The study of 1200 healthy young men once again proved that for a long pastime at the TV is harmful to health. Scientists from the University of Copenhagen are not lazy and counted the number of sperm observing participants. Those who watch TV more than five hours a day, they are in one of sperm per milliliter of 37 million, and those who are not sitting so long in front of the TV, they are almost a third more – 52 million
The probability of becoming. the father of the representatives of the stronger sex, preferring TV other pastime, at least a third higher. TV fans have lower levels of the male hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the production of sperm by the body.
The explanation of the phenomenon can be simple, writes Daily Mail. People conducting the evening before the TV, doing less exercise, eat less. So, in 2013 it was found that 15 hours of sport per week significantly improve sperm quality.
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