinion, there are serious reasons for “falling through” to this new state of stability. Power expertly carries creeping assault on the rights of citizens (pushes the policy of society, limits the ability of the protest, is preparing for a sharp overlap of access to information); actively pushes the country Dissent (new laws, formally limiting the exit from Russia, in fact, aimed more at encouraging emigration); It is doing all it can to strengthen the policy of domination over the economy (which is well illustrated by, in particular, the last debate in the Economic Council). And I think that the current political elite has a good chance of success and the achievement of a new steady state in which the ideology of radical prevail over common sense.

The moment in which the system might be required bifurcation occurred for 2013-2015: at this time of internal policy pursued by the authorities and supplemented by changes in economic conditions in the global markets, the situation led to just such a collapse, which could give real benefits to the illusion. However, such a threatening power development was docked a number of events, from the Olympics in Sochi with Russian triumph, and the capture of the Crimea to the efforts for a political reconstruction of the “Russian world” and the confrontation with the West. On raised their wake society’s ability to adequately perceive negative information down – and therefore nearing a “second act” in the TV fight with a fridge, an act that will take place with a more explicit dominance of the former over the latter than the one we saw earlier


How will the final? Of course, it will come down to the return of the country and society to more sustainable types of behavior. However, it will happen no earlier than the actual power elite will lose the desire to continue the previously selected rate (which in principle can happen – example is Cuba, with its slow reforms), or leaves the scene of natural causes (although the example of Mugabe gives not too encouraging landmarks on terms of such changes). At the very least, to rapid change, I would not count. The system as never far from the imbalance – good or not



Monday, May 30, 2016

Refrigerator vs TV, act 2 – Snob.ru

Over a period of time, which in Russia is called the stage of sustainable “Putin consensus”, it was believed that with a full refrigerator – or, in other words, in terms of relative prosperity – the population (people of no one and did not think to consider) readily provide authorities carte blanche to any political action, allowing it to restrict civil liberties, to expand the space of corruption and reduce the economic and personal scores with their opponents. Indeed, in such a situation, the majority of the population practically does not react to the evident change the situation in the country, even the crisis of 2008-2009 the authorities ‘flooded’ money, and protests have disappeared, failing to appear

The next step was forming. the new reality, the deteriorating economic situation (growth rate slowed down just as many months and years, as Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin is in his third term as president) and the need to react to it. In fact, from that time, and we can talk about that, “the TV anti-fridge”, about which we hear so much about.

The most important task of the government in this situation was to find the enemy and constantly shifting the focus of the propaganda machine. We are, as I recall, heard about the need to deal with foreign agents in the environment of public organizations; about the threat to our morality emanating from the people “non-traditional” sexual orientations; about growing Western aggression, does not understand, why would it suddenly Russia has begun “reunite” with not belonging to it territories, and so on.

We are still living in this period, where the propaganda task is the formation of citizens of the conviction that a deterioration in their financial situation (due to inflation, it is impossible to raise salaries and pensions, the effect becoming cheaper ruble, self-restraint in the supply of imported food, and others.) – quite acceptable fee “getting up off its knees” and increasing (illusory or not to decide each person) the international prestige of Russia. The war is, in fact, between the real and imaginary world, between everyday reality and perception. So far, judging by the ratings of the support and all the public opinion polls, imagination wins a reality.

The vast majority of liberal-minded experts are convinced that this situation can not last long, and enthusiastically waiting (many already seven or eight s) the imminent collapse of the regime. However, year after year, their hopes horizon moves away – and, as it should be horizontal, is able to move, in my opinion, almost indefinitely. Why is the result of an epic battle and did not seem certain, and whether the authorities ensure the “TV” win over “fridge” (a victory I understand in this case, the ability to retain the existing status quo indefinitely)?

The optimists (those who expects to change to the “political front” because of the difficulties in the “economic”) are based on the standards they understand the concept. In any Western country economic contraction of 5-6% in a two-fold depreciation of the national currency can cause a public outcry, which will carry any government. However, assessing the situation in Russia, it is necessary to take into account two features.

