Three-dimensional technology now need no introduction, and advertising. Anyone who has ever visited the 3D-cinema, knows that three-dimensional image is able to give a lot more emotion than flat. And if you go with the times, you have probably thought about purchasing a three-dimensional TV.
As we know, 3D-technology uses a feature of the human binocular vision, by which we are able to perceive the future, it is the very “third dimension”. In the 3D-display two images is shown, one for the eyes, and thanks to special glasses, each eye receives exactly the image that was meant for him. The farther away the object in the frame visible, the more divergent the image on the screen
Today, manufacturers produce 3D- TV mainly of two types:. On the basis of active and passive technologies. When passive technology the image is output on both eyes at the same time but at different angles. “Passive” glasses with red and blue lenses put on everyone who watched 3D-film in the cinema. Due to the different range of the lens too much image for each eye is eliminated. With the active picture technology is transferred serially through the eye of the shutter glasses type. They are synchronized with the screen simply close their eyes when the screen is not intended to demonstrate his image. It happens so quickly that the brain does not have time to notice the trick and sees a full three-dimensional image.
So, first you should determine the choice of technology. And one and the other has its pluses and minuses. “Passive” 3D-TV is much cheaper than its “active” fellow, glasses do not require changing the batteries and are available in any store, as your eyes do not get tired for much longer. However, the quality of “passive” image a bit worse because of the lower resolution and blackout. Picture of “active” TV does not have these disadvantages. In addition, these TVs can be watched not only 3D, but of 2D-videos and, while ‘passive’ TVs designed only for 3D. True, the “active” TVs, as well as glasses are much more expensive. Batteries need to constantly change glasses, and eyes to rest.
In recent years, the market of high technologies were first 3D-TV, which can be viewed without glasses. This was made possible thanks to facial recognition program. Special camera “finds” and directs the viewer’s eyes to each individual image. However, innovation has a significant drawback – the viewer must sit almost motionless, otherwise the camera will have it again, “seek” and re-adjust the supply of the image
Of course, modern technology a pleasure not cheap.. And if there is no available funds, and to keep pace with advances like, you might consider getting a loan. Calculator banking cash loan will help calculate the interest rate and the amount of monthly payments. By filling out the online application form for the loan on the bank’s website, you can immediately find out the preliminary decision.
By the way, before you buy your favorite model, evaluate the image quality “live”. Take along the stick with the familiar videos and ask the consultant to show it on the TV screen. Very often on the models it sets too high brightness, which can spoil the idea of color. Do not hesitate to ask for instruction and control to adjust the settings of the TV, at its discretion and to evaluate all the monitor features. Spend the front of the TV as much time as possible with glasses – it helps to understand how comfortable your eyes. Because now you’ll get the magical world of three-dimensional image in which you want to spend a lot of time!
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