Friday, September 27, 2013


More and more Canadians are listening to the radio or even watching television, using instead of traditional cable systems or satellite dishes Internet .
Moreover, according to the Canadian Commission for Regulation of TV and radio and telephone communications (Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunication Commission – CRTC), Canadian residents are increasingly refuse from the “normal” home phones in favor of cell.

“More than ever, Canadians watch and listen to the program, using computers, smart phones and tablet devices,” – says the CRTC chairman Jean-Pierre Blais, who is true, adding that most people in the country yet still remain faithful to the traditional TV sets and radios.

About a third of all Canadians watching Internet television permanently or temporarily. A typical user spends doing this for an average of three hours a week. Just two years ago, the figure was 2.8 hours.

Blais reported that 6% of viewers watching a program using smart phones and tablets, and 4% use the Internet for this purpose only.

One in five Canadian

listening programs are transmitted to the middle or UHF waves on the internet. 14% use it for smartphones, while 13% use a “personalized” music service and order your favorite songs then listen to a variety of devices. About 8% use for this “pill”.

just one year of home phones abandoned by many Canadians. Now, 11.9 million people used as their primary phone cellular device.
In five years, their home phones turned off about one million subscribers. During the same period the number of customers of mobile operators increased by 5.8 million
In 2012, the number of mobile phone users increased by 1.8% to reach 27.9 million subscribers, on average – on two mobile phones per household.

Other statistics indicate CRTC:
More than two out of every four people are the owners of smartphones, and more than one in four – the owner of a tablet computer.
On average, each family spent in 2012 on various communications services for $ 185 per month. In 2011, the “average” amount was $ 181 per month.
In general for telecommunications services (including the cost of “packages”) Canadians are paid less than Americans, Japanese and Australians, but more than the British or the French.
By the end of 2012, 79% of households (out of 13.9 million) had access. The number of families who order Internet connection with speed signal at least 5 megabits per second in 2012 was 62% – 8 percentage points higher than the year before.
Number of households with home “base” package of cable or satellite TV reached 12 million – 1% more than in 2011.
about 68% of Canadians use the cable companies, 24% – satellite antenna, and 8% – distributors providing TV programs via telephone lines (IP Television Services).
amount received by communications companies in 2012 from subscribers – 60.7 billion, 2.3% more than in 2011.
For radio listeners received 16.8 billion dollars.

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