On the one hand, Russian society bessubekten. In most developed countries between the authorities and the population is mass public organizations, broadcasting signals coming from both the top down and the bottom up. Signals sent by the authorities, is reduced according to the degree of influence of these institutions. If the government “promotes” reform of labor legislation, which is not supported by the majority of trade unions, it will not be accepted by the workers with enthusiasm, whatever the efforts of propagandists. If certain groups of citizens are dissatisfied with this or that trend in politics, this discontent is unlikely to materialize in the modification of policy, if not supported by any of the influential parties (or if you do not trigger the creation of a new one). In Russia, the “killing power” (in any meaning of the first word), the pro-government propaganda immeasurably higher than in most democratic countries, and the reverse effect of population on power – immeasurably below. Therefore, influence is “cooler” (bottom of pulses) is less significant than the “TV” (pressure from above). That is why, even if the value of “refrigerator” for most people begin to outweigh the role and influence of the “TV” (which is partly already happening), the public simply would be difficult to learn about it.

On the other hand, there is much more important point, which I want to stay for more.

When most people consider their financial situation good, it seems that if it changes people can take to the streets. If the standard of living is reduced to a certain limit, what happens: disgruntled becomes larger protest is all the more noticeable. At some point there comes the danger of “bifurcation point”: people stop en masse to believe the propaganda, but their lives are still looks normal, ie, disposing a normal response (to protests, criticism, organized action, electoral activity)… This is the most dangerous moment for the authorities: the country looks essentially normal, although the authorities apparently “derailed.” It is in such moments are possible, in my view, a serious social upheaval, ending ultimately productive reforms

However, if any changes or reform does not happen, it is likely the “failure” of society below this point of instability -. In, oddly enough, the “new stability.” If propaganda manage to hold society in a state of tension; if a significant part of the critically minded population comes from the struggle (eg, emigrated); if the supposed threat continues to look real for the majority – in this situation, “the fridge”, which would have led to its triumph over the “TV”, simply does not exist. For a complete propaganda victory of common sense is only necessary that the survival of the process began to occupy all the time and thoughts of the majority of citizens

In Russia, many have become accustomed to the fact that the main issue of the day -. What restaurant to go to dinner, and, No matter how the choice will ultimately be resolved, for dinner you can gossip about power and its follies. But if we assume that after the work had to stand in line for the most necessary, contact the “Uncle Petya,” who promised to postpone the scarce “import substitution” for car tires, because the free sale of spare parts for a long time forgotten, and yet it is desirable to earn a little money in addition to the basic salary, which does not survive – where is the place of a discussion of the authorities and the time to participate in pickets

in fact, so were living not only in the Soviet Union, which, in some respects, we are rapidly coming back – such was the reality of existence in many countries, where governments have managed to convince their people that they are in a hostile environment, and able to create a minimally effective system of forced suppression of dissatisfied. In this case I’m not talking about North Korea – just remember it is a European Yugoslavia the second half of the 1990s, Zimbabwe 2000s and, at worst, today’s Venezuela, where the people on the whole democratic elections two years ago, rather uneducated demagogue in the presidential Palace products and toilet paper on the shelves.

Today, in Russia, in my opinion, there are serious reasons for “falling through” to this new state of stability. Power expertly carries creeping assault on the rights of citizens (pushes the policy of society, limits the ability of the protest, is preparing for a sharp overlap of access to information); actively pushes the country Dissent (new laws, formally limiting the exit from Russia, in fact, aimed more at encouraging emigration); It is doing all it can to strengthen the policy of domination over the economy (which is well illustrated by, in particular, the last debate in the Economic Council). And I think that the current political elite has a good chance of success and the achievement of a new steady state in which the ideology of radical prevail over common sense.

