Thursday, May 26, 2016

In Saransk thieves stole a TV, while the mistress slept – The weekly newspaper “Capital C” (Blog)

25.05.2016 Capital C

64-year-old resident of Saransk decided to age in relative abundance. She has exchanged her living space with a smaller solid premium, and the money began to buy household appliances. But after that, the apartment was got a poltergeist. They began to disappear without a trace things. One hostess was awakened by a loud knock on the door slam. Upon his entrance, a woman saw a poltergeist hrenachit down the street with her TV in her hands. Recalling a scene from the animated film “The Kid and Carlson”, where Frekenbok after the flight on the chair called on TV in “Living ghosts” department, the woman for some reason decided not to appeal to the media, and the police immediately. Who left the scene law enforcement officers found that household appliances stealing is not a poltergeist. So the ghost is able to breathe freely. It turned out that the woman has two sons. And both were well, no matter how stupid, but leading home the dubious company for the purpose of drinking together. Interior Ministry Press Service of Moldova informs, is determined that the stolen goods found new owners at a pawn shop near the scene of the crime. Currently, the amount of damage is established, the question of criminal proceedings. The investigation is continuing

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