Monday, August 1, 2016

It was learned why Apple has not yet released its TV – Russian Newspaper

The main reason for which Apple has still not released the TV, which supports a variety of video services – is the high demands of the company and an uncompromising approach in negotiating with the TV industry. This opinion was expressed edition of The Wall Street Journal in its new report on corporate activities

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according to the daily newspaper, Apple’s senior vice president of software Eddy Cue is highly demanded by media giants such as CBS, 21st Century Fox, and Disney, to establish a fixed fee for each viewer in the years ahead. This is contrary to the plans of media companies that regularly increase prices, thereby increasing their profits.

Apple also tried to apply directly to the studios, bypassing cable channels. However, these negotiations were not successful, as there is a lot of disagreement about which channels to include in the lists and what services to provide to users. For example, the largest media company did not like the idea of ​​watching popular TV shows and TV series through DVR-cloud service without advertising.

“Apple” company used to dominate virtually every market where leaves. But if such an approach “rolls” with the music industry and various small suppliers of digital content, the heads of the major media companies are not willing to put up with such an approach to the creation of arrangements. Large mediabossy, writes The Wall Street Journal, has been a sharp style of communication Eddy Cue, the main argument which is a categorical “Well, we’re Apple!”.


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