The moment in which the system might be required bifurcation occurred for 2013-2015: at this time of internal policy pursued by the authorities and supplemented by changes in economic conditions in the global markets, the situation led to just such a collapse, which could give real benefits to the illusion. However, such a threatening power development was docked a number of events, from the Olympics in Sochi with Russian triumph, and the capture of the Crimea to the efforts for a political reconstruction of the “Russian world” and the confrontation with the West. On raised their wake society’s ability to adequately perceive negative information down – and therefore nearing a “second act” in the TV fight with a fridge, an act that will take place with a more explicit dominance of the former over the latter than the one we saw earlier


How will the final? Of course, it will come down to the return of the country and society to more sustainable types of behavior. However, it will happen no earlier than the actual power elite will lose the desire to continue the previously selected rate (which in principle can happen – example is Cuba, with its slow reforms), or leaves the scene of natural causes (although the example of Mugabe gives not too encouraging landmarks on terms of such changes). At the very least, to rapid change, I would not count. The system as never far from the imbalance – good or not



Sunday, May 29, 2016

Habarovchanin without receiving monetary compensation for sex, stealing TV – News Khabarovsk on dvnovosti.ru

Police the edge of the capital have detained previously convicted for theft and sale of local resident drug that after meeting his friend, not having received the award, in revenge stole the TV.

At the police station asked a resident of the neighborhood “Fifth marketplace.” From her words it was reported that she and her friends arranged a feast of food and drink. He finished his last bottle of an alcoholic beverage, it has become to seduce a man. He wanted to continue the feast, which is why he asked for money to buy a new portion of alcohol. The woman promised to pay, if a man come to her in an intimate relationship. Habarovchanin, without hesitation, agreed.

After completing his part of the contract, he asked for the money, what landlady refused. He quarrels. Frustrated Lovelace grabbed television, said that this service fee and left. On the street, he sold it for ten thousand bystanders. With the money he bought alcohol and went home.

In hot pursuit operatives managed to detain the attacker. Measures are being taken to return the stolen property. During the interrogation, the man confessed to the crime. A criminal investigation into the theft. The man was released on bail. An investigation

Ilya Kuznetsov, news Khabarovsk on DVHab.ru

have witnessed the accident -. Notify the editorial office with our application for Android, through direct in the Instagram, or WhatsApp, Viber or Telegram +7 (914) 544-55-32


Female affection exchanged on TV – Deyta.RU

30 May 2016, 9:37, Data.
 In Khabarovsk, a man stole a television at his roommate because she refused to give him money for alcohol. This IA “Data” According to the Department of the Interior Ministry in the Khabarovsk region.

 Residents of the neighborhood “The fifth area,” stole a TV, were detained Detective №3 City Police Department.

 It turned out that the couple drink alcohol. When alcohol is ended, a serious conflict broke out between the lovers. The man began to demand money from his concubine to continue the feast. When the Civil wife refused this request, the suspect took a TV worth 10 thousand rubles, and left.

 How to set the police, he sold the TV panel market in an unknown area on the street Suvorova, and used the money to buy alcohol. Operatives are taking steps to return the property.

 Earlier, the attacker was tried for theft and drug trafficking. He confessed.

 Photo: IA “Data”


Habarovchanin stole a TV from a night nezapershego door neighbor – AmurMedia

TV. Photo:. Anna gardener, UlanMedia

Khabarovsk, May 29, AmurMedia Habarovchanin stole the neighbor’s television, using the fact that the owner of the art do not shut the door on the night. Someone else’s technique 40-year-old took to his home, where she was discovered operatives, reported IA AmurMedia the press service of the MOI of Russia for the Khabarovsk Territory.

In a private house on the street Ladoga unknown stole worth about TV 20 thousand rubles. The owner of the estate, seeing off guests, forgot to lock the door at night. The suspect in the theft was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Police Department №7 during the day. The attacker lives in the house next door. Television 40-year-old person involved brought to his home. Stolen operatives confiscated and returned to the applicant. In the biography of the arrested was the first theft offense

With regard to the attacker remanded -. House arrest



17 people in a nursing home near Kiev killed exploded TV – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Firefighters managed to rescue 18 people

Today, at 12:21, views: 2502

Exploded TV according to preliminary data caused the deadly fire last night in the village Litochki Brovary district near Kiev in a nursing home. The flames burned alive 16 old men and one officer. It was found a nursing home to work illegally.

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Burnt nursing home in the Kiev region. Photos Site GSCHS Ukraine.

