Russian Public Television (OTP), which is almost exhausted its budget, will die quietly, without noise and “no drama,” and no one would notice particularly, said in an interview with RIA Novosti TV host Vladimir Pozner.
“For me it was clear that this is a stillborn child, that he would not live long. For what reasons, I did not say anything because I did not know whether it is financial (reasons), or because people simply do not will watch it, or even, for some reason, it was clear that none of this in the form in which it was conceived, will not work “- quoted by Posner.
eve Press CEO of OTP Anatoly Lysenko said , that the budget television has completely dried up.
Posner believes unsurprising fact that the OTP running out of money. However, even if the government “deems it necessary to have something to give,” television will exist for some time, but, says TV presenter, “it is clear that it is not long for this world”.
Posner added that he initially believed that the OTP in its present form and the method of financing, and structure “in the sense of appointing the head of the country’s president,” contradicts the very idea of ??public television.
The proposal to create a Russian public television, the editorial policy which will not affect the state and the owners of the media, delivered in December 2011, the then President Dmitry Medvedev.
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