«Do you like to watch TV? Prepare to die! “- So sinister phrase could be a complication of the plot of the next American thriller. But the reality often exceeds wildest fantasies. Japanese scientists recently published the results of a multi-year study confirmed the hypothesis of a relationship existed between the long pastime of watching television and the risk of early withdrawal from life.
Between 1988 and 1990, experts were interviewed more than 86,000 people aged 40 to 80 years. The subjects were asked only one question: what is the duration of their daily visit to the blue screen? Over the last two decades of the 59 people who dedicated TV from 2.5 to 5 hours of free time, have died as a result of blockage of the lung arteries.
Diagnosis of this disease is called pulmonary embolism, is extremely difficult because of the mild symptoms. Therefore, scientists believe that the death rates are much higher than recorded in health statistics databases. The first signs of the disease are pain in the sternum, and shortness of breath that often charged to other diseases, such as pneumonia, asthma or laryngitis.
The main factors leading to the occurrence of pulmonary embolism, scientists call diabetes, obesity, smoking, hypertension, as well as a sedentary lifestyle. In the area of the lower limbs and the pelvic floor person performing long hours in a seated position, form clots, which at any time with the blood flow can enter the lungs. It seems that in the area of risk of death from blockage of the pulmonary artery with a high probability may not only TV viewing fans, but also fans of computer games, the supporters of online surfing or regulars social networks.
To minimize the chance of developing blood clots, the study authors advised to follow a few simple rules. If you have to race on a professional or amateur activities for a long time to spend in a seated position, try to allocate at least 5 minutes to an hour to get up and relax the muscles of the legs, or better yet like an energetic step in the room or go outside.
According to the Japanese scientist Hirousi Iso (Hiroyasu Iso), while sedentary lifestyle is necessary to provide the body during the day sufficient clean drinking water. This measure will contribute to the dilution of the blood, reducing the risk of thrombosis.
The initiative group of researchers who conducted a parallel experiment, concluded that the benefits of modern mobile gadgets that unlike televisions and desktop computers, help to increase the motor activity of people.
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