Tuesday, May 10, 2016

BBC: Hearing criticism Conchita, Sergey Lazarev turned off the television – RT in Russian

According to the Eurovision contestant from the Russian Federation Sergey Lazarev, between Russia and the West established a pretty cool relationship. But he believes that music should be free from religion, nationality, sexual orientation, and equally close to all people. Therefore, in 2014 the Russian singer reacted negatively to the criticism of the notorious Conchita Wurst, he told himself in a BBC interview.

Sergei Lazarev, a member of the Eurovision-2016 from Russia: In fact, I’m very excited, because this is a great opportunity to present their country. In Russia this [contest] very seriously: it is like the Olympic Games in the world of music. This is true. The public, the Russians, the Russian public loves the song contest “Eurovision». Every year, the ratings of [broadcast competition] very high . And every year we want to win

What is your song

Sergey Lazarev:.? This is a song about the one and only. Each has important person in his life. So it’s about love.

In 2014 he defeated Conchita. I remember a discussion in the studio on Russian television. Politicians and cried, saying that Eurovision has a bad influence, the European influence

Sergey Lazarev:. Yes. I also heard it. And I turned off the TV.

It’s no secret that today Russia and the West’s attitude is quite tense. Do you think that Eurovision will bring together Russia and the West

Sergey Lazarev:? Music should unite people, not divide them, because the music is free from religion, nationality , sexual orientation. Music, it is for everyone. So that Eurovision may help, should help to bring people together.

Released aired May 10, 2016.

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