Chairman Nikolai GSCHS Chechetkin said at a briefing in Kiev, that the cause of the fire in a nursing home in the village Litochki in Brovary district began exploding TV. However, this version has yet to be confirmed during the investigation.

He also said that among the 16 people who died from the number of elderly residents and one person from the staff. Firefighters managed to rescue 18 people, including five people were hospitalized with burns, two of whom nahodyastya in serious condition.

During a fire, 35 people were in the building.

As part instigated a criminal case under article “violation of fire safety requirements” was arrested the founder of the organization. Moreover, it became clear that a nursing home operated illegally.

In order to investigate the circumstances of the tragedy and set up a government commission headed by Deputy Prime Minister Gennady Zubko.


Instructions Plasma TV samsung ps-50c550g1w – TransferNews.ru

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Instructions plasma TV samsung ps-50c550g1w
The wire you pull back and forth. Samsung, Operating Instructions for LC TV Samsung brand of different models. It offers free instructions to download the Samsung TVs, Encyclopedia, Instructions. Directories, Download Plasma TV Samsung PS & nbsp; …


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Police caught three residents Congaz, kidnapped plasma TV from the building DK – News portal of Gagauzia

Police arrested three residents Congaz, kidnapped plasma TV from the building of the local House of Culture. This was reported in

On Tuesday, May 10 around 11:00 the duty of the Comrat police inspectorate called director of the House of Culture Congaz village, who told the press service of the Police Department of Gagauzia. That last night unknown persons have stolen from DK building a plasma TV.

The material damage amounted to 7 000 400 lei, according to news portal Gagauzinfo.MD.

Two weeks later, the crime was solved. Police detained three suspects. They were residents Congaz 1995, 1997 and 1999, the year of birth. They confessed to the kidnapping of the TV.

A criminal case under part 2 of Article 186 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova “Theft”. Criminals can be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding four years.


A resident of the apartment Shchekino stole a neighbor TV – My Sloboda

 As the press service of the regional Department of Internal Affairs, 48-year-old resident of Shchekino appealed to the district police department. According to the applicant, her housemate smashed window glass, entered the apartment and took the TV. The damage amounted to 28 thousand rubles.

 Arrived on the scene police have located the offender, they detained him and taken to the duty part. It is known that a man 29 years old, he was not working and was previously convicted of robbery. The robber confessed. Stolen property seized and returned to the lawful owner. Currently, the police and filed a criminal case under Part 2 of Art. 161 of the Criminal Code “Robbery».


Thursday, May 26, 2016

In Saransk thieves stole a TV, while the mistress slept – The weekly newspaper “Capital C” (Blog)

25.05.2016 Capital C

64-year-old resident of Saransk decided to age in relative abundance. She has exchanged her living space with a smaller solid premium, and the money began to buy household appliances. But after that, the apartment was got a poltergeist. They began to disappear without a trace things. One hostess was awakened by a loud knock on the door slam. Upon his entrance, a woman saw a poltergeist hrenachit down the street with her TV in her hands. Recalling a scene from the animated film “The Kid and Carlson”, where Frekenbok after the flight on the chair called on TV in “Living ghosts” department, the woman for some reason decided not to appeal to the media, and the police immediately. Who left the scene law enforcement officers found that household appliances stealing is not a poltergeist. So the ghost is able to breathe freely. It turned out that the woman has two sons. And both were well, no matter how stupid, but leading home the dubious company for the purpose of drinking together. Interior Ministry Press Service of Moldova informs, is determined that the stolen goods found new owners at a pawn shop near the scene of the crime. Currently, the amount of damage is established, the question of criminal proceedings. The investigation is continuing

. <-! Noindex -> <-! / Noindex ->


How to transfer video (photo browser) from a Mac to the TV Samsung Smart TV without Apple TV – Apple World at one site

whatever the quality of the image provided by the mobile device or computer monitors, on a large TV screen picture always looks spectacular. In this regard, many Mac users prefer to use the TV as an additional, and sometimes the main screen when viewing movies, photos, videos and so on. <- Quick Adsense WordPress Plugin:! Http://quicksense.net/ ->

