Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pay TV in its current form would disappear by 2025 - Journal Mediasat

According to experts, in the next 10-12 years the market for digital television will change radically. Internet TV is evolving faster than previously expected, and faster than his time developing cable TV.

In 1988, the cable TV show started nominated for Emmy, but in 1999 they managed to get the first prize. During these 11 years, the number of cable television subscribers in the United States grew from 40 million to 50 million in 2008, when it was decided to nominate for Emmy online TV shows, the network has Netflix was only 3,000,000 subscribers at Amazon and Hulu – and that downward. And just five years old, in 2013, the Internet show conquer the most prestigious Emmy nominations, and 55% of the U.S. population older than 13 years are subscribed to Internet software. Netflix has over 30 million subscribers to the streaming services, Amazon Instant Video – at least 7,000,000, Hulu Plus – 4 million

largest U.S. cable operator, Comcast, has no more than 22 million subscribers, all operators – 95 million in the same time, Apple has already sold 13 million Apple TV, and the total number of Netflix subscribers reached 100 million and the company is beginning to establish itself as “a network of video and television broadcasts.” Netflix expands the range of TV programs, covering different categories of traditional niche series, is already shooting and even plans to sell the cable network TV show.

As pointed Brightcove CTO Albert Lei (Albert Lai), «Internet TV very quickly passed the stage is set critical mass of users, and is now beginning to change the entire industry.” Perhaps in the near future, content owners will give up agreements with cable networks and in favor of its distribution through their own websites, the major video services (Amazon, Netflix) and video platform (Roku, Apple TV). According to experts IDC Ireland, we are in the beginning of the period when people start to choose between pay-TV and online videopodpiskami, and in the absence of a monopoly on premium TV content, the operators of cable and satellite television will not be able to attract and retain customers even effectively. It is therefore highly likely that the pay TV (in the form in which it exists now) has already gone by 2025


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