Wednesday, September 11, 2013

3D-TV - this is a waste of time and money - Journal Mediasat

Head of the British sports channels BT Sport Jamie Gindog states that the company will invest in 3D-TV.

Chief Operating Officer of BT Sport does not see a future for 3D television and calls the technology “a waste of time».

Speaking to, Jamie Gindog fueled a growing view that as broadcasters and manufacturers of television equipment began to lose interest in the 3D- technology. British Corporation BBC has recently announced that he was taking a three-year time-out in the production of 3D-content, and broadcaster ESPN closes its 3D-American sports channel because of its lack of relevance of the audience.

Even in the company of Sky , which has invested a lot of money in the development of this technology, has announced that this year it plans to expand its 3D-projects, leaving everything (including funding) at the level of 2012.

Gindog Jamie has experience with 3D -TV – he led the organization of three-dimensional TV coverage of last year’s Olympic Games in London, the Corporation implemented BBC, and argues that these events “no one even looked».

Chef BT Sport emphasizes that his company plans to launch its own 3D-projects and pointed out that, even more than usual HD-technology does not enjoy the same demand as long as what it is expected to.

In addition to all the above, it is noted that the BT Sport is going to do and what -or accelerated moves towards the implementation of TV “ultra-high-definition” or 4K/UltraHD.

“Watching how broadcasters have invested in 3D-technology, we realized that in order to make the right decision, first we must look at what the audience really wants, and not to think about what you could do for her theory “- said Jamie Gindog.

Earlier Mediasat also wrote about the loss of users interest in 3D-TV. According to the company «John Lewis» popularize Smart TV technology and the emergence of 4K-TV, broadcast a three-dimensional pushed into the background.

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