Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Google is preparing to launch a paid Internet TV -

Google Inc. is in talks with content providers to open a paid service Internet TV, Wall Street Journal reported, citing informed sources. While there is no guarantee that the parties fail to agree, the publication adds.

If Google really launch a new product, market, television will change forever, experts say. As a result, competition breaks out in the market of Internet services. It is unknown what will happen to the cable television market, which is currently going through a difficult time – operators can hardly retain subscribers.

is noteworthy that, in addition to Google, a similar service is planned to open Apple, Sony and Intel. Apple has conducted similar negotiations with the operators of the past two years.

from existing services “video on demand”, such as Netflix, Hulu and Amazon, Google Internet TV is different in that it will provide access via the Internet to the traditional TV channels, but with the possibility of self-preparation software programs, says WSJ. By this he will also be different from, and IPTV.

Experts foresee some difficulties that may be encountered Google and other companies planning to launch online pay-TV.

Google is preparing a new product on the market to TV

First, companies will have to negotiate with content providers on more favorable prices for consumers that promote the transition from cable to Internet TV. Here, the difficulty lies in the fact that the TV networks are reluctant to this kind of deal, preferring to maintain profitable relationships with current distributors.

Second, companies will need to develop a more convenient graphical interfaces for their services compared to the fact that vendors offer set-top boxes.

When Google is about to open a new service, is unknown. Intel plans to do so at the end of the year. Television service Sony, is expected to earn this year.

Recall that one of the projects Google is Google TV, announced in May 2010, Google TV – is a software based on Android, which can be installed into a TV set-top box or other device to access the Internet content and ability to run the Web browser on the TV screen. Some companies have joined the project, but it is not widely received.

In November 2011, Logitech, one of the first manufacturers of set-top boxes based on Google TV, said that participation in the initiative was his “mistake gigantic scale.” The prefix was discontinued, and the further production of products based on Google TV Swiss company refused.

One of the reasons for the failure of Google TV, according to experts, has become an uncomfortable realization of service: users are asked to manage the system with sophisticated keyboards and remotes, as a result of watching TV on a PC is simpler than the TV.

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