 & # x41A; & # x430; & # x43A;  & # x43F; & # x440; & # x435;  & # x432; & # x440; & # x430;  & # x442; & # x438; & # x442;  & # x44C; Samsung Smart TV & # x432;  & # x434; & # x43E; & # x43F;  & # x43E; & # x43B; & # x43D;  & # x438; & # x442; & # x435;  & # x43B; & # x44C; & # x43D;  & # x44B; & # x439; & # x44D;  & # x43A; & # x440; & # x430;  & # x43D; & # x434; & # x43B;  & # x44F ; Mac & # x431; & # x435;  & # x437; & # x43D; & # x435;  & # x43E; & # x431; & # x445;  & # x43E; & # x434; & # x438;  & # x43C; & # x43E; & # x441;  & # x442; & # x438; & # x43F;  & # x43E; & # x43A; & # x443;  & # x43F; & # x430; & # x442;  & # x44C; Apple TV <- Quick Adsense WordPress Plugin:! http : //quicksense.net/ ->

Especially for this Apple developed technology AirPlay wireless streaming of data that allows to broadcast an image from your computer on your TV screen. If earlier to take advantage of this opportunity it could only be in the presence of set-top box Apple TV, but now Samsung Smart TV owners can turn your TV into an additional monitor to your Mac with <-! Noindex -> Application Mirror for Samsung TV <- / noindex ->

TOPIC : How to translate (transfer) video from your Mac to the TV

Mirror for Samsung. TV allows you to control Samsung Smart TV (model 2012 release and later) even without the remote control.

to determine the year of manufacture of the TV can be at an average letter in the model designation (on the Samsung TV rear panel).

E = 2012
F = 2013
H = 2014
J = 2015
K = 2016

For example:

UE55_E_S8000 = 2012
UE78_H_U8500L = 2014

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Just turn it on and open the app – the device name appears on the Mac monitor in the top menu bar. Note that the computer and Samsung Smart TV are in the same Wi-Fi network

 & # x41A; & # x430; & # x43A;  & # x43F; & # x435; & # x440;  & # x435; & # x434; & # x430;  & # x442; & # x44C; & # x432;  & # x438; & # x434; & # x435;  & # x43E; (& # x444; & # x43E;  & # x442; & # x43E ;, & # x431;  & # x440; & # x430; & # x443;  & # x437; & # x435; & # x440;)  & # x441; Mac & # x43D; & # x430;  & # x442; & # x435; & # x43B;  & # x435; & # x432; & # x438;  & # x437; & # x43E; & # x440;  Samsung Smart TV

it is noteworthy that transfer to the TV can not only video, but also the music.

The application developer studio AirBeam TV warns that for a good job application requires a stable connection over Wi-Fi network. In addition, the image is transmitted with a slight delay, so Mirror for Samsung TV is not really suitable for games

TOPIC: How can I see a photo or video from your iPhone or iPad to a TV – 3. method.

The application can be downloaded from the Mac app Store for 749 rubles. Mirror for Samsung TV is compatible with computers running OS X 10.10 or later

. <-! Noindex -> Download Mirror for Samsung TV for OS X (Mac App Store) <- / noindex ->

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See also:


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

On Ligovsky Prospect gardener stole a pensioner TV – St. Petersburg Diary


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: Pixabay.com

The gardener stole a TV from a pensioner on Ligovsky Prospect – news agency “NEWS” (press release)

 As a result, in respect of previously convicted man, who decided to steal, a criminal case.

On Tuesday, May 10 an unknown offender stole a color TV “Samsung”, belonging to the 64-year-old pensioner from the apartment house 126 Ligovskiy prospect, according to MOI of Russia in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

in the course of search operations policemen detained a 34-year-old previously convicted of a local resident, who worked as a gardener in gardening company.

Soon, the man confessed to the crime. With respect to his criminal case was opened under article “theft”. TV has been withdrawn. Now the suspect is under house arrest.


Saransk pensioner slept TV – info RM

In the capital of Mordovia, the police received a report of the local residents of that unknown by free access openly stole from her apartment TV. Pensioner explained police that fell asleep and woke up when she heard the front door shut. Outside the entrance, she saw an unknown leaves the house with her hands in the TV.


As established operatives of the Criminal Investigation Department, the things in the apartment is not lost for the first time. Some time ago, the 64-year-old woman has exchanged a house on a smaller area, and the remaining funds bought appliances. However, new things were the hostess did not last long: her two sons are constantly brought to the apartment of their friends for the purpose of drinking alcohol, and then the case of loss. It was found that the stolen goods found new owners at a pawn shop near the scene of the crime.


Currently, the amount of damage is established, the question of a criminal case.


Drinking companion carried the TV out of the apartment sleeping mistress – sakhalife.ru

On May 18, the police turned a resident of Yakutsk with the message that from her apartment at night the TV theft was committed by unknown persons, and cell phone.

Policemen It found that on the eve of the victim came to the familiar man with another. The meeting ended with a joint drinking of alcoholic beverages. When the landlady went to sleep, the apartment has been kidnapped by an LCD TV and a cell phone. The total damage was 30 000

In the course of operational activities of the Police Criminal Investigation Division №1 MU the Russian Interior Ministry “Yakut” is set in the suspect committing the crime -. 32 year old native of Nam district, previously convicted. With the proceeds from the sale of stolen things money attacker bought alcohol.

A criminal case under part 2 of article 158 of the Criminal Code “Theft”, a sanction which provides for punishment of imprisonment for up to 5 years.

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Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs press service of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


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In the Perm region hit by lightning in the house burned down TV – 59.ru

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in the Perm region hit by lightning in the house burned TV
Lightning struck the television antenna on the roof of the house in the Perm region. Discharge for cable television was in TV , from which he kindled. The fire occurred in the afternoon, 23 May, in the village of Elohim Yurlinsky District. In a private house on fire TV . A neighbor found & nbsp; …
In Yurlinsky District due to lightning burned TV News Perm

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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Victim of deadly explosion in Odessa: “Everything was on fire, and the TV worked” – TODAY

The tragedy. The fire killed 90-year old woman and her 67-year-old neighbor. Photo: dumskaya.net

The fire killed an elderly landlady and her neighbor in intensive care – a child with burns

In Odessa, on the street. Posmitnogo, 20, in the area of ​​the 7 th station of Big Fountain on Monday around 17:45 exploded gas boiler in the apartment on the second floor of a five-story building. The total area of ​​the subsequent fire was 60 square meters. m, and the fire that destroyed seven apartments, 19 rescuers struggled. As a result, injured four people, including a 6-year-old girl, who is in intensive care with burns.


Director of Health gordepartamenta Igor Shpak said that the baby had already regained consciousness, doctors are watching her positive dynamics. In city hospitals were hospitalized 92-year-old woman with a leg injury, the 36-year-old woman with a concussion and 21-year-old man with head injuries – they are all in the mind, a psychologist working with them. At the scene were killed 90-year-old owner of the apartment in which the explosion, and her 67-year-old neighbor, bedridden.


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Fire. The fire covered 60 square meters. On-site work 19 rescuers. Photo: dumskaya.net


As a result of the explosion, which was heard in the area w / station, six kilometers from the place of state of emergency, collapsed floors of balconies on both sides of the building, hit 8 apartments, a beauty salon and a car parked at the entrance. Shards and fragments, iron bars scattered in a radius of 20 meters from the epicenter of the explosion, and the window frame hung on the trees.



Rescuers said that the gas hose has been disconnected from the plate



The police on the fact of explosion opened criminal proceedings, preliminary his article “Violation of fire safety requirements.” Rescuers reported that 22 fire victims are temporarily placed in the hotel, and deputy chief of State GSCHS in Odessa Oblast, Mikhail Vovk said that the blast occurred due to gas. Allegedly, in the apartment where the accident happened, the gas hose has been completely disconnected from the plate. “In addition, it was not a factory sample and the water”, – said the rescuers. However, the final conclusions will be presented by law enforcement officers after the examinations.


At the scene of the utility is already cleaned up, only the second floor of the house blackened by soot. Residents say much scared of sudden explosions and fires, although the smell of gas, as in the leak, not heard


“I was awakened by the roar – flew into the bathroom wall collapsed cornices, wall of bricks flew Everything was on fire, and the TV worked.” – He told us a resident of a neighboring apartment Lily. Having had time to collect the most necessary, a woman with things until the night sitting in the yard. Her slippers were evacuated directly through the window – the entrance to the balcony filled up with debris




Ruin. Experts estimate damage to the victims and psychologists. Photo:


An elderly woman, a veteran of the war, in an apartment which has exploded pot, lived alone. “Two sons, it seems, in Moscow”, – says Alexander neighbor. She herself was in the house rented apartment, says, survived few:. “Now in all black Our 92-year-old mother glass to cut the leg in the hospital does not have to have a dime, free moved things to the familiar to the country, but the apartment is looking for themselves “.




The vice-mayor, Anatoly Orel said in a briefing that the house on the street. Posmitnogo already partially restored electricity and water. “Work on the glazing started back in the day of the accident there now staff the design institute, which will give an opinion on the work that must be done Count the amount of damage -.. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of hryvnia,” – said the official, adding that just before the incident, the gas service was checking the victim home.


Meanwhile, as reported in the hardware of the meeting director of the municipal Department of Defense work, civil protection and cooperation with law enforcement authorities Grigory Zubov, just now in Odessa check fire safety of buildings – already inspected 70%. Official results have not yet, but we know that the safest regions – Kyiv and Malinowski. There have checked all high-rise buildings, and Suvorov district as of May 23 Check only 71 house of 129.


how to help victims of the fire CO suburb


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After the fire. Fully restored until only one house. Photos from the archives of “Today”

Residents of three private houses on the street. Radial, burned-out New Year’s Eve due to careless handling of pyrotechnics, told “Today” that aid in the restoration of property and had the power, and concerned citizens. Then the men were sleeping, covered with polyethylene, and the mayor’s office decided that you need to repair about 100 thousand. UAH.


“The authorities have done all that was promised:. Restored the walls and roof in January, the weather conditions were unfavorable for the construction, because the work was delayed by about two months”, – he told the “Today” a resident of the house on the street. Radial, 35-well, Ivan Petkov.


The hostess burnt house №31 Oksana Vovk admitted that after the tragedy they passed the car of sand and 16 bags of cement, and its namesake neighbor says that officials have allocated financial aid and building materials, but fully restored until one house. “They say we are on the waiting list,” – confessed to us Arseniy Vovk


See also:
Details deadly explosion in a residential building in Odessa: cause and consequences
Increased number of victims of the explosion in an apartment building in Odessa
The explosion in Odessa: 7 injured Apartments
Details of the deadly explosion in Odessa
in Odessa, in a building explosion again, there are victims


TV LG OLED TV – all the colors of the border come to life – informburo.kz

OLED-displays – it is an undeniable step in the innovative future. The main one – is that the pixels themselves emit light without the need for additional lighting. OLED-technology, in fact, provide a contrast, and a juicy three-dimensional image, and TVs with this matrix is ​​thinner, lighter and sleeker. Special illumination pixel allows them to adjust the brightness of the image, adjust to each other, and under the lights in the room.

Unlike LCD displays, where light is locally obscured by entire sections of the screen, each pixel on the OLED screen can be turned on and turn off on their own. As a result, the OLED-TVs reproduce crisp, bright colors and shadow detail, even if it is very bright objects located directly next to the deep dark areas. It provides playback, as an ideal black, and bright colors, making OLED TVs ideal when playing HDR content.

TV supports ULTRA HD format, which is four times the resolution of Full HD, which is characterized by excellent clarity and the display of the deep parts even when viewed up close.

Thanks to the transparent “crystal pedestal” on which the television, creating the illusion that the screen is floating in air. CINEMA 3D glasses are the easiest, they do not flicker, do not have batteries – for the most comfortable and best viewing. And thanks to the unique features of self-pixels when watching movies in 3D format is no more distracting flicker, your eyes do not get tired, just enjoy three-dimensional image!

All models of LG OLED 2016 TV year are a sign of Ultra HD Premium Seal assigned to the organization UHD Alliance for compliance with the strict standards set by the organization to the screen resolution, high dynamic range, brightness, black levels, wide color gamut and sound quality, among other criteria.

The new line of TVs in 2016 is available with support for HDR and Dolby Vision ™ technology. The HDR format OLED-TVs gives more than a quality viewing! With 10-bit panel and 10-bit processing power, the OLED-TV LG have access to more than a billion possible color options, extending the dynamic range. Dolby Vision technology makes it possible to raise to a new level of brightness, contrast and color pictures. This is achieved at the expense of a more complete and natural brightness range.

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TV LG OLED TV – all facets of colors come to life – Kazakhstan Portal NUR.KZ

The first release of OLED TVs, the LG company has set a high bar in image and sound quality! Thanks to the exceptional black color, other colors OLED TV is so deep and pure that the line between reality and fiction blurred

 & # x422; & # x435; & # x43B;  & # x435; & # x432; & # x438;  & # x437; & # x43E; & # x440; LG  OLED TV & # x2013; & # x432; & #  x441; & # x435; & # x433; & # x440;  & # x430; & # x43D; & # x438;  & # x446; & # x432; & # x435;  & # x442; & # x430; & # x43E;  & # x436; & # x438; & # x432;  & # x430; & # x44E; & # x442;

OLED-displays – it is an undeniable step in the innovative future. The main one – is that the pixels themselves emit light without the need for additional lighting. OLED-technology, in fact, provide a contrast, and a juicy three-dimensional image, and TVs with this matrix is ​​thinner, lighter and sleeker. Special illumination pixel allows them to adjust the brightness of the image, adjust to each other, and under the lights in the room.

Unlike LCD displays, where light is locally obscured by entire sections of the screen, each pixel on the OLED screen can be turned on and turn off on their own. As a result, the OLED-TVs reproduce crisp, bright colors and shadow detail, even if it is very bright objects located directly next to the deep dark areas. It provides playback, as an ideal black, and bright colors, making OLED TVs HDR ideal when playing the content.

In addition, it is very stylish. Any living room will be transformed if the OLED TV will take pride of place in it. TV supports ULTRA HD format, which is four times the resolution of Full HD, which is characterized by excellent clarity and display of the deep parts even when viewed up close.

You do not miss a single moment, no sudden movements, movies in the genre of action to look at the OLED the TV more interesting and comfortable, because OLED TVs LG response speed is much faster than that of LED TVs, allowing you to enjoy dynamic scenes with absolutely no blur and crystal clear clarity.

OLED TV show is a constant contrast depending on the viewing angle, in contrast to previous generation devices that have lost at the contrast by review. TV perfectly thin and light, because it is only the screen and nothing more!

Thanks to the transparent “crystal pedestal” on which the television, creating the illusion that the screen is floating in air. CINEMA 3D glasses are the easiest, they do not flicker, do not have batteries – for the most comfortable and best viewing. And thanks to the unique features of self-pixels when watching movies in 3D format is no more distracting flicker, your eyes do not get tired, just enjoy three-dimensional image!

All models of LG OLED 2016 TV year are a sign of Ultra HD Premium Seal assigned to the organization UHD Alliance for compliance with the strict standards set by the organization to the screen resolution, high dynamic range, brightness, black levels, wide color gamut and sound quality, among other criteria.

The new line of TVs in 2016 is available with support for HDR and Dolby Vision ™ technology. The HDR format OLED-TVs gives more than a quality viewing! With 10-bit panel and 10-bit processing power, the OLED-TV LG have access to more than a billion possible color options, extending the dynamic range. Dolby Vision technology makes it possible to raise to a new level of brightness, contrast and color pictures. This is achieved at the expense of a full and natural range of brightness.

In addition to this lineup of OLED-TVs in 2016 is equipped with LG webOS 3.0 the newest content management platform that provides an exceptional experience, helping users to LG Smart TV is more intuitive to navigate the a variety of TV features.

Buy televisions LG 4K OLED TV, you can trade networks «Technodom» , «Sulpak» , in the large stores of Kazakhstan «Dream